A note: Please know that I am enraged by the choice for the Supreme Court, enraged by everything, to be honest. I addressed it a bit on one of my IG stories, but I have to take today to stay away from everything associated with Mitch McConnell and Orange Man. I spent far too much time reading online yesterday, seeing outrage upon outrage. So today is my day of peace – hopefully. Thanks, friends. It’s self-care today.
Let’s talk about another dollhouse which sits on the bookshelves right next to my side of the bed. That means I look at them every evening and that often means trying to figure out what to do with it. It’s the Modern Dollhouse, the one I purchased from a woman in England. She designed the components and did a great job of it. It was very easy to put together. She designed four different floor configurations and I bought two (this was in the days of Margaritaville.) I was aware that she might eventually discontinue making it (and it looks like she has) so I went for it.
Anyway, I have a few pieces of furniture that have been in place for a while; the sofa, a chair, the modern coffee table, a couple of other pieces. There are two floors. Should I put in a kitchen? On what floor? What about a bedroom? Can I leave out the ever challenging and, frankly, boring bathroom?
So I just left it as is for a long time.
Enter this piece.
It’s a Barbara Vajnar/Bubba’s Minis corner cabinet. I’ve mentioned before that Barbara is retiring and selling her leftover inventory. I snapped this up a few months back, as I got it for a good price.
As with all of her pieces, it’s extraordinarily well made. I will admit it: I have a need to collect anything of hers I can get – but only at a reasonable price. Much of it is going for way more than I can afford. However, I got this one. It’s tall and it takes up a fair amount of space in a dollhouse, where, by nature the rooms are tiny. Hummingbird Cottage is full. No space. The English Cottage already has two cabinets. No room in Don’s Studio. So where was I going to put it?
The only place it could go was in the Modern House.
And I realized it worked there. Most of you know that I need to come up with a story about each of my projects. I had no story for this one other than it was modern. That wasn’t enough. The addition of this piece took me off in a specific direction. I now envision it as a loft-like space owned by art collectors. Collectors who love folk art and graphic art and some sculpture and pottery – all of it an eclectic mix. But not cluttery. Everything is – there’s that word again – curated. So there’s that great piece of blue pottery on the red table and a big brown bowl next to it. The sheep prints on the wall – which I’m going to redo in a bigger size. The cabinet will be filled with some sort of collectable. The modern coffee table with the retro ashtray. Rugs here and there, plants, more folk art – all of that will be added over time. On a personal level, I love eclectic spaces. The difference between this eclectic space and the eclectic English cottage will be the expansive white space.
Anyway, it gave me the jump start I needed after a few years of absolutely no direction.
There are two floors:
The light from the windows in the bedroom make taking a photo without my reflection impossible, but you get the idea. The downstairs? Maybe a bedroom and kitchen with a divider of some sort between them. And a dining room table. And more art. (You can see the other Petite Princess chair in the background.)
Don loves this house. He imagines it at the beach. I see it as a loft somewhere. But maybe it’s an open loft-like space in Malibu or La Jolla. Uh oh, now I’m seeing a shiny baby grand….hmmm. Lots of potted plants in the area outside the front door, a door I might replace with two french doors.
I have lots of ideas for all the houses. Now to get going on them.
Stay safe.
Happy Sunday.
All of us need something that gets us out of our “stress zones”…love the doll houses…love the furniture…takes me back to the years when my daughter furnished hers-as a young girl…and then another one in adulthood…I have so many “hobbies” and “interests” and of course, the teaching online with the kids…my life is full…every day counts. I will have another birthday next week, mixed with serious tests…but it will be a good day…outside…distancing and masking with family here…and Facetime the family in Florida…I have been opening gifts and cards daily…it lasts a week or two…thank you again-for the millionth time-for this blog…I am never stressed when I read it…I do have an inane question for you and your faithful bloggers…just out of the blue, last night…I wondered??? Why do so many people want the autographs of others? Authors, actors, actresses…etc…I know this is a silly question, but I am hoping that your readers will give me some insight. I remember when we were in Nashville for work and pleasure…I was sitting in the reception room-waiting for a famous politician to go by…I know…loved those Kennedys…when this young man asked me if I wanted their autographs-a group…he saw me patiently waiting with others. I said, “Well, I don’t usually ask for that…and might I ask who you are?” THE EAGLES…I went home and told my kids, and they about flipped…okay now I know and love their music…don’t laugh or shake your head, Claudia…I can see you wondering if I lived under a rock….okay…just a bit of humor on this day…brendab
Well, I have met and worked with many, many famous people over the years. I rarely ask for an autograph because I don’t want to intrude on their privacy. And if I’m working with them professionally, I already know them so I don’t need to ask for their autograph. Don routinely autographed programs at the stage door when he was in Escape to Margaritaville. It makes an encounter much more personal. And some autographs can be worth a great deal of money. For example, one of my most treasured possessions is an autographed copy of To Kill a Mockingbird. I paid a good deal for that many, many years ago because that book and Harper Lee mean everything to me. We got Ian McKellen’s autograph when we saw him in London in King Lear because it was a peak experience for us – simply one of the finest performances we have ever seen – and we have worked in the theater and film with lots of famous actors for over 40 years and have seen just about everything. I also have an autographed copy of one of Louise Penny’s books because I think she’s the finest writer on the contemporary scene.
