You can see that the trees are starting to show some fall color. The tree turning orange is the maple on the far side of the house. There are splashes of red, orange, yellow and brown on the property. Yesterday was a beautiful day, nearly 80 and warm – but not too warm. Today will be the same. You’d better believe we’re appreciating this while we can.
Neither of us slept well last night. I’m sure you’ll understand why, especially if you watched Rachel Maddow. It took me a long time to get to sleep and then I woke up for long periods of time throughout the night. So we’re both feeling a bit ragged this morning.
I’m reading The Library Book by Susan Orlean, all about the Los Angeles Public Library and the fire that nearly destroyed it and the mystery that surrounds the fire to this day. I’ve had it in in my TBR pile for over a year and after finishing the Louise Penny, I was reluctant to start any other fiction. It wouldn’t be fair to the new read. Best to read some nonfiction as a palate cleanser.
I did a little work on the dollhouse the other day, using some scrap wood that I had on hand. It’s hard to get a good photo as it’s the ceiling, but I added some wood beams.
The shadow doesn’t give the true color of the ceiling, but it’s ‘sea glass.’ There are five beams, plus a corner support in the corners of the room. I am close to running out of the scrap wood, so I stopped at five beams. I’m trying to use what I have. Next up will be the floor – wide planks, I think.
I signed up to do phone and text banking for Biden. There is a training session for both – my first training session is this Saturday (via Zoom.) Don has signed up to do phone banking and one other thing that I can’t remember at the moment.
Stay safe.
Happy Thursday.
if you think watching Rachael Maddow keeps you up at night, read Michael Cohen’s book……..I can’t read it before bedtime because it gives me Nightmares!
Thank you for volunteering for Biden!
In our entire life together, 40+ years, my husband and I have NEVER put a sign on our front lawn, this year we did! BIDEN/HARRIS🇺🇸!
I want to read it, but maybe not right away!
Good for you for putting that sign on your lawn, Nancy!
Stay safe.
Thank you for volunteering! I will definitely vote for Biden/Harris and I am hoping that Biden wins by a large, large margin so there can be no question about the vote. What is this country coming to? This president has to be stopped.
Yes. I’d love to see him dragged out of the White House in cuffs.
Stay safe, Ellen.
I found my hand involuntarily going to cover my mouth as if to stifle a scream last night when watching Rachel.
Every day, the alarm bells keep getting louder.
well said, vicki! i don’t understand how some people just can’t hear it.
be well and safe!
kathy in iowa
thanks, kathy; you too; don’t lose your coming weekend to all of this; do something that’s enjoyable and I will as well, even if it’s momentary!
thanks, vicki.
hoping and praying you’re doing alright over there. stay safe and well!
kathy in iowa
Hi Kathy. Just wanted to thank you for always being supportive of readers of this blog. Your kindness is appreciated. Stay well!
hej, nora in ct …
thanks so much for your kind words!
same back to you … appreciation for your kindness and prayers for your safety and wellness.
happy friday!
kathy in iowa
I am so glad Trump was booed when he went to ‘pay his respects’ (he doesn’t respect anybody!) at the Senate building for RBG. He has no depth of feeling; it’s all a photo-op. And why NOW does he decide to wear a mask? Completely shallow. I’m sure she’s cringing in his presence.
I meant to say at the Supreme Court. I guess I have the Senate too much on my mind.
We’ve played that video over and over. It makes me so happy. He is rarely in a situation where he is unable to control it. Today was one of those occasions, like the baseball game last year. It was all the more powerful because he was making a token visit there. He has no respect for RBG. So hearing those voice ring out loud and clear was beautiful. He hates being made to look like a fool (ironic, since he does it to himself all the time). His body language said everything. Bravo patriots!
We’re usually being controlled by video of his rallies where his cult following are cheering for him and of course he just sucks it up. So this, today, was ‘the real world’ and it was important to witness it since we usually just get the one side (his). I hope the news media blasts that piece globally so that the rest of the world knows the true (and anguished) voice of the American people. (The ones who believe in democracy and not a would-be dictator.)
We’ve been watching it over and over again. It gives me hope!
You’re not kidding.
