Don and I were having a bite to eat yesterday. We were on the porch, sitting on the glider (it was a gorgeous day.)
I started to talk about last week’s experiences with the black bear and the monarch butterfly, trying to find words for the power of those two connections, both of which took place in the span of three days. We are coping with two major things, all of us. The pandemic has overwhelmed us; grief, loss, fear, a complete change in daily life, a leader who lied to us about it and who simply doesn’t care. A *president* who is corrupt, evil, a mob boss, a criminal, a liar, a malignant narcissist, and a sociopath. A cabal of elected representatives who fall in line with whatever he says, who have abandoned their sworn duty to uphold the Constitution. A corrupt Attorney General who has talked about charging protestors with sedition. I could go on and on.
My point being: I realize now what a gift these two encounters were. They were transcendent. We were allowed to move above and beyond everything that weighs us down on a daily basis to something powerful, wonderful, frightening, and intimate. Our encounter with the bear was intimate. We stared into that bear’s eyes and he/she did the same. Time stopped. We witnessed the transformation of a chrysalis into a monarch butterfly. We saved his life more than once and our concentration and connection and emotions were laser focused on this being. Everything else stopped. We were outside of the everyday. We connected with two beautiful creatures and they weren’t in a zoo, on television, or in a photo on Instagram. We shared the same space.
I looked up bears as spirit animals this morning. They represent several things: strength and confidence, standing against adversity, taking action, healing and providing healing to others. From the spirit animal website: “The spirit of the bear is a strong source of support in times of difficulty. It provides courage and a stable foundation to face challenges. When the bear shows up as a spirit guide in your life, it’s perhaps time to stand for your beliefs and truth. This power animal will provide for support and strength.”
As for butterflies, we know they represent transformation, metamorphosis, renewal, rebirth, lightness of being, elevation from earthly matters, tuning into the emotional and spiritual, our souls. From the same website: “The butterfly is a symbol of powerful transformations. By analogy to the development of this animal, the meaning associated with the butterfly emphasizes the ability to move from one state, perspective, lifestyle to another.”
Normally, I don’t think to look into this kind of thing, but given the proximity and power of those two encounters, I felt the need to do just that.
I am so grateful that we went through those three days (also symbolic, if you think about it.) I am just now seeing beyond the immediate encounter to something beyond. As I move forward, especially in this next period leading up to and beyond the election, I am going to hold those memories close.
Today, Don and I are taking action. We’re donating to Act Blue and to the Biden campaign. And we’re going to volunteer for something that we can do here; phone banking, making sure people are registered to vote, whatever is needed. I was in such a state last night after watching Rachel and a bit of Lawrence that I woke up in the middle of the night in a panic. So it’s time to DO something rather than worry all of the time. I’ll keep you informed as we figure out just what that something is.
Stay safe.
Happy Wednesday.
Mailed my ballot…as I tell my five grands-all political as I have always been-aged 5 l/2 (really) to 21…I can only vote and pray. I can’t let things upset me the way they did in 2016…health more precarious now. I too enjoyed the Penny book…the setting was one of my favorites…the family relationships…the mystery not as much as usual…but the book was absolutely one of her best…her words-especially at the end–are to be remembered…some surprises…some guesses…just a pleasant way to spend an evening with this author…hope you have a good good day…brendab
I really liked the mystery. I found it complicated and quite interesting. I might start re-reading all of her books in order.
Stay safe, Brenda!
When you tell of us about her I read every book in order
I then reread the last few
Library has been great-of course grand works there on college breaks brendab
Take it from me, the worry and stress can be detrimental to our health…I know this…you do too. Glad you are taking action…I do spend time on texts, emails, letters, calls, etc., to help this election go forward…I just can’t continue to worry. More tests next week for me…praying for better outcome…prayers prayers prayersbrendab
Praying for good results from your tests, Brenda.
Stay safe!
You’ve got my prayer for good test results, brendab; I definitely know what it is to wait out the findings on medical tests (it’s not fun).
praying for the best test results for you, brendab!
kathy in iowa
Thank you, Chris.
Stay safe.
I believe in the magic of everything you said in your post today. Other living beings, are indeed, spiritual guides and your encounters are good omens.
Take Care,
Park City, UT
I think so, too. It was and is amazing.
Thanks, Kaye.
Stay safe!
Good for you for doing something! I look forward to learning more.
