A cold morning here, but warmth is on the way. We are exiting this way-too-cold-for-September 3 or 4 days and we’ll be back to more seasonable temperatures for the next couple of weeks. The sun is shining and that makes me happy. No rain, of course – our drought continues. I sure hope autumn brings some much needed rain.
I finished All the Devils are Here last night. Stunningly beautiful, a mystery written with heart and grace. I didn’t want it to end. In fact, I re-read the ending this morning when I got up. I simply love Penny’s books and now I am in that position of not wanting to start another book because I need to hold this one close to me for a while. If you are a fan and haven’t read it yet, I envy you a little! You will love it. If you’ve never read her books, oh my goodness, you should! Start with Still Life, the first book in the series. There is an ongoing story that continues through all of the books in this series so it’s best to read the books in order. I have a lot of favorite authors writing today, but Louise Penny reigns supreme.
Yesterday, which was supposed to be a low-key day, was not. Things happen. And late in the day we decided to go grocery shopping because we needed just about everything and didn’t want to put it off any longer. Never again. It was so crowded in the store. In terms of social distancing, it was nigh on impossible. We had our masks on, of course, but there was this one older guy who we kept encountering in the store and even in the parking lot. He had a mask on, but he had it pulled down from his nose. What the heck is the point of wearing a mask if you don’t cover your nose? It drove us crazy. We were also in an aisle where a woman fell, with her cart landing on her. We asked if she was okay and stayed there to make sure she was, but in these times of COVID, you wonder just how much you should do. She was able to get up and assured us she was fine, but shaken. Don righted her cart for her, but he was uneasy for the rest of the time we were there because he’d touched the cart. When we got to the car, I told him to use the hand sanitizer immediately so he’d feel better about the whole thing. The need to help someone out vs. COVID. I’m glad he helped her. And we were, after all, masked. So was she.
The trees are starting to turn color around here. Most are still green, but as we drove home from the store yesterday we saw flashes of brown and orange and red.
Today will be a day to rest. I have insisted. Last night we agreed to do nothing but relax, no outdoor work, no raking the paths, no nothing but reading and playing the guitar and the usual daily making of the bed, a quick run of the vacuum, etc. This morning, I sat down next to Don on the sofa for our second cup of coffee and he said, “It’s a beautiful day. Maybe I can find some chores to do outside.” What? NO. A big fat NO. He reluctantly agreed.
Happy Birthday to my late beloved father-in-law, Oscar Lee Sparks. He was such a good guy. Every time I spoke with him, I was charmed by his Oklahoma accent, still retained after many, many years living in Southern California. In fact, his voice kept running through my head when I coached the national tour of Oklahoma! He was my guide.
We’re going to light a candle for him today.
Stay safe.
Happy Tuesday.
We always go to the market first thing in the morning (senior hours)
That morning it is in and out.
Sat am up early to go to the French Bakery and home
Sometime I feel like we are on an island so isolated from the world , but that is how it has to be for I think a long time.
Thankful for our home. So many people are hurting and I think there is no stimulus coming to help so many. What are we as a country?
This morning I am just so sad with the greed in our country,
I am, too. I understand.
And now they want to push a new justice to the SC who will outlaw the ACA, during a pandemic. Heartless, soulless.
Yes, we usually go early in the morning. This is the only time we’ve gone later and we learned our lesson!
I cannot explain it but your posting today made me tear up. Perhaps, it is these profoundly worrisome and sad times times we live in. It is also that you and Don reach out to help others, people and beautiful butterflies.
Take Care,
Park City, UT
Oh, thank you, Kaye. This touches my heart. Bless you.
Stay safe, my friend.