Some people just love collecting autographs. They’re like a scrapbook of things done and seen.
Those are my thoughts.
Stay safe, Brenda.
Prayers for all of you…us…tests this week…stress…love your answer…always insightful…brendab
hej, brendab …
what a fun story about the eagles!
to me, autographs would be a reminder of a fun, unusual experience. i’ve seen up close/met a couple of famous people in my life, long before cellphones became available (the first one was 47 years ago). and i wouldn’t want to intrude by asking for an autograph. the first time, my brother, sister and i were on a choir trip in england and stepped into an elevator in the hotel in london. who was in the back? buddy ebsen! he was dressed in a dark suit and tie, nothing we’d ever seen “jed clampett” wear, but instantly we knew who he was. we just said “hi” and giggled a lot and he smiled and said “hello”. claudia knows about my other experience with a famous person (and has seen the photo). through her job connections, my sister was able to get me to a photo shoot/promo thing for gino vannelli just south of minneapolis (where we were living at the time). she knew, of course, that i’d been a fan of his music for several years so she made sure to have a camera then. :)
i was able to sit and have a pretty long visit with him … like an hour so by then i was kind of swooning … ha. i don’t care about an autograph, would rather have the photo. :)
oh! and i met wilma rudolph (olympic gold-medal sprinter)! i’ve always been a longer-distance runner (now mostly walker), but i sure knew who she was. had a nice little chat with her on a sidewalk when i was taking a summer class in chicago. i had borrowed a camera for spending so much time in chicago so i have a photo with her, too. still have it. :)
the photo, not the camera. haha!
thanks for asking the question … it brought up some happy memories.
hope your day’s been easy so far and stays that way. stay safe!
kathy in iowa
Love your stories…Beverly Hillbillies…takes me back…we were considered hillbillies back then…but not like them…you can email me at bburke701947@gmail.com…about books you are reading…
What a lovely piece! Truly a piece of art in its own right.
I think immersing yourself today in something that brings you joy is a very good idea. We listened to the news yesterday while we were cooking and cleaning for the week ahead. If Trump’s nominee is confirmed, she will quickly close every door that RBG spent a lifetime opening. Said a special prayer this Sunday morning to please let Biden win by a landslide.
A prayer I echo, Barbara. We are in a dire situation here in the US. I never dreamed any of this would happen, the more fool me.
Thanks so much.
Stay safe.
Sweet. Every modern house needs a few antiques.
Yes, indeed!
Stay safe, Kay!
that cupboard and backstory fit perfectly!
thanks again for sharing all that you do and especially the creative things. i enjoy it all, but seeing other people’s hobbies and interests always inspires me to work on my projects (gifts and goals). thanks for that, too.
rainy morning here so far. love it! no walking outside with family (possibility of lighting), but will share a socially-distanced lunch with them in a bit. grateful for that, grateful for them and the rest of my family.
grateful to have found mhc and you all here … a very welcoming, cheery and cozy, kind, like-minded place. interesting, intelligent and inspiring, too. thank you, claudia, most of all and thanks to everyone else here. i hope someday to meet you all in person.
hope you have a nice day and stay safe!
kathy in iowa
Thank you for your kind words, Kathy!
Stay safe!
I have decided to hide posts on Facebook and any other social media that have anything to do with politics. I know enough to be aware, know who I’m voting for, Biden, of course, and nothing anyone posts will enrage me more or change my mind. I am enraged, but cannot deal with this onslaught every day. In my mind, Facebook should just be for baby and pet pictures. Maybe a vacation photo thrown in there once in a while. That’s it.
Do what you need to do, but Facebook has never been just about baby and pet pictures. No social media is. I understand your frustration. I’m in the middle of wrestling with leaving Facebook because of the deliberate misinformation they continue to allow. It’s a hard call for me because that’s how I keep in touch with family members, friends, former colleagues and students.
Stay safe, Debby.
Learned the difficult part of Facebook when teaching…horrible…bullies…just don’t want any part of it…I stay in touch with others…text…emails…snail mail…phone…just don’t like it…good luck…
What a great distraction making the doll houses. I quilt but somehow, I still feel the terrible stress of the times. Radio is usually on, but my mind tends to wander.
We are trying SO hard not to listen to any news for the next month. It’s just too hard on my nerves, like so many others.
Anyway..enjoy your day & know I, too, look forward to reading your daily blog!
I know! We’re seriously reconsidering watching the debate. Too stressful.
Thanks, Priscilla.
Stay safe!
Çok güzel olmuş:)
Thank you!
I’m confused; is the modern house the one you bought at Target?
Also, strange question I know, but … could you ever see yourself living in Hartford? I know you used to go there a lot with your work in the theater. (We’re back to actively scoping out places to live in the U.S. other than our California.)
No. As I said in the post, I bought it from a woman in England. I still have the Target house but I’m not going to do anything with it.
No to Hartford. West Hartford, maybe, but Hartford itself is small and boring.
Thanks, Vicki.