We’ve signed up, both of us. I’m going to go through phone bank and text bank training. Don is going to do phone bank and virtual something or other (can’t remember the exact name). I feel good about this.
Stay safe, Kay. Say hello to Steve and Bruce!
Claudia, I am proud of you both; thanks for doing it!
beautifully said (as usual), claudia.
while i want bears and people to keep a safe distance from each other, i am glad you and don had that experience (and especially that you two were together when it happened and were not hurt). and then there’s your time, efforts and hearts for emby. two powerful and personal things to go through … to see other creatures live and free, up close, to help one of them numerous times, to feel what you felt/ feel, to have been given and moved by the power and beauty in those experiences and recognizing the effects of those gifts (that you didn’t, for example, react like my “it’s just a frog” boss) …. :) i am happy for you.
and the two problems you mentioned are so bad that it’s surreal, like we are all in the worst movie ever. grateful that this one will end. thanks for your efforts to get to the ending sooner (rather than in 2025).
i’m enjoying a quiet start to my day, but soon will work on some projects around here. and for the first time in nearly four months, i don’t have to go outside. that feels weird … and good.
happy wednesday. stay safe!
kathy in iowa
Glad you don’t have to go outside, Kathy.
I wouldn’t trade the experience with the bear for anything in the world. Though it was scary, it was far more profound and beautiful.
Stay safe!
Great! I applaud you and Don for deciding to take action. I think taking the energy that I/ we would expend on anger could be put to better use doing something positive for the Biden/Harris campaign. There is a lot to be angry about currently…and it is overwhelming, and somewhat paralyzing, at least to me. We have already contributed to the campaign, and will continue to do so as we can. Our absentee ballots are on our counter ready to be dropped in the drop box. But, there is more for us to do. We all need to do what we can, while remaining safe.
So, stay safe my friend and carry on! And, thanks for your thoughts on your encounters both with the bear and with Emby. I think we have a lot to learn from Mother Nature. ;)
I do, too.
We’ve signed up for phone bank training and text bank training. Phone bank will happen on Saturday. Text training a week later. It’s not something I feel comfortable doing but I have to shove that aside and do it anyway.
Stay safe, Donna.
Interesting info considering a number of bears have been seen in our area lately. Maybe they are sending us a message. We haven’t received our ballots yet. We are a vote by mail state and have confidence all will go well here. I donated to ActBlue days ago and I hear Biden has been getting a lot of money since RBG died. I think she gave Voldemort a bloody nose just by dying when she did. She was much more admired than he will ever be.
Also donated to Act Blue and to the campaign. We just filled out our ballots this morning and took them to the Village office. We continue to text, call, and encourage the vote every moment we can. Hubs will work the polls. I haven’t watched Rachel, or much news at all, since last Friday. I feel my BP elevating, and I have given that idiot and his cronies too much space in my head already. On top of that, they continue making stops in our state. It is like a revolving door. Pompeo is supposed to be here for a closed session with the (very nasty) Repubs. That seems wrong in so very many ways. One of my crazy beliefs of the past was that Cabinet posts were to stay away from elections. It makes me crazy knowing how much of MY tax dollars are being swept into the web to fund his gross campaign. Knowing we can’t do anything about it is infuriating. The term “elected official” really has no meaning any longer. Purchased officials is actually the truth. I still believe they should all have to wear the logos of their corporate and individual “sponsors” every time they are on TV or appearing in their role as govt official with “Proudly bought and paid for by the following:” for all to see. One more thing we can do is stop shopping at/ from those who are supporting him and his buddies.
Chris K.
I love your idea that they should wear logos of ‘sponsors’. Can you imagine how many some of the long term politicians would be wearing? You probably couldn’t see they clothing thru the sponsors.
I cannot wait for this election to be over, and hopefully see Trump in a prison cell along with every other corrupt person he has on payroll.
I also believe in the power of choosing to not shop at stores that support him. I personally haven’t been in a Macy’s in decades as I so closely associate that store with him and have disliked him for that long. Only wish more people had taken the time to really look into his background the last election rather than choosing him because he wasn’t Hillary. Look at the pickle we are in because of it.
We will all continue to prop each other up until there are better days! Stay safe.
Yes, Wisconsin is sure a draw right now. They don’t stop here because NY is definitely a blue state.
I love that idea of wearing logos of their sponsors! Brilliant.
I no longer shop at several stores – including Home Depot and Hobby Lobby – because they support this monster.
Thanks, Chris.