Exact same thing happened to a friend of mine over the weekend. She has religiously only shopped in senior hours, early morning, on weekdays. Starting to relax where maybe she shouldn’t; tired of getting up so early in the dark. So, Saturday, she went to the big grocery store (box-chain store) after lunch. BIG, big mistake. Too many people. The store dispensed with one-door entry; one-door exit. No one-way shopping in the aisles. No courtesy line; just cattle call with every person for themselves and trying to gently remind people to look at where they’re supposed to stand where it’s marked on the floor. She’d wanted the fresh-cooked, hot rotisserie chicken from the deli which is never available in the early-morning hours but she said, never again, it wasn’t worth it to go to the store in midday; left her very rattled although she said most people were nice-enough, but just too many of them when you want to be in an enclosed space/indoors like that with much fewer folks.
Claudia, I just don’t think we can let down the proverbial guard, right? As much as we’re all so sick of living like this!
I try to NEVER have dry cleaning accumulated at this stage of my life, so unlike all the years when I worked and had many clothes which needed to be dry-cleaned and not home-laundered, but we finally did take in a small toteful from not having gone since probably last Christmas, and we found ourselves doing this in the late morning close to the lunch hour when, in all the previous months, unless it’s a medical appointment we can’t schedule for any other time, we’ve tried to be home from anything before the town or places rev up with activity, like home no later than like 9:30am. I guess as humans we just naturally go against any kind of restraint/constraint.
So I don’t think it’s so much complacency but also just reverting to former routines we did in our sleep. Because it’s hard to keep up the hyper-vigilance; we’re only human!
Get a load of this: I saw my oncologist yesterday and he was NOT wearing a mask while he examined me. I simply did not know what to say. I was so nervous over the appointment anyway, always am on these checkups with him due to the nature of what he’s checking for, that I opted to say nothing and my husband said I should have done so. I adore this doctor; he saved my life after my diagnosis of quite-lethal cancer. He has been a steady rock for me over seven years. I trust him. Every member of his staff had on a mask; every patient. But not him. (Like Trump!!)
So, far, of my eight or nine stacked-up/overdue medical appointments in September, each medical office is different than the next; I don’t understand the lack of uniformity in protocol and mitigation. I hope all my medical-visit results for the month come out okay because I seriously just want to roll up into a ball at home in October and go nowhere since I know all of my internal resources will be needed to get me to the November election and nothing has changed to convince me that ‘underlying-issues’ me is safe out there with Covid and no vaccine. I really can’t imagine people being in and of the world in a pandemic without gloves, masks, sanitizer, etc. But they are. I saw it yesterday and could only shake my head as we drove around and did some things in this other nearby city.
It’s also easy to forget. Another friend of mine who has been extremely responsible about Covid since ‘way in the beginning like last February even, went to the bank last week and completely forgot her mask, which of course horrified her and she’s still worrying about it/sweating it out.
And now my husband’s commitment with the Elections Office as a poll worker might be starting within two weeks and is a three-month commitment; so, HOW, even with all their assurances that he’ll be shielded-up with all kinds of PPE/etc., can we be certain over that much amount of time/days, that he won’t at one point get exposure to the virus from all those thousands of people with whom he’ll interact? We’d thought to rent a motorhome for the driveway, just rent one for a couple of weeks (when we thought his commitment would only be Election Day itself), so that we could separate, since we can’t do it safely for Covid in our small house (all to protect me, mostly). But we can’t afford to rent one for three months.
So, it’s a quandary. Because my husband feels very strongly that he needs to support the election effort; they need experienced people, and he’s very experienced at it from years of working the polls. I should probably be the one to go live somewhere else for three months, but it’s rather a dilemma to know where, although I’m trying to come up with a few ideas.
I just wish there was less to worry about, you know? On the news front, we were just starting to really absorb the Woodward tapes, and then we got hit with RBG’s passing only to now have this needling concern about SCOTUS. It’s just something, every danged week, in the news and at home. A real energy-sapper, that’s for sure.
