We’re on chrysalis watch.
Really, that’s what yesterday was mostly about. I could see the chrysalis changing from green to a darker color and I knew it was time. I think I went outside around 10:30, after constantly checking on it through the window, and I sat by the birdbath for about 4 or 5 hours. Don would occasionally spell me, or we’d sit there together. It changed to this:
You can see the wings! I can’t tell you how hard it is to take a picture as this is the underside of the birdbath and it’s dark there.
We eventually went inside with frequent trips back outside to see if there were any changes. Late in the day, I posted on Instagram asking how long this part of the process takes, and I also did a search on the internet. Contrary to what we thought, it can take up to 48 hours. Okay.
So, it’s been almost 24 hours and I just asked Don to check on the chrysalis and it’s still like the photo above. My former colleague at the animal hospital tells me that the monarchs she has raised usually eclose (that’s the term for it) in the morning. Another friend from San Diego tells me that the chrysalis gets cloudy right before the butterfly emerges. So, after I finish this post, I’ll go back outside and keep up the vigil. I sure hope we get to see it emerge. It’s already been so miraculous seeing the wings inside the chrysalis.
I’m calling it Nature Week here at the cottage. A black bear and the emergence of a monarch butterfly.
Some wallpaper that I ordered for the dollhouse living room came the other day, along with another pattern that I plan to use elsewhere in the house. I wanted it faded looking but sort of formal, like something that had been in the house for a long time.
I’m still not sold, but I think I’ll go with it. I could have gone with a William Morris pattern (and I love them) but with the sofa being upholstered in a Morris design, it seemed too ‘on the nose.’ My intention is to have this cottage look like a place that has been put together with an eclectic group of furniture and books and knickknacks. Maybe it’s a weekend place for someone who lives in London. Maybe it’s a charming full-time residence in a small town. I’ll know more as it evolves. Charming is the key word, charming like all those wonderful photos I see of old English residences, a hodgepodge of comfy sofas and old chairs and old rugs and paintings on the wall. I don’t know if you’re familiar with him, but designer and shop owner John Derian’s apartment in Manhattan and his house in Provincetown are my inspiration. And he’s American, not British! But his style is much the same. I’ll post more photos tomorrow.
Stay safe.
Happy Wednesday.
What a wonderful miraculous week you are having. Bears and butterflies it gives one hope. What beauty you have seen and are seeing.
Take Care,
Park City, UT
Nature and wildlife do give us hope. I thought of you yesterday Claudia when there was a news report how the proliferation of black bears in our area—they have become as common as garden gnomes apparently. There were as I recall 42 incidents of bears INSIDE people’s houses over the summer. And maybe you saw the video of one curious fellow skirting the pool to take a sniff of the foot of guy sleeping in a pool chair. Yikes! I do love them so much, and worry about their increasing familiarity with people. Being able to watch the chrysalis is wondrous! Seeing the wings so clearly…may you both be there when it happens.
I love the wallpaper!
Wow! Inside my home might be a bit too much. I worry about them, too.
Stay safe, Nora.
We are very lucky.
Stay safe, Kaye!
I knew someone who worked for John Derian a few years ago…doing decoupage, I think. I like his style, but haven’t seen much from him lately. Didn’t his store close in Manhattan? Anyway…
That chrysalis is so intriguing. Hope you get to see that butterfly emerge. Sweet wallpaper, too.
No, his store in Manhattan is still open and he has one in Provincetown too. You can follow him on Instagram.
Thanks Shanna.
Stay safe.
Claudia, you can’t complain about being bored this week! Nature is amazing and people who enjoy it receive a great gift. Looking at the wallpaper made me chuckle. The previous owners wallpapered the kitchen and powder room with a similar print that also had a stripe mixed in. We lived there about 6 years before we realized one wall in the powder room was put on upside down. Laugh or cry! Remember the butterfly will come out all wet and it will take longer than you expect to move and fly. Enjoy your day.
Yes, we know that. He has to plump up his wings and wait for them to dry.
Thanks, Cindy.
Stay safe.
I do hope that you are able to get a photo of the butterfly! I haven’t seen any Monarch butterflies for a long time. I don’t think they come this far north. The wallpaper is lovely and perfect for the cottage – great find. Enjoy the day!
Bears…butterflies…wood spaces…doll houses…wonderful…just finished new book by my favorite mystery author…Carlene Thompson…could not wait for it to be delivered. I donate most of my books and of course, I use the library, (fixed income)…this is one author-I keep books and read over and over. One reason I like her writing-my former students loved her books…appropriate-no language, etc…some scary mysteries though…especially a few…some admitted to being frightened…lol…I love her books…simple, easy to read, quick reads…mysteries…my life is so full with Facetime teaching, home schooling, distancing, masks…I miss miss miss my Florida grands and family so so so much…I can’t say it enough…too long…the longest ever…the worst Pandemic in my life time…the worst Hurricane season in my lifetime maybe???Fires…I will not ask what next??? Thanks for keeping your blog…for letting us write…thank you dear girl…prayers…brendab (Notice I did NOT mention election in the midst of these catastrophes…can’t talk about that…
Love seeing you having some fun!
Take Care…
It sounds like my cottage. I’m trying to think what is in this place that wasn’t either here when we bought it in 1963 or brought up from home. OK, now I’m looking around every room and there isn’t a stick of furniture here that was bought new. Maybe a few of the accessories, most of the art. But that’s it!
How fun and exciting, nature week at Maison Claudia! I love how you can see the wings showing through the chrysalis. Oh, that new life gives me more than a bit of joy today!
Your chrysalis photo is magnificent! The wings showing through are so exciting. I have raised butterflies in classrooms with children and they are fascinating when they emerge! I hope you get to see it!
Claudia, that is one really exceptional photo; what a treat, to actually see the wings and know the butterfly is about to sprout those wings and fly free. Thanks for sharing it, and I hope your day is going very well overall.
I don’t feel I have anything much to say otherwise, like from my end. I’m just thinking a lot about quality of life. And balance. The constant quest it seems for both.
What a wondrous photo and such an experience you are having!! I hope you are both there together when the emergence takes place. I wonder if it will be one of the Monarchs to go on the big trip south……. herd mentality, and all. (I’m sorry, I just couldn’t resist.)
Dear Claudia, Yes, all the monarchs that have hatched in my yard in Florida emerge with the first light of sunrise. Isn’t that wonderful? Then they have time to dry their wings and still have a day. I agree with you about too many Wm Morris prints in one room, but so many other possibilities…
definitely nature week for you at mhc! most of all, i am glad the bear left you and don alone. i’d like to think he sensed your kind hearts and love of animals and the natural world … but please be careful, bring the cowbell and your phones!
i hope you and don can watch the entire eclose/emergence and wing-drying process and that the monarch sticks around for you to enjoy.
if it’s not faded enough for you, perhaps you could tape that dollhouse wallpaper in a sunny window for a bit of actual fading. either way, it’s beautiful!
i feel the same way about decorating … i like a mix of things added over time, things that come from different eras/styles and have stories behind them. i am very, very sentimental. and the opposite of trendy. if i like something or it came/comes from my family, it stays.
hope you’ve had a good day.
i came home and spent three hours working on my closets. with the exception of a stack of papers to sort and file (ugh), my closets are done and so much better. not martha-stewart-level, but super-organized for me. and almost pretty! :) so now i am having a quick dinner and taking it easy. :)
hope you’re doing the same … having a nice night.
stay safe!
kathy in iowa