We have a sunny day! It’s been so long since we had one that it is much appreciated.
On rising, I looked outside from our upstairs bedroom to see that the raccoons had upended our trash can and garbage was strewn all over the yard. Those scamps! Don cleaned it up and decided it was time to recycle, so everything was put into a large contractor’s bag and taken to the dump.
We’re supposed to get our grocery delivery today – late this afternoon. Of course, we forgot about so many other items that we had to start a second list and trying to nab another delivery spot is next to impossible. We’ll keep trying.
I’m finding it hard to concentrate on reading at the moment. I know several of you mentioned the same thing. I’m reading, but not for large chunks of time. I do like listening to podcasts; that seems to work better for me at the moment.
I think that the knowledge that we are in this isolation for at least another month, if not longer, is weighing on me. It seems so bleak. I know we’re doing the right thing, of course, but it does get me down.
Don told me that John Prine’s condition has been upgraded to stable, which is very good news.
Let’s share some positive thoughts today. I’ll go first. We’re seeing the best from our fellow human beings. I see evidence of that every day – story after story of kindnesses and caring.
Happy Wednesday.
I am trying to be thankful in these circumstances for being able to be home
Yes being confined to home is not pleasant but what about the people who have to go out there every day to work.
Or at the end of this have a stack of bills that have piled up and they cannot figure out how to pay.
I look at the states that are not sheltering in place.
What are these governors thinking?
So thankful we have the governor we have.
We are going to bundle up and take a long walk along the beach today.
That will be good medicine!
Oh, to be on the beach! That is something I would absolutely love.
Take care, Linda.
I started my day differently today and it really did help. Instead of sitting on my laptop all morning, reading emails and spending waaay too much time on FB, I spent 45 minutes doing a very gentle yoga practice with lots of stretching, deep breathing and meditation. I played soft yoga and meditation music from my Spotify playlist in the background. After that, I took a long, soaking bath with lavender essential oil. I am now drinking some tea and eating toast with almond butter and bananas. I feel calm instead of anxious and my lower back and hips feel so much better, too.
Grocery delivery around here is pretty much impossible right now, and I have a long list going, but I’m holding out until I absolutely have to go, which will probably be Friday. Of course, I will wash my hands before and after, then I use rubbing alcohol on a rag to wipe down all the food packages and the countertop where I put all the grocery items.
Dang it, accidentally hit send before I was done…
Something positive: I am going to try a group video chat via Google Hangouts with my mom and aunt later this morning.
Oh good! I know you’ll enjoy that.
A nice way to start the day, Melanie. I start it with some sort of prayer/meditation. Glad to hear you are feeling calm.
We’re already thinking through what we do with the delivered groceries – on the picnic table on the porch and everything will be wiped down before it comes in the house. Then we’ll wash all the vegetables with soap and water.
Take care!
I have been having trouble reading also. I feel like I don’t finish anything. Even shows I’ve tried to watch.I have 3 high schoolers and 2 young adults and everyone is having trouble sleeping . The other night we were all up at 2 like it was 11. My oldest works full time at a grocery store and although we take all the precautions I feel like we aren’t able to hunker down like I would like. People have been so good ( meal drive for my local hospital in conjunction with restaurants in town) and so not so great ( gloves and masks garbage on the ground in the parking lots.). Best to you and your husband. Take Care.
I imagine a lot of people are having trouble sleeping, Corinne. Sending good wishes to you and your family. Take care.
Family connectivity is the most positive thing in my life. Each day my sons send us pics and comments about their days. We send them back, too. Every day. I sincerely hope we can keep this up after life returns to some semblance of order. Fingers crossed!
It will be interesting to come back and read everyone’s comments…I look forward to doing that. Take care! ;)
It really makes a difference, doesn’t it? It’s good that you are all staying connected.
Take care, Donna!
That is certainly good news about John Prine! Our new puppy is keeping us centered and happy! Watching her run and play and bound up to us in greeting brings joy to our family during this time!
Nothing like a baby puppy or kitty to put everything in perspective, Jane. Take care!
I stayed up way too late last night, but it actually was fun to see Stephen Colbert again.
He played a 2016 duet recording of John Prine and himself singing — sooo wonderful.
Great song for the time, also, “That’s the Way the World Goes Round”.
[Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XokTQSGNj3Q ]
Keeping JP in thoughts and prayers.
Woke up early, as usual, and stuck my head out — the train was just leaving the nearby station and the birds were louder than the train. What a sweet sound!
Daughter is coping better and husband, too.