I’m sick of it. The energy-sapping, I mean. Every damn day, not one, not two, but several affronts to decency. We have no hope of stopping this nomination to SCOTUS. Every GOP member we hoped would step up, or who previously said it shouldn’t be done, is waffling and reversing course. I don’t know why I’m surprised. Right now – and I’m going to say it here – I hate this country. I’d like nothing more than to leave it forever. And yet, I know we have to fight.
Don and I considered, briefly, traveling down to DC to visit RBG while she is lying in state. But then we realized it was far too complex a thing to do during the pandemic. So we said what we now frequently say, “Let the young people march” or “Let the young people bear witness.” It’s just not the right time for people of our age to be out there, sadly.
I didn’t feel in danger at the store, but it was WAY too crowded. Back to 7 am shopping trips.
I can’t believe your doctor didn’t have on a mask. What the hell?
Stay safe.
I get you, Claudia. And I don’t think I’ve ever felt more ‘aware’ of Republican vs Democrat. And now I finally know what ‘they’ mean when they say politics are dirty.
Your heart was in the right place to go to DC but you made the right decision for your health. I’m trying to honor RBG by watching and reading everything I can about her. I’m glad she doesn’t know what’s happening in her wake.
There was a lengthy article online (CNN) earlier today about Californians leaving California. “Climate refugees” as I think they coined it on one of the TV news shows (maybe ABC; I was flipping channels). That the hurricanes and blizzards sound better than annual-if-not-all-year wildfire, too-hot temps and severe drought (and earthquakes). But I think we’ll also be seeing more and more about Americans (wanting to be) leaving America (if things keep going on as they are).
My only hope is that Joe Biden will win in November. Too much in our government has become dysfunctional and we need him in there to make it functional again (and honest; believable). The abuse of power, with seemingly no way to rein it in and control it, is so many wrong things but most of all it’s just simply terrifying. It’s when ‘power in the hands of the wrong people’ really is illustrated clearly in our lives. We are being abused.
It IS terrifying. I woke up in a panic in the middle of the night. It’s frightening as hell.
We’ve been emotionally abused (and physically, in some cases) for four years. We’re battered and bruised.
sorry you and don had that awful (crowded, sort of masked guy) experience at the grocery store … but i think you two were put there because of course you would provide assistance and comfort to the woman who fell. i hope, pray that she wasn’t hurt and that you all stay safe and well.
still, it is unnerving being around lots of people and exhausting to always be on guard, isn’t it? another reason for you and don to take it easy today. hope you find another book that you’ll like a lot.
happy birthday to don’s father in heaven.
i like seeing what people have on their bookshelves (and elsewhere in their homes). i see interesting book titles (writing down a few of them here), a cute photo of your sweet scout and a cork from what i think was the bottle of champagne you had on your anniversary in paris. i know it will be a while (too long), but i have a feeling you and don will get back to paris. that is one of my wishes and prayers for you.
i have done nothing constructive today. except for resting. i think we all need more of that. in an hour i’ll be on my way to drop off household items for an organization connected to my church. done curbside and by appointment only, wearing a mask, etc. will be glad to get that stuff to where it can help people (and clear out the backseat of my car). and then come home, shower and hopefully get some things done around here.
happy tuesday. and stay safe!
kathy in iowa
Yes, I find being out and about shopping exhausting, even though I’m grateful to get out of the house for a while. Too many things to worry about, starting with hand sanitizer and wipes, etc.
I’m so glad you’re resting during your week off, Kathy. Take care of yourself!
Stay safe.
Enjoy your rest day! As for the guy with the useless mask, I’m not surprised. It seems to be men in their seventies who are the most oblivious. I’ve had two encounters recently. One standing shoulder to shoulder with me at a market stall, the other shimmying past me on a narrow footpath when it was my right of way. Not done deliberately just not thinking!
I only know of the Oklahoma accent through watching Pioneer Woman and her family. I’m fascinated by the way she pronounces the word ‘Caramel’, it sounds so different!