Stay safe, Vicki!
hope you feel and sleep better tonight! i had to stop watching news, especially in the evening … was making it hard to fall asleep. instead, i listen to those recordings of ocean waves and thunderstorms when i go to bed and that helps me relax and sleep better.
the dollhouse project looks good. what are you using for the beams? i, too, believe in trying to use what i already have before maybe buying something else … good for my mind, budget and the environment. but i’ve done a little bit of online shopping to help stores i like. :)
thanks for (sharing) how you and don are helping bring positive change to our country. stay safe and strong!
another day of vacation here and i am thankful. crossed off a couple of tasks that i dislike … hooray! now going to work on smaller projects related to hobbies (knitting, cross-stitch, painting) and my goal of writing several children’s books. balance.
hope you, don and everyone else are well and safe and stay that way.
happy thursday!
kathy in iowa
I used balsa wood that I’ve used on other projects. I doubled the thickness.
I’m so glad you’re enjoying your week off, Kathy. You deserve it!
Stay safe!
Kathy in the evenings I watch on tv you tube channels
Cracklings fire with storm
NYC in the rain
Stratford upon Avon
But favorite is then crackling fire wirh thunder and rain
No news
hej, brendab!
hope they help you.
though i listen to the same couple thunderstorm/ocean wave recordings on youtube (to help train my brain that this means it’s time to sleep), i appreciate your suggestions. too warm here today for me to choose a fireplace video, but on a cold snowy night, that will be good. and viewing london, nyc, etc., even if only by video right now, sounds nice.
have you watched any virtual tours of museums, music concerts or dance recitals? another nice option (though i want to stay awake for them).
many, many thanks to everyone who generously shares things online, making it possible to see things that right now are otherwise off-limits. same to everyone here who offers book/movie/tv show recommendations. that includes you and claudia and others here. much appreciated!
happy thursday and stay safe!
kathy in iowa
Oh yes…I love the tours…as to recitals not so much…just watched on video the one of my granddaughter…this was her last…once her dance classes went virtual…just not the same…however, she has done it for years and years…time to move on…I enjoy the fireplace in the early morning hours-5:00…or so…when it is chilly out…still hot during the day…enjoy your days…these are just the best way for me to get my 5-6 miles stepping per day as outside is somewhat difficult when pain interferes…take care…glad we met on this blog…My daughter is Katheryne…we call her Kathy also…
hej, brendab …
sorry that you have pain, but many kudos to you for walking so much anyway and especially while having pain!
will be praying for that pain to leave you.
sometimes it is a battle within myself to get out the door. being around people at work and grocery stores is exhausting and all i want to do (if i can’t see my family) is get home, shower and relax … but i remind myself of feeling good almost immediately when i walk and for hours after so out i go.
plus i do not want to gain the covid-“19 pounds”. :)
i am sure your granddaughter has appreciated your support and attendance at recitals (in person and now virtually).
i like recitals, but am also more a fan of tours … getting, for example, to see art that i will likely never see in person (due to covid-19 and other reasons).
hej to another kathy. my given first name is kathryn, but have always been called kathy except by people who don’t know me (doctor’s office, when i was in school …).
glad we met here, too. :)
hope your day’s starting easy and good and stays that way.
i have more vacation time to use before the end of this year, but today is the last day of this little break. it’s gone fast. best i get going to get something accomplished. then i can read and hopefully finally finish that ac book of short stories. “murder on the orient express” is next, thanks to you.
happy friday and stay safe!
kathy in iowa
It’s beautiful around y our cottage! I read the Library Book and found it fascinating. Love the beams in the dollhouse–they had a great ambience. Using what you have is satisfying. I’ve watched a couple of dollhouse makeovers where creators have done amazing work with cheap plastic and wood pieces. Got some good ideas. I was doing great with my Art Deco bedroom furniture. The design has a sort of fan-shaped headboard and matching one on the armoire, which is what makes it deco, of course. There are three tiny diamond shaped designs on each piece and the instructions said to color those with a pen/sharpie marker. I used a watercolor marker in black. It smeared!! I wanted the pieces to be white with black accents, and now I have a sort of blotchy gray. I don’t think I can find an acrylic that will hide the black. What’s funny is that the bed is the piece that inspired the bedroom. Ah well. Tomorrow is another day. Enjoy the mystery of the library and take care of yourselves.
PS: found the bathroom, looking for the aga. :-)
You’ll figure it out, Nora! You could paint it white.
