Another morning where the furnace kicked on. That means we have to order heating oil this week. And so begins the extra cost of heating the house. Sigh.
I think tonight will be the last night that gets this cold for a while, but this is a wake-up call. It’s Fall and it’s been colder than usual, rather suddenly. Both Don and I were mourning the passing of summer yesterday. I love autumn, but it heralds the onset of winter and that season is never easy for us and will be all the more challenging in this time of COVID.
I mowed a lot of the property yesterday and Don helped, after finishing his work up in the woods. The other day, I ventured into the woods for the first time since “The Bear.” Don had already done it on his own, but I hadn’t. I sang a song the entire time I was walking the paths, so, if by some chance, the bear was out and about, he’d hear me.
So far, so good!
I have to end this early, as Little Z just face-timed us and that pulled me away from the post. If I don’t publish now, you won’t get the email.
So take care, stay safe.
Happy Sunday.
Have a good day. Hoping to wait awhile on the heat, but since I sold home and I live in apartment-easier…I love love love Autumn…I live in the city here in Indiana, but when I lived at home in WV–driving into the mountains…oh the glory and splendor. Love your blog…your pictures…but I especially love your wooded sanctuary…despite the bear…been there and done that scare…keep writing…keep giving others the opportunity to vent…in this time…I have written a little column off and on for 20 years…always positive…memories…finally did one on Covid…could not resist…might be my last…lol…take care dear people…prayers…brendab
I love Autumn too. It used to be my favorite season until I finally got the chance to garden on my very own property and then that was it. Summer was my favorite.
Stay safe, Brenda!
Happy Sunday!
Thank you, Regula!
Stay safe!
Well, you did it! I have that old song “Running Bear” on repeat in my head.
I remember that song! Oh boy. I don’t want it running through my head, though!
Stay safe, Anne.
Hey, Claudia, if you can stand the smoke, c’mon over to Southern California because we’ve got plenty of September hot weather for you here! I have COLD-weather ENVY; we live under air conditioning and you’ve got the furnace kicking on, but you’re having an authentic autumn whereas we never do here. Although I actually DID see some turning leaves on a tree yesterday; that little-bit of rusty red in some green. Yay.
(Actually, I’ve got all blue sky to the north this morning and it’s a wondrous site after the suffocating cloak of smoke from our wildfires; hope it means some relief for weary homeowners and exhausted firefighters, our heroes.)
Have a nice Sunday afternoon, and thanks for posting.
Yes, but after Autumn comes Winter…
I’m really glad to hear you’re seeing some blue sky!
Stay safe, Vicki.
I can’t think of a better reason to be interrupted than Little Z! Yes, I’ve had a fire going all weekend up here and the space heater. No other option. I might have real heat when I get home. Stay cozy and bring out that polar fleece.
Have a lovely Sunday.
I wish we had a fireplace! That’s the one thing – well not the ONE thing – that I wish we had in this cottage.
Stay warm, Jeanie.
And stay safe.
Oh, fun! I bet the little man had lots to talk about!!
We noticed Fall color on our way into Madison yesterday. I was kind of surprised as we haven’t seen much seasonal color over the last few years. Just small spatterings of it yesterday, but there were vibrant colors! We, too, had another cold night, but close to 70* now. Hubs and daughter are out kayaking. Those days get precious at this time of year. We are supposed to have mid to upper 70’s all week. Hopefully they are right. But we have the smoke screen back today after a few nicer and clearer days behind us.
Enjoy your day, and may it be bear-free!
Smoke from the fires?
I know it has reached us, but I’ve not seen evidence of it.
Stay safe, Chris!
Yes. They talk about it on the news every day. It is like a haze. So, though the sun is shining, it is veiled in the haze. We had a couple of days where it had broken up and the sky was blue again. Yesterday was lovely. Just watching the weather on TV now as I type this, and they said we will have the smoky haze the next few days again.
Had to take an on-line break for a few days for my mental health. So while Dean watched the Packers this afternoon I had fun catching up on your latest posts. They’re a lot more fun than reading the NYT or WAPO right now. Our heat has been on and off the past two weeks. And our linden tree out front is dropping yellow leaves like crazy. There’s a couple of gorgeous maples in the neighborhood that are almost completely orange now.
With the earlier sunsets, I like to get out my battery candles and set them around the house. And burn a couple scented ones too. I guess fall – when it’s a long warm one – is my favorite. I just try not to think about the coming months of snow and cold and live in the moment.
Take care and stay warm.
Good advice, Kay. Live in the moment. Thanks for reminding me of that!
Stay safe.
too bad about the need to get heating oil so soon, but glad you’re otherwise having a good day. sounds like it started sweet with a call from your little z. :)
beautiful weather here. enjoyed time with some family members, including a very socially-distanced lunch and walk (i’m on the opposite side of the street … taking no chances). home now, showered and taking it easy.
hope you’re having a nice night.
stay safe and well!
kathy in iowa
Little Z was very animated today and he made us laugh. I wish I could reach into the screen and kiss his freckly face!
Stay safe, Kathy.
Just want to reach into FaceTime and hug my little grandsons. We work daily a couple of times-gets more difficult k owing can’t see in person. Pray for a vaccine !
i wish you could, too … and even more than that, that you could hug in person. someday … and i’m praying that day comes soon.
kathy in iowa
I hope our warmer weather makes it out to you soon. We had a glorious weather day yesterday. And yes, like Chris mentioned, we are seeing smoke from the fires. It depends on the direction of the jet stream.
Singing is probably a good way to let the bear know you are there…no surprises that way. Hope there are no more encounters. Stay safe! ;)
I think it will warm up starting tomorrow. Fingers crossed!
Stay safe, Donna.
We were inundated by smoke for several days. but it rained all night and the sky is clear today so we could open windows and breathe real air. Cool and nice. Keep showing those lovely flowers and telling us what you both are doing. It keeps us sane and hopeful. Thanks a million.
I’m glad your sky is clear again, Jan!
Stay safe.
Have been absent for a few days whilst very busy. More time to breathe now. As you are going into Autumn we are looking ahead to a very hot, hot Summer. I hate them. Not even a little warmth in Spring makes me happy, although we have had a very cold Winter for our standards and I did crave a little warmth!
We are getting closer to 200 days……… who thought back in February that we would have had what we have been through this year…….. Can’t wait to see who produces a good vaccination.
200 days very soon. It’s stunning, isn’t it?
Thanks, Robyn.
Stay safe.
I’m enjoying my cooler days and nights. We usually get another warm spell in Oct so we shall see. Trying to keep busy and less fretting. Its hard. My Grands are a good distraction for me.
Thank goodness for the Grands!
Stay safe, Linda.