I don’t know if you have had chance to look yet, I’ve sent you an email😀
Happy Tuesday
The Pioneer Woman’s accent isn’t nearly as strong as Don’s dad sounded. Depends where you are in OK, I guess. Her accent is pretty mild – in fact, I don’t think she’s originally from OK, which would explain it.
I haven’t had a chance to get to the post office yet, Dee Dee. I will get there soon!
Thank you.
Stay safe.
She is my favorite, Louise Penny. My book should arrive this week and I’m eager to dig in. And also want to hold off and anticipate more because as you said, it will be a long while before the next one.
On my never-ending quest for toilet bowl cleaner for rust and lime, I went to Tractor Supply. (I did find one last bottle of the best, Zep.) But the clerk helping had his mask below his nose and a couple people inside (customers) weren’t. It’s a mandate, unless you have medical issues. I had no idea there were so many people with “medical issues”. Interesting because I have breathing issues but I have worn a mask for 90 minutes straight and lived to tell the tale. Does it get warm? Sure. Do I care? Not a bit — especially considering the consequences.
I see lots of “familiar friends” on your bookshelves. I love seeing people’s shelves. It’s the first thing I look at when I visit someone at home. Or was, till — well, you know….
We have rust and lime because of our extremely hard water. What would you recommend? Is Zep the best?
I don’t know if this guy had a medical issue, but he sure didn’t have a ‘talking’ issue. It was non-stop. Thank goodness his mouth was covered!
Stay safe, Jeanie.
I understand Don’s concerns after touching the cart. I always have a little plastic container with a disinfectant wipe with me. I can whip it out easier than gel sanitizer. It gives me a little peace of mind.
Enjoy your day of rest!
We had a disinfectant wipe with us but we’d already used it and it was dry.
Ah, well. We made sure that we both used the sanitizer when we got to the car and then we disinfected everything – including ourselves – when we got home.
Stay safe, Melanie.
I went to a smaller grocery store yesterday and everyone had masks on. Most were social distancing and I got in and out quickly. Mostly I do pickup but this store carries things my Mom wanted and they don’t do pickup. Heading to the Dr for a checkup today and praying she can figure out why I’m so fatigued and why my body hurts so much, Lupus runs in my family so will discuss with her. Glad you are doing a day of rest. I’m finding the older I get the more rest I need. Hugs!
I’m so sorry to hear about you not feeling well, Linda. I pray everything is okay, my friend.
Stay safe!
hej, linda mackean …
praying for you to feel better soon and that there’s an easy answer to get rid of your pain and exhaustion for good. same for your family.
hope you are safe and have all you need and want.
kathy in iowa
I just said to someone the other day that we are now officially morning people. Anything that has to be done outside of our house or yard is done before 10 AM now, or things are way too crowded for us old folks! My hubs and I were chatting and couldn’t remember the last time we were out anywhere after dark. Back in March, I think. Our Gov extended the mask mandate through Nov 21. Just waiting for the Repubs to throw a hissy and call in their SC buddies. The rates in the Madison area (and near all college campus towns) has increased by 4 – 5 times what it was pre-campus openings. It really is scary. Heard the CDC called for no Trick or Treating this year. Wonder how fast that will get pulled and we will be told it was “a mistake”. Apparently if the idiot doesn’t give his Heil salute, it never happened.
We have a lovely 78* day here. Going to dump some plants this aft that are looking very tired and put them out of their misery. Mostly petunias. Some things are still marching on and the temps this week look good. Hope your day of rest is going well.
I am continually appalled by the hold this ass has over everyone, the CDC, the Senate, everyone. He’s a mob boss, really. I’ve never seen so many grown men and women live in fear of a tweet.
Stay safe, Chris.
Dear Claudia, I just wrote a letter to Marco Rubio, my republican senator, asking him to speak for justice and not be tainted by McConnell’s hypocrisy. This is one way we can make our voices heard, emailing our senators. Encourage them to be brave, and not be associated with the dreadful stink that will surely taint them.