Stay safe.
I’m feeling fragile and you just made me cry. Although I think I cried as much as three times yesterday with the news on TV and the web. My husband sat down on the sofa with me and said, “Vicki, you have to quit watching the news.”
It really got to me, the CNN interview with the parents of that bright, young, 28-year-old physician who succumbed to the virus after months of fear and agony of deteriorating health. Such a bright star; lost.
And with each day that goes by since RBG’s passing, a feeling of more loss, that we’ll no longer have her intelligent, fierce, guiding light … and, dear Lord, what will likely replace her and not for the good of ALL of us.
Weepy just now, though, because your post is utterly eloquent and powerful today, Claudia. You’re putting into words so much of how I feel. I commend you for your call to action. God bless you and Don.
I do think much of how I’m feeling has to do with grief as I see things in government I’d thought I could trust (that now I can’t); elected officials I could trust (who now I can’t) and for whom I could have faith (the faith is all but gone) to do the right things for me and my country.
But we just CAN’T give up hope; not yet. We have to believe the tide will change with the November election. If it doesn’t, well, I can’t yet ‘go there’.
I just didn’t want to spend my remaining years with this constant cloud of feeling (being) in jeopardy; I selfishly wanted one last strong and vigorous hurrah to finish out my dreams. Instead, I live inside my house, and it’s been a long seven months … with so many more to go.
And to think it could have been avoided had my government (Trump) acted with a swift and responsible response to the enemy of Covid-19. Instead, it was allowed to invade our shores and kill people. While he continues to add salt to the wound, with his arrogance and lies, his nasty-sneering attitude with mockery of masks, distancing, advice of health experts. If it’s something terrible, it’s as if he goes out of his way to make it even more terrible. Trump is a cruel man with mental illness run amok when instead he needs serious intervention. He needs to be put away, in prison, in a mental-health facility; so that intelligent and experienced and honest people can try to patch together our divided, ailing United States of America. His legacy is that he’s left a country in ruins; the very country he was supposed to protect as his Number One job. He is a failed leader who couldn’t do the most basic tasks of leadership. Leader not even being the right word; he never led. He just dictated and manipulated.
I can remember older people saying in years past, “I never thought I’d live to see the day!” Well, we’re living that day. And I never thought I’d see it either. We know things can be different; better. But we’re rendered powerless because this is such a big thing. So, to your post today, if you can do something/anything to feel like you’ve gained back one shred of power, to be EMpowered in a positive way, do it. Let the ‘little people’ speak. We’re stronger together. Of the people, for the people, by the people. Collective action. Rise up. Take the challenge. Resist defeat. Dissent (ala RBG); don’t begin to accept what Trump and his band of yes-people put forth. We know what’s right. Right is supposed to outweigh wrong. Let’s get back to basics. We can’t forget who we are; we’re Americans! Our ancestors came here for a reason, to the land of the free, home of the BRAVE. Courage, dear heart.
Vicki -I can relate
In 2016 I was devastated to say the least and can’t get like that again. Too much stress. Had to stop all news -friends keep me apprised if what I need to know. Social media is the worst because people praise this government right now. This blog isn’t an exception .brendab
It isn’t an exception???
My exact reaction. Brenda, please weigh in. Did you mean that Claudia is NOT alone in her position? That there are, in fact, so many of us who share the loneliness of sanity, besieged by liars so ugly and so very, very loud that in moments of exhaustion we can be convinced that we are the last of our kind? Because that is what I believe is true, that there are many of us, and I hope that is what you mean as well- that we are not alone, and MHC is absolutely an exception when seen alongside the bulk of ‘social’ media.
Kathleen, I know that Brenda loves this blog and has mentioned it’s one of the few she visits and that’s she’s had to stop visiting others because of their views.
I think it was a typo and I was sort of teasing her about that.
I don’t think she meant to write that. Bless you for caring. xoxo
We can’t give up, nor can we give up hope, although it’s tempting at times. I agree: we’re all grieving right now. Over 200,000 dead from COVID, politicians who are bought and paid for, a leader who is anything but that. We are mourning for the demise of treasured institutions, including the Justice Dept., the CDC, DHS, the Supreme Court. I can’t imagine that John Roberts is happy that Trump is pushing this right now. It erodes the standing of the court. It will now be looked at for what it is fast becoming, a political tool, a way to amass power, instead of the revered institution it once was.