Best to ALL xoxo
Don just discovered that performance this morning. Lovely.
Glad to hear both daughter and husband are having a better day and that birds are singing like crazy. Good news!
Take care, Martha.
Well, that’s definitely good news on John Prine. (Not so good on the garbage but at least you can rest knowing your neighborhood raccoons were well fed!)
My good news comes in the form of a phone call from our oldest, the most gifted artist I know, who has battled bi-polar and depression issues for years, often leaving us feeling helpless and with great concern. But he has finally found a therapist with whom he can connect (and who will see him through community mental health/medicaid) and is on the appropriate dose of meds and finally able to be productive and find some steadiness. And he’s doing all the right isolation things but not falling into the hole — about which we were deeply worried. It was like a gift to have that call. And I painted yesterday for the first time in ages. It has been hard to find my creative me in this. But it’s a start.
Oh, jeanie!! I can hear the relief in your comments, and, as a mom, know how comforted you must feel by this. How wonderful. Starting is the first step.
Thank you, Chris K. There have been so many false starts. But this one feels — well, maybe real. And that’s enough for today.
to jeanie …
glad your son is getting help and that he called you. i can imagine the relief those things gave/give you.
hope you and all your family are well, safe.
praying for that for everyone …
kathy in iowa
Thank you, Kathy. Stepson, which in a way makes it even better that he called. We are well so far. Hoping to stay that way. You, too!
Oh, goodness. You must be enormously relieved, Jeanie. That is indeed a gift. So happy for ALL of you.
Also, wonderful that you’re painting! Take care.
Thanks, Claudia. It felt good to play in the paint again. And yes, definitely a gift. Maybe that’s why the sun is shining today!
After doing a big load of groceries yesterday, we put it all on the picnic table, cloroxed it all down, put it away. After a minor meltdown, got in my pjs & got into bed for a couple of hours!! After a nice dinner, did some more mask making & slept (with a little help!) all night. Feeling better today.
Facetimed with our son & dil & 4 month old baby! Oh, what pure joy she brings!!
Hoping your days are peaceful. That’s about all we can hope for for a while.
Be well
Oh! Can’t walk along Sunset Cliffs, as it’s all yellow taped off. I guess it’s for the good..
Nothing like seeing your grandbaby, Priscilla! No walks on Sunset Cliffs. I guess it was inevitable. Take care!
Spring is going on without us, life finds a way. I love the tiny yellow flowers on your table.
Me too. The sun was shining right through those little yellow blooms. Take care, Nora.
great suggestion, claudia … thank you!
here’s a partial list of things i am grateful for …
God and my family
being able to talk with my family, one way or another
having a home and being home today (because going to work is scary); having plenty of things to do that are enjoyable and good for me
the sun is shining today; birds still fly and sing, squirrels still chase each other across the lawn and up and down trees
going for walks
technology; medical care and the very brave health care workers, medicine (including the anti-depressant i started about two weeks ago … no big improvement noted yet, but i have hope it will help)
your posts here with kind words, real-ness and pretty photos; you and everyone else who gathers here
seeing news reports of the brave, kind and helpful things people are doing at this tough time
that i have no peanut m+m’s here (because i would eat a lot of them right now)
hope and pray that you, don, everyone who comes here and the rest of the world are safe, well, get well.
kathy in iowa
What a good list! I’m so glad to hear you’re home today. Stay safe and indulge in a day free from work, my friend.
This is a glorious list! (We went through our peanut m&m’s too!)
Walking every day sure helps and now that our weather looks like it’s turning the garden should be a godsend. I’m also doing the thing that is guaranteed to have me laughing my butt off even if the house caught fire. I started rewatching Schitt’s Creek daily from the very first episode.
I love that show. Sad that it’s coming to an end. Take care, Deb!
Schitt’s Creek – My son showed my how to get the last season. What a great source for laughs. Great choice to get through this.
It’s truly wonderful. Glad you’re able to see it and enjoy it, Carol! Take care.
Such a great idea! Thankful for sunshine today!! Thankful for tele-education so my husband can teach from home. Thankful for hearing that FINALLY the Gov in Fl has issued a stay at home order!! Thankful our son & DIL send us daily pics of the sweet wee one. Thankful for your blog and being able to read all of the great comments from your readers.