Yes we can. Unfortunately, or fortunately, my senators and representatives are Democrats; Chuck Schumer, Kirstin Gillibrand, and Antonio Delgado. They will fight this as best they can. I do plan to contact them with support for what they’re doing.
But I agree. People need to contact their representatives and voice their outrage. They need to hear from everyone.
Thanks, Leslie.
Stay safe.
I’m glad you are writing to them. It is equally important as criticism for our representatives to know we support them.
I no longer associate with my Republican “friends”. Using the pandemic as an excuse till now. Had a terrible phone call with a woman I have known for years . She started in on the fact that I have been overly cautious and I told her she was being a fool and believing an even bigger fool(trump). I cut her off and told her I really wasn’t in the mood to hear”fake news” and hung up/ Childish and pointless but I have had enough. No more dancing around this anymore.
I agree. Same here.
Stay safe, Maria.
Every single damn time I go grocery shopping, there’s always someone (or more than one person, usually elderly) wearing their mask under their nose. I guess they have a hard time breathing, I’m so used to seeing it now that it doesn’t surprise me anymore. A few days ago when we were grocery shopping, just as we were nearing the checkout, a couple in their 20’s passed by us, neither one of them wearing masks. Even though there’s a mask mandate here and there’s big signs on the doors as you enter that say masks are required. Ugh, so maddening! That’s why I like shopping at Trader Joe’s. There’s an employee right inside the door making sure everyone that enters is wearing a mask and they also allow only 25 people in the store at one time.
I went to the dentist yesterday and as I was approaching the door, an elderly lady standing there was struggling to get her mask on because she was holding both her purse and a water bottle. She held out her water bottle to me and said, “Here, will you please hold this for me so I can get my mask on?” I didn’t want to say no, but yet I wasn’t totally comfortable with holding her water bottle. I said yes and then immediately used hand sanitizer on my hands.
I’m not a fan of mysteries or crime reads, but Brian is, so I will recommend that Louise Penny series to him. In fact, I have an appointment to spend 1/2 hour in the library tomorow and I have a couple of books on hold. They have the first Louise Penny book in the series, so I will pick it up for him while I’m there.
Enjoy the warmer weather…it was 80 here today and will be tomorrow, too. It was absolutely gorgeous.
It makes me crazy, this mask below the nose thing. Unfortunately, we don’t have a Trader Joe’s nearby. The majority of people here are masked and respectful of space, but every once in a while, there’s someone like this guy.
You were good to help that woman out, and smart to fire up the hand sanitizer!
Stay safe, Melanie.
all right, you got me, I just ordered Still Life. It better be as good as you say, otherwise it becomes a Christmas gift. Maybe it will anyway. No more room on my bookshelves.
Well, everyone’s reactions are individual, but you only have to read the comments about Penny on this blog to know I’m not the only person who feels this way!
Stay safe.
This latest Louise Penny is my favorite. I’m glad it touched you too. I’ve been scrupulous about wearing a mask since the beginning, but yesterday I had an appointment with a new doctor about a knee replacement. I was nervous and I got lost, taking a left instead of a right, and then when I got to the office building, I was equally disoriented. As I wandered about, I noticed people were looking at me oddly. I thought it was because I hadn’t ironed my t-shirt. Then I realized that I’d forgotten my mask!! Thank god no one attacked me! I went right back to the car and got the mask and called the office for directions–they said where are you? I said out front in the car. LOL. What a dope! Thanks to the kindness of strangers I eventually was appropriately masked and found the office. Moral of the story–masks are more anxiety provoking to me than a knee replacement. Thanks for helping the poor lady. The dilemmas we cannot predict. Take care!
I’ve had dreams of not having my mask with me – it happened to you! Glad you were safe, that you didn’t have any encounters during that maskless time.
Stay safe, Nora!