It’s all heartbreaking. In my middle of the night panic, I thought: It’s all gone.
But in the light of day, I can’t believe that. We all have to volunteer, make calls, get out the vote. Because he’ll try to invalidate the election, and we can’t allow that. If we turn out in numbers that are record-breaking, we’ll swamp him and he won’t be able to contest.
Stay safe, my friend.
Bravo, Claudia; well said AS ALWAYS. Swamp him is the word; we need a landslide.
We must have a landslide. xoxo
Also, with Trump: The cruelty IS the point. He’s a sadist.
You’re right. He seems to want to hurt; he gets off on it. All you have to do is turn the sound down on the television and watch his smug mug when he’s in his element at one of his dangerous rallies.
He is dead of feeling unless it’s about his own gratification. And we could describe him negatively and justifiably with a lot stronger words than sadist.
I’ve tried to stay away from people like him my whole life. Yet here he is, trying to control my life. And he’s on the TV, online; even on my phone with his stupid, loud, overbearing robo calls asking me to donate money to his campaign.
The day this monster is no longer where I can hear him or see him will be a truly wonderful day for me.
I will dance in the streets. Literally.
In case you are interested, I volunteered to write 200 postcards to swing states (postcards were provided) and pay the postage. The message to write and the addresses were provided to me. It was something I could do at home and I found it fairly easy. Here’s the link:
Yes I have several friends who are doing that, Terri. Thanks for providing the link. I’m sure there are readers who would be interested in doing that.
Stay safe!
I love the symbolism and I hope it portends well for the coming months. Sometimes it is just too much. And we need something gentle or beautiful or thought-provoking or yes, transcendent to take us from the dark and direct us toward the light. You were chosen. And you are using that wisely.
Ah, thank you, Jeanie.
Stay safe!
Rachel’s show last night was unbelievable! My husband and I sat there with our jaws dropped! And then to hear Dr. Fauci stand up to Rand Paul this morning! More prayers offered up tonight!
I missed Fauci, but read about it. Hopefully, I’ll see it replayed tonight!
Stay safe, Debbie!
Loved reading how you’re processing your encounters with the bear and the butterfly. During this abnormal time those sorts of experiences seem even more intense and meaningful in our turned upside down lives. I too have wanted to volunteer at the Democratic office nearby. And pre-pandemic I would have now I’m retired. I’ll be curious what you and Don figure out you can do.
I’m especially am sad not to be helping out because of the Republican area we live in. The other day I mentioned a Politico article about our area. Today the NY Times has an article about our village. A man said he was discouraged from displaying his Black Lives Matter sign and others that their Biden signs were stolen. I walk regularly and see Biden signs all over our neighborhood along with a few Black Lives Matter so I’m wondering where he lives. Anyway, in several instances the Biden signs are right next door or directly across the street from Trump signs. Bet that makes for interesting neighborly encounters.
Anyway, I wish the media wouldn’t concentrate on this area but Wisconsin seems to be the only state on their radar lately. Let’s hope we hand it overwhelmingly over to Joe Biden.
Take care.
Prayers that Wisconsin says no more to Trump. I haven’t seen as many signs this year as in 2016. Several Biden signs, several Black Lives Matter signs, only one Trump sign so far. Are people more reluctant to put out Trump signs or has his support shifted? I’m obviously hoping it’s the latter.
Stay safe, Kay.
Seems like we all need a giant box of Puffs Plus. I find myself breaking down intermittently, and even have tears coming when I don’t even know I’m crying. Feeling impotent is devastating. I so applaud you and Don, not only for donating your carefully guarded financial resources, but for taking action, too. Going to classes takes a lot of courage. I’m happy to see that so many here have voted already or will by-mail very soon. Thank you for sharing with us the Bear and Butterfly (a play on Heart’s Dog and Butterfly?). I truly believe they came to you both in the way of spirit. And I love your word: Transcendant. Makes me feel better just to say it. Thank you. Stay safe. XO
Thank you so much, Nora.
Stay safe!
Thank you for sharing your thoughts and feelings about these two magical encounters. I do know there are Magical things happening we cannot see or imagine. I must believe or I won’t be able to go on. Was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and it has shaken me. At least there is a name for the body pain and complete fatigue I’ve been experiencing. Now to learn more and research how to make it better. Hugs!
Oh, that explains it. I’m so sorry, Linda! But at least you can now start to take steps to overcome its effects. Sending you a big hug, my friend.
Stay safe!