Our little Emby took off yesterday morning. I’m not sure what time, but once the sun came out and I had finished this post, I went outside and he was gone. I looked around to make sure he was not on the ground, but he wasn’t.
Both Don and I felt sad for the rest of the day. Obviously, we were thrilled he took off on his adventure, but we missed him. We sort of fell in love with him.
I also wrote out the check for the tree removal yesterday. Gulp. We need some employment. But COVID. But we need some employment.
Anyway, I thought I’d give you a little update on the dollhouse.
This is the basic setup for the first floor. I’ll have a side table or a coffee table and at least one more chair. I think I forgot to include the kitchen island the last time I posted a photo.
I ordered this piece from Italy. It’s perfect for what I want here and I don’t have to attempt to build it, thank goodness. The cupboard on the left will be a mini fridge – I’m thinking the owner can walk to the neighborhood shops to pick up fresh vegetables and milk, etc. She doesn’t need a big refrigerator.
The AGA and cupboard will be on this wall.
This cupboard will be filled with books and vases and pottery. There will be a chair and a table and a rug.
I applied the wallpaper yesterday (it’s a pain in the tush) and here is a glimpse of it:
I like it…but I’m a bit unsure about it at the moment and much of that is due to the fact that the windows are unfinished, as is the door, as are the floors. I’m thinking of adding some beadboard (chair rail height) to the wall behind the stove and cupboard in the kitchen. So that wall would be half wallpaper and half beadboard.
The last thing I want to do is remove the wallpaper. So I think I’ll just trust my choice and move on to the floors. Oh, there will also be beams on the ceiling.
Stay safe.
Happy Friday.
Thank you for filming the wonderful ‘Emby’s Journey’ – sounds like a children’s book, doesn’t it?
The cottage is coming together splendidly! My gran lived in a similar English cottage and I remember her having a tiny fridge. The milkman came by every morning and the village shop/post office sold just about everything, so she didn’t need loads of cold storage.
That’s what I’m imaging…besides I don’t have room for a fridge!
Thanks, Barbara.
Stay safe!
I think what you have gotten for your dollhouse is beautiful. I am still working on my Allison. It has started to come together as I developed a story for it. I got that idea from you. Thanks!
Take care!
A story really helps. Mine sometimes evolve as I work, but starting off with a story in the beginning is even better.
Thanks, Jane.
Stay safe.
Dollhouse is looking good! Hope all is well. Stsy well and safe.
Thanks so much, Judy! Stay safe, my friend.
Miniatures are so very amazing. The detail on the furniture!!! Good therapy for the soul in these times. Your final reveal will be so fun to see. No hurry–enjoy the journey, Claudia!
Be safe and well.
I always take my time, Roxie. Partly because that’s the way I lie to work and also because I’m on a budget!
Stay safe!
Wow, the doll house is beautiful! I love the cake plate! Stay safe and have a good weekend!
Thank you, Cindy.
Stay safe!
Sweet. Love the wallpaper. Interesting to watch the butterfly emerge. Thank you.
You’re welcome!
Stay safe, Kay.
bon voyage to emby. thanks again to you and don for shepherding him along.
the dollhouse looks beautiful, claudia! i enjoy seeing the progress and hearing your process and plans. thanks for sharing that, too.
i hope you and don had a good day today so far and are taking it easy tonight, too. especially after the adventures you had this week (at least one of them had to be so stressful and adrenaline-filled!).
doing alright here (other than the obvious). visiting some family members tomorrow … best part of my days. :) and getting groceries. and i have next week off from work. :) going to get some things done, including work on Christmas presents for my family and writing. and let myself sleep in, read. :)
stay safe and well!
kathy in iowa
I hope he’s in warmer climes, it’s cold here this morning!
So glad you get next week off, Kathy! Wonderful.
Stay safe.
Trust your choice. It’s wonderful.
I’m heartbroken tonight. RBG is gone. She was supposed to live forever. Or at least till after the election/inauguration. No words. Can 2020 get any worse? Yes. It can.
We are heartbroken as well. I thought she’d hang in there until January 20th.
Stay safe, Jeanie.
Grand texted me last night about Ginsburg-she was so sad…my eldest three grands are quite political…and keep up…I can’t watch news because of the stress level and BP…great changes with this great woman…history in the making–we have lived it…let’s see what happens now…prayers for her family and friends. brenda b.
Amen. Such a profound loss, Brenda.
Stay safe.
Happy life Embry!! Not all humans are bad. You had two of the best midwife you into the world. Thanks Claudia and Don for making sure this creature survived.
The doll house is gorgeous!! I’d forgotten the hutch and cupboard, very special pieces. You got great lighting for the photos. I’m ready to move in even without a rug! The island is a prize. Did you special order it? I like the wallpaper! Oddly enough, I spent yesterday evening wallpapering the kitchen for my Art Deco dollhouse. It wasn’t easy, but it wasn’t as hard as I thought, and I like my choices. However, I think I will put some bead board or something on the bottom half of the room, so I see where you’re going with a chair rail. I love the 1/24 scale black and white checkered floor–it’s so tiny and I’ve always loved that old fashioned pattern in kitchens. I got overconfident, tho and decided I would use the leftover Gypsy Rose Lee wallpaper for my little 2-room cottage…I had left it unassembled thinking that would make application smoother. Yikes!! I glued down the self-adhesive kitchen area which resulted in a bumpy, unpleasant look. Then I tried to measure and fit a scrap of vertical rose stripes in the upstairs which has a steep peak and a round window. Very challenging! After I’d done as much papering as I wanted, I felt it was time to glue the walls and for some reason, even tho I’d had the kit assembled and disassembled several times with great success, I could NOT get the frame put together. Of course there was inevitable damage to a wallpaper section when one wall fell over and glued itself to the other.
The whole process is fascinating to me, making the paper templates, cutting the wallpaper for the windows, measuring, planning, etc. I need an exacto knife but I’ve found that my quilt malt board and rotary cutter are extremely helpful.
Once again, I thank you for sharing your home building processes with us and for inspiring so many of us to be creative. XO
PS: By a long-story snafu, I ended up with a 1/12 scale green Aga, and I immediately thought of you. Looks like you were way ahead of the idea. If you find that you need another for a future project, you know who to contact. Also, I have a vintage blue bathroom set in 1/12 that would work for Art Deco that I won’t be using. Just FYI. I’d be happy to free cycle for you. Have a great weekend!
The island was found on Etsy. It came all the way from Italy! I’m so glad you mentioned a rotary cutter! I have several from my quilting days and I don’t know why I didn’t think of them before! Thank you!
My AGA has a chip in the paint, which I have tried to repair but it’s hard to match. I don’t know how it happened as I just had it on a shelf. I don’t know if yours is the same as mine, there are a few of them out there. Do you know who made it? I’d love to have it if it’s like mine. Also, the bathroom set sounds lovely so if you want to freecycle, I’m in!
Thanks so much, Nora.
Stay safe!
I’m excited that you may be able to use the items. I don’t know what maker the aga is from, but it came from a store in GB called DollsHouseDirect on Etsy. That’s also where the blue bathroom set came from. There may be an image of the Aga still on his site as I believe he will custom paint. I haven’t deboxed either item. Take care!
If you want to hang on to them, please do. Who knows? You may want to go 1:12!
Only if you absolutely don’t need them because I do have a perfectly good AGA.
Oh, the dollhouse is wonderful! Love your arrangements. Yes, yes; leave the wallpaper; it’s all good.
Thanks so much, Vicki.
Stay safe!