Maybe I can learn not to promise that I’ll take it easy on any given day. Maybe.
Because I didn’t do that yesterday. Nope. Don went off to practice with his camera and I got the idea in my head to mow the lilac side of the front lawn. I was almost giddy with excitement. We were almost out of gasoline but I thought there might be just enough on hand to accomplish my goal.
I mowed nearly all of it and it spluttered to a stop. I got in the car with the gas can, drove to the nearest gas station, filled it up, came back home. Then I finished off the lilac side.
But wait! I could mow the corral, too! So I did.
And then, since it gets so wet back there and I have to take advantage of dry days, it was off to the secret garden! I knew we had rain coming last night, today, and tomorrow so I was trying to get ahead of it.
I finished the secret garden, pulled some weeds, and stopped for the day. The good thing is that I felt very strong and my mowing stamina is back. What’s tricky is thinking that I can just keep going because the endorphins are kicking in. When I pause for a bit, I get it – I’ve done enough for the day.
But it felt good. We still have to do the main part of the front lawn and the back forty. Perhaps not today, though. I really do need to rest. My allergies are on overdrive.
But man, do I love a freshly mown lawn! I can see the results immediately and it’s so satisfying.
We’re due for some heavy storms tomorrow; winds, hail, even the possibility of a tornado, which is quite rare around here. Fingers crossed that we escape unscathed.
I’m really enjoying the newest Elizabeth George. I’ve read enough to get hooked on the story. I plan on reading a big chunk of it later today, as well as catch up on Gardener’s World.
Stay safe.
Happy Sunday.
your porch is so pretty (that would definitely have been a selling point for me). credit due and given for all your time, efforts and expenses to make it even more beautiful and welcoming!
glad if you take it easy today after so much mowing and weeding. even though you love it, that’s a lot of work!
trusting that don’s photographic outing went well and he had fun, too.
i took eight paper grocery sacks full of old papers to a free paper-shredding day yesterday, sponsored by a bank. one sack was for family members and seven were for me. i still have papers to sort and shred, but, oh, it felt great to get rid of that unnecessary stuff! then we went on a long ride in the countryside after a nice lunch and that was even better. :)
today will be a repeat of yesterday and that is good. i am grateful.
hope you all have a nice day. and no tornadoes … stay safe in every way!
Good for you! You got a lot accomplished, Kathy!
Stay safe.
Just weeded in the back garden for an hour and, boy, did it need it! But it is getting warmer out now and so it is time to come in.
Good for you and all that mowing! I am lucky to have my oldest son living with me and he loves to mow so that is convenient for me!
Have a restful, fun day.
How great that your son loves to mow! I understand that love because I have it, too.
Stay safe, Ellen.
Today….instead of sailing with my husband and going out for a nice dinner on a deck overlooking Long Island Sound….I am icing my foot and taking pain killers. I overdid the walking and according to the podiatrist have a painful flare up of Plantar fasciitis which makes walking very painful. So we all have to learn to do things….even what we love…in moderation. Today is my 75th birthday and I feel blessed to have good friends and family but I want to be part of the action always and this is a setback. So I limped to the car and we had a deli breakfast looking at the water from the car. I have been cheerful and laughed about it with everyone but it is a wake up call. Take better care of this body or else. I hope this doesn’t come across too whiney…Have a great day everyone and stay safe.
happy birthday, maria! may this be the start of a very happy, healthy year for you.
sorry you had to miss some sailing. i sure hope and pray that your pain goes away and you heal, get time on a boat soon!
Oh, I’m sorry Maria! It’s so easy to overdo, isn’t it?
No, you do not sound whiney at all. This is a major frustration for those of us of a certain age. I understand. Take care of yourself.
Happy Birthday!
Stay safe.
We’re also supposed to get severe storms tomorrow between 4:00-9:00 with a moderate risk of a tornado. Last summer a tornado passed through this area just a mile and a half from my community. I do not want a repeat! Next Saturday it’s supposed to be 90° here. We “normally” don’t get those temperatures for another month. Up until very recently it’s been so chilly and rainy that I haven’t had a chance to plant any annuals. I can’t take the heat, (heart issue), so it looks like I may have to ask one of my nephews to do the planting for me.
We went directly from a cold spring to summer, Denise.
Yes, ask your nephews! I’m sure they will be happy to help out.
Stay safe.
Sounds like a lot of hard work to me! (But you get great reward for your effort!)
Of course it’s hard work. I like hard work, especially outside.
Stay safe.
happy birthday, maria! may this be the start of a very happy, healthy year for you.
sorry you had to miss some sailing. i sure hope and pray that your pain goes away and you heal, get time on a boat soon!
I’m glad you’re mowed — but please lay low! Take care and have a yard-free Monday!
Yard free Sunday and Monday due to dangerous storms.
Stay safe, Jeanie.
After the weeks of cold temps and so much rain,~last week we had 4 days in a row in the 90’s! Truly crazy. We broke temp records every day, and by 4 and 5 degrees!! Dew points were into the 70’s which means super high humidity. Really one for the books. It was just lovely here today. 70* and sunny. Supposed to be more close to “normal” this week so looking forward to that for sure! Hope Don had fun doing his photography, and hope you will take it easy for a day or two. It really is worth it. Take care.
We’ve been smack dab in the middle of high humidity for the past three days. Not a fan.
I have no choice but to rest as we had dangerous storms yesterday and will have more today.
Stay safe, Chris.
I have a small yard so mowing isn’t an issue. This year though I decided that I needed a bigger from bed. The old one was dug up (not by me but a tiny excavator) and soil was added to a depth of 18”. I’m waiting for the plants I chose at the nursery to be delivered on the 25th of May.
I too am reading the new Elizabeth George novel. An excellent story but a difficult read. I find myself putting the book down to take a breather, a stroll around the house and then back to the story. Cheers! Ann
Yes, it’s a great read, but the subject matter is upsetting, isn’t it?
Stay safe, Ann.
I picked up the book not knowing the subject matter. It was a surprise. Because I have read all her books I trust that it will have a satisfactory ending.
I started reading the series at book four not realizing it was such. I finished the book and found the first. At least 20years ago. I have laughed and cry through all her books.
Me too!
I get bursts of energy like that and nothing can stop me until I am done. Unfortunately I have lots of projects I need energy for! The mornings and evenings are beautiful but the days are inching up into the 100’s. That means I try to get a lot of inside projects done. Still plenty of projects there too. So glad you are enjoying your nice weather. Take care!
Thanks, Deb.
Stay safe.
Thanks, Deb.
Stay safe.
Hi Claudia,
I always look forward to seeing your beautiful garden come to life year after year! Have you seen the new gardening show on PBS called Garden Fit? I thought you and your readers might like it…
“Discover how to take care of your body while taking care of your garden with expert gardener Madeline Hooper and personal fitness trainer Jeff Hughes. Tour gardens across America and learn gardening tips and techniques to avoid stress and injury”
I haven’t seen it yet myself, but I really appreciate the way they incorporate tips to avoid stress and injury while gardening.
Here is a link to the trailer if anyone is interested:
The Garden Conservancy is doing a Pop-Up Virtual Talk: What is GardenFit: The Story of How an Open Days Garden Host Created a Hit PBS Series that’s Getting America Fit
Here is the link to register:
I’ll look for it, though I’m not sure it’s on my PBS station. Thanks for the information, Christy!
I’m sure the readers of this blog will appreciate it.
Stay safe.