Stay safe.
I must be half asleep that I passed right over the comment about the house origins.
Thanks for weighing in on Hartford. I guess I’ve had enough of small and boring.
My husband isn’t going to watch the debate. I’m wondering if it would just be better to watch the news edits/compilations later. Because I agree that our stress levels are too high.
I was devastated when talking to a cousin on Friday; someone I’m close to and she means a lot to me. I’d been getting these ‘leanings’ but it finally came out when she said she didn’t like Kamala Harris, said that if Trump is elected that it will be the Democrats who riot (but that it would never be so the other way around); that she refuses to watch the news shows because it’s all lies and she actually used the term ‘fake news’. I’ve walked away from a longtime friend due to her political stance but I can’t walk away from this cousin, so I rolled up in a ball and just bawled, praying this election can get here soonest, that Biden will win, that a credible vaccine will appear on the horizon and that I don’t have to lose another year of my life.
No surprise then, that I woke up this morning with an urge to cry. I cry a lot these days; too much. I’m just so worried about our democracy.
It’s so disheartening when it’s a trusted friend or family member. Don encountered some of that when he made calls for Biden. You can’t get angry and you have to disengage, but it’s tough.
Stay safe, Vicki.
Thanks. It IS tough.
I love it! and I love the picture you’ve taken of it with the reflected light.
it adds something. yes you can see your shadow but the way the light falls in the room…
it just adds to the vitality of it. and in a special and oddly unique way it’s nice to see the creator of the room within the room!
the clean white walls and the art you’ve already achieved are beautiful. it will be fun to see what you add.
it is wise to just let your mind go there to rest.
you’re creating little worlds. these little houses. all so different. and they’re each wonderful!
thank you so much for sharing them all with us.
sending you love and the pure white light of calm and peace.
Little worlds seem to be safer than the real world at the moment, Tammy!
Thanks so much.
Stay safe.
Love this cupboard and it’s a perfect fit for the modern dollhouse!
X Chy
Thank you, Chy!
Stay safe!
This one is great fun. I love the idea of an artist’s or collector’s home. I could see a studio in there, too, with an easel or work table and inspiration board on the wall. I think the cupboard looks terrific there unless you someday decide to move it into a kitchen. And I really love how you two have your own stories about who lives there!
Thanks so much, Jeanie!
Stay safe!
Love the story you created for your little gem of a house. That old looking cupboard looks perfect there too. Looks like you’ll be busy during the cold weather doing little house renovations. I think unconsciously I’ve already been setting up a real Craft-a-Palooza here for the coming cold months. When I cleaned yesterday I noticed I’ve got projects waiting all over the house. A lingering old crochet project in a basket next to the chair I usually sit in to watch TV. Another lingering project (knitting) in what I call the “Sun Room” at the front of the house. And, in that same room, my cross stitch stuff is sitting on my table in the window. Upstairs there’s a couple sewing projects in my craft room. Guess I’m ready for winter.
I was avoiding political stuff this weekend too but Dean just came in and told me the NYT has Trump’s taxes. Apparently he only paid $750 the first year he was in the WH. Wow, is this a fabulous October Surprise!
Oh – one last thing: when I texted my youngest to ask what they were doing today, he said he and his girlfriend were dropping off their ballots at city hall. They were also going to see this week about volunteering to be poll workers. Yay, Millennials!!
Take care.
hej, kay …
please thank your son and his girlfriend for volunteering at the polls!
i don’t recall the source, but i saw online somewhere a woman said she was starting a new cross-stitch project every day. i checked back and she was still showing a new one every day … a year later. 365+ projects would bug me and never happen here (even if i had the room), but i laughed when she said she told her husband it was “retirement planning”. haha. anyway, i can relate to your “craft-a-palooza” comment, except mine is definitely conscious! knitting, painting, sewing, cross-stitching, writing … love them all.
hope you have a nice night and stay safe!
kathy in iowa
Couldn’t live without my crafting.
Thanks, Kathy.
kay …
i saw that, too … that pino paid only $750 in federal taxes in 2016 and 2017 ($1500 total). seriously?!? and something (if i saw it right) about him boasting he earned $400+ million, but his tax paperwork for that year showed he lost close to $50 million. ugh.
hurry up, november 03 and the results of voting! and may it be an overwhelmingly clear outcome.
stay safe!
kathy in iowa
I have a feeling that if we lived closer we would be best friends! But I am in West Texas, land of staunch republicans, feeling like a duck out of water. I only have my son who lives 5 hours away to talk to about politics since we are of a like mind. So I love opening your blog every morning and reading your thoughts that are so like mine. Thank you.
You were so smart to snap up two of those gorgeous rooms. What a brilliant idea to put that wonderful cabinet in the modern house!! It works very well and gives you a direction which is always helpful. I skip bathrooms all the time…of course you have to have a fab bedroom and if you love kitchens, a lot style mid-century modern type design with a stove hood could be boss (we used to say that in high school back in the last century!). I’d say kitchen on the bottom floor. but that cute little cubby could be the kitchen…library? music room for the baby grand? (love that!), Thanks for sharing. Always enjoy seeing your mini projects.