Stay safe!
This is such a scary time in our world and our country. I’m at a loss some days on what to do to make it better. I will donate to Biden today. Hugs.
Donate. Make calls. Write postcards. There’s a lot we can do.
Got our flu shots today. The clinic did a drive-through. So easy. Just masks and sit in the car. Took less than a minute for both of us. The dog came along for the ride, and she got a treat from the nurses. I love when things are made EASY once in a while!!
Not easy to watch the news. I just can’t do it. My stomach gets into such a knot and the headache starts which I know is my BP. I hate that I can’t watch it as we have always been a news watching/ listening family. I hate having my head in the sand, but it is a measure of self preservation. Things do slip through as news alerts, so I do see some of it. I just saw where he was doing a “press conf” and was asked about Breonna Taylor and claimed he had an emergency phone call and left the room. Haven’t SEEN it, but it sounds like a typical move of the idiot.
We have had some lovely days here, too. Supposed to be nice through the weekend and then some real Fall weather is ahead for next week. Highs in the 50’s and lows in the mid to upper 30’s. We have some color, too. It is pretty!! Have a good remainder of your day.
We have to wait on our shots as every facility here is out of the 65 and up shots. We’ll call our local pharmacy today and see if they’ve come in.
You do know he was booed yesterday, right? Find the video clip and listen. It will make you smile.
Stay safe, Chris.
We were able to get the stronger one today. We were scheduled to get them on Tues, and they called Mon night and said they ran out of the strong one on the 2nd day of giving shots. Said more should be in on Thurs (today) and rescheduled us. This has happened the last 2 years as well. Walgreens was the same with none of the 65+ available. Last year I asked the nurse if they had ever heard of the Baby Boomer generation. There are a LOT of us. Wouldn’t one think that clinics take those demographics into consideration when ordering the vaccine (they must know the clinic population), and the manufacturers when making it!??! FFF
Exactly. Now, we have to wait until next week because it’s not in yet and the pharmacist strongly recommends the stronger stuff.
Yes, you’re right. There are a lot of us Baby Boomers out there!
Stay safe, Chris.
I’ll have to find Rachel online — I couldn’t take one more political thing last night. Or maybe I should give it a skip? I had a bad enough night as it was.
The Library Book is on my “read in 2020” list. I’ll be interested in hearing what you think of it.
The beams are looking great!
I’m really enjoying the book. It’s still early on but it’s already fascinating!
Stay safe, Jeanie!
Yay! Claudia! I hope you love the Library Book. I’ve read it twice and keep picking up different things each time. I really enjoyed it. And a big thank you for volunteering for Biden.
Love the work on the house.
I’m really enjoying it, Caroline!
Stay safe!
I had tried to comment yesterday but the computer had other ideas. Years ago, I had been dreaming about a bear chasing me. It was so frightening. I told a friend at work who was indian do not remember what tribe she was from. She told me to turn around and face the bear. How that going to happen in a dream? But I decided to give it a try. That night I was running from the bear and I turned around and faced the bear. The standoff did not last long. I never dreamt that again.
Very interesting! I wonder what it symbolized? Facing your fears?
Thanks, Rose.
Stay safe!
I love the Sea Glass colour – it’s one of my favourites.
It occurred to me last evening that American Thanksgiving is after the election. I hope there aren’t too many family get-togethers that dissolve into arguments! Our Thanksgiving is in October, but we have been advised that social distancing will still very much be in effect.
Yes, so is my birthday. The only present I want or need this year is to know that he has been soundly defeated. That’s what I’m visualizing, celebrating not only my birthday but his descent into infamy.
Stay safe, Barbara.
I can’t do Rachel right now. I just can’t. Good on you doing phoning for Biden’s campaign. I did that years ago for the first Obama campaign and holy cows what awful things some people said to me on the phone! That was my first first-hand exposure to blatant racists.
I also watched that video of Trump getting booed several times and, wow, did that chanting get loud. Later heard he claimed he couldn’t hear the chanting. Does the old fart need hearing aids?
Another Biden sign popped up in the neighborhood! I’m pressuring my husband to get one but he’s resisting as usual.
Take care.
Of course he heard it. You’ve only to look at his eyes to know he knew exactly what they were chanting. He’s a liar – in all things.
Yay for Biden signs!
Stay safe, Kay.