A Funny for you…. so my hubs, who certainly has some form of ADD, found a tutorial on YouTube on making a face mask from a paper towel, staples, and rubber bands. So, of course, he made one. Then yesterday he wore it to take the dog to the DP and stopped at the gas station to get some bananas and a loaf of bread. Wearing his handy dandy mask, stocking cap (32* outside at the time), latex type gloves…. walks in and the clerk says “Hi, Mr. K….” If things go too badly, we surmise that “robber” won’t be an option for him. Smile everyone, we CAN and WILL do this.
I love that story! Brought a big ol’ smile to my face!! ;)
That is hysterical! Love that. Thank you so much for sharing that with us. I needed a good laugh.
Take care, Chris.
I think you sent your sunshine our way and I’m grateful for that one, too. I loved the story about your “robber” husband!
I’m grateful that I’m not expected to go to work for the present time as that would involve using public transport.
I’m grateful that I have a great group of friends as I have very little family but am thankful for my son and brother.
I’m grateful for technology, without it I couldn’t access wonderful sites like yours and the camaraderie that exists on it.
Speaking of technology, if you have the chance to look on YouTube, there’s a very uplifting and funny video made by a British family singing in isolation. Look for Marsh Family Les Miserables, try to see the 4 minute version as since it went viral (!), some videos are just interviews.
Happy Wednesday
I saw it last night on the the ABC (a national network) News! They were wonderful! What a talented bunch!
Take care, Dee Dee – I’m glad you don’t have to go to work right now.
Helped plant peas in a local giving garden this morning. Fresh air, sunshine, gardens, and new friends (all safely apart) made for a great start to the day.
Stay well, Claudia and Don. And thank you for sharing the good news about John Prine.
It’s good news, but they also stressed that it simply means that he is not worse. Still praying for him.
Take care, T.
Good news! You can play Jenga and Uno with your grand-daughter on the Android version of FaceTime! Also, the American Girl dolls can share classroom lessons the same way. My little Rosebud says she feels like she’s there with me when we play (be still my heart).
Hang in there; we can do this!
Thank you! Take care, Roxie.
My daughter is keeping up with her student teaching responsibilities. Today, she hosted a sing-a-long for her 4th graders. I asked her if her teacher-mentor asked her to do this and she said no, just doing her part to keep her kids engaged. They went on Zoom and sang together from lyrics my daughter emailed all of them. It was sweet hearing all those voices singing and having a good time. I’m sure the parents appreciated that hour of distraction for their children.
So lovely! What a strange new world this is. Take care, Wendy!
I am a widow, my children are grown and live in their own homes with their families. I am on a leave from my job as it involved interaction with the public and I have an autoimmune disease so I am compromised. I have wonderful family, neighbors, and friends, but obviously we are unable to get together. I am lonely and anxious and I am so frustrated with the orange buffoon in the WH. But I have survived so much in my life, I know I can survive this too.
I encourage anyone (who is able) to do something for someone who can never repay you. There are so many options for charity assistance. I have financial constraints, so instead of charitable contributions, I placed phone calls to friends/family to check up on them-not facebook, not text, but an actual phone call. I listened as they told me their fears and their worries. I told each one how much having them in my life has meant to me. The phone calls were like a warm hug.
We have been doing the same – we’re calling friends and family, checking in on them. It’s a good thing to do. Thank you, Sandy. Take care!
That technology allows us to keep some semblance of normalcy: families to gather, teachers to teach
Take out from local restaurants – a cinnamon roll today, swoon worthy
Knitting and sewing
Walks – though I need to do more
A schedule – gives a bit more meaning to the day
A sew along organized by a member of my sewing group in lieu of our monthly meeting
Facebook posts by my family especially my intrepid 3 year old granddaughter
Movies – Thank you TCM
There are times when even reading taxes your concentration. You are smart to down shift to easy reading. I need to get out my Mary Stewarts
Bless TCM, right? You have a great list there, Carol. Thank you so much for sharing it with us! Take care.
We received our first Easter card today from a friend and her family. We sent out quite a bit of cards to cheer up our friends and relatives. We now have two Hyacinths out in our front garden.
We have some grape hyacinths – and just the beginnings of our other hyacinths. Take care, Marilyn!
Hello. What is the name of the plant next to the dollhouse? Thanks
It’s a sansevieria or a snake plant. It’s well over 40 years old.
Oh my goodness!!, thank you ☺
It was my parents’ plant.
Hello Claudia
I found a book I had thought lost in my move to Australia and back again
It’s my gratitude item for today.
A Flower For Every Day by Margery Fish. A beautiful reminder that life goes on, even if we can’t see it
Oh, lovely! I’ll put that on my list. Thank you so much, Siobhan. Take care!