And there it sits while I ponder if this is the way I want to go. I think it is, but wallpaper is tricky. When you first apply it in an empty room, it’s overwhelming. That’s where I am now. But I know that it will be balanced by furniture, appliances, rugs, paintings on the wall, books, flooring, etc.
I think the next step is to install a floor and see what that does. Also, installing the beams for the ceiling will help as well. Looks like I have some work to do today. I was curiously inert about doing anything more to the room over the weekend. But both Don and I were really tired. I don’t know what’s floating about in the air but mowing the other day gave me far more allergy problems than I had at any other time this year.
We were also sort of wiped out after the bear encounter and the two days with the chrysalis turned Monarch, saving his life four times, as well as rescuing him from the ground and installing him in a tree. Lots of worry and stress last week, including doing our tax deductions, knowing we’ll have to pay but not knowing the amount. Last year it was very high. We’re seeing our savings not-so-slowly being depleted by a combination of the tax changes and the pandemic. (And fallen trees.)
Anyway, all that is to say that we needed to hang out and rest this weekend.
But you can be sure we shared the bear story with Little Z yesterday. He was wide-eyed and listening to every word. We were going to tell him about the butterfly, too, but we figured that was too much storytelling in one FaceTime. He was pretty animated yesterday, starting off the call with a joke. He’s such a neat kid, so funny and so smart. That call made our day.
Thrilled about the wins for Schitt’s Creek at the Emmys. We watched the awards for about an hour and a half and I think they did a bang-up job of finding a creative way to deal with every nominee being at home instead of in the audience.
It’s still really cold here but tomorrow will bring a warming trend, so hopefully we won’t have to turn the heat on again for a week or two. I saw that there had been a frost advisory last night when I got up this morning. I had no idea. Luckily there was no frost on the ground here this morning but everyone up in the mountains might have suffered an early end to the growing season.
I’m close to the end of the Louise Penny and I’m stalling. I know that this is it until next year, so I’m taking my time so that I’m present for every word. It’s excellent, with a very complicated plot and a Paris setting. (Oh, how I wish I was in Paris!)
Stay safe.
Happy Monday.
Amen to Paris. As ‘they’ say, “Paris is always a good idea.”
Yes, indeed!
Stay safe!
Oh how I wish I was in Paris also! I’ve been telling my Paris story on my YouTube channel on my Smile Saturday videos and it’s a lovely reminder of my trip 7 years ago this month. Time flies. I’ve been seeing more butterflies here this week as we have flowers blooming. Lovely time of year weather wise. Other wise not so much. Mom and I got our absentee ballots today. We will get them back quickly and pray for the best. Hugs!
We have early voting starting Oct. 25, so we’re going in person to vote on the very first day!
Stay safe!
I know it’s hard enough picking out wallpaper for a life-sized room, much less a miniature room. That being said…I do like that wallpaper you chose. Especially with the addition of beams, I think they will be good companions.
I was going to wait til Christmas to get the latest Penny, but I don’t think I can wait that long, I just might have to order it today. Decisions, decisions. If only everything were that easy. Stay safe! ;)
It’s so good! Get it!
Stay safe, Donna.
Oh, I can imagine Little Z listening wide eyed to the bear story! That’s a joy.
It’s hard to know what to do with wallpaper — I can see your dilemma. Will the pattern look too big by the time you get the beams down and furniture in. You don’t want it to drawf everything. And the only place it looks likee you are breaking it up would be the large cabinet and a bit in the kitchen area. I think the floor and beams will tell you what you need to know.
Yes, and I’ll break it up with pictures on the wall, etc. and perhaps more pieces of furniture.
Thanks, Jeanie.
Stay safe!
the wallpaper is beautiful as is! real-life wallpaper is tough to hang … i can imagine how much moreso it is with wallpaper so small and sticky and with limited access … great work, claudia! soon you will get more pieces in place and see this one is as beautiful as your other dollhouses!
really glad to hear you and don are taking it easy … you’ve had a lot of extra things to deal with recently, along with the pandemic and political stuff! hope you and don get rested and have easier days.
as i’ve grown older, i don’t bounce back physically or emotionally as quickly as i used to. and especially now, when there is so much trouble in the world. sometimes i fight that change, other times i can give myself grace by allowing more time to rest, feel what i feel and figure out what would be better for next time. doing that today being at home (week of vacation). we have pretty weather today, but i am staying in to force myself to rest.
hope you have a good rest of the day and night.
kathy in iowa
Same here. And today ended up being very busy, so tomorrow we will rest.
Thanks, Kathy.
Stay safe.
Oh, little Z! I bet he has been thinking about that story since you shared it with him. Such an adventure for Uncle and Auntie!! In his dreams about it I am sure he now sees himself right along side of both of you outsmarting that bear.
Glad you are taking it easy for a few days. My brain is totally exhausted and I didn’t encounter a bear, save a Monarch, or have to think about taxes. It just seems that it is overload every single day. How long can we humans keep this up? If Covid doesn’t get us, his daily doeses of nonsense/ crap will be what does me in, I am sure. Take care of yourselves and I hope you (and all of us) will find some peace in this day.
It ended up being a somewhat stressful and busy day.
So, we’ll move the day of rest to tomorrow!
Thanks, Chris
Stay safe.
Hope everyone is enjoying the sunshine today. If I could bottle it up for the winter…. I haven’t been sleeping well. Anyone have any suggestions. ?Despite the sunny day I am so anxious. If I could just live in the moment and not project. Claudia, . the little house is magical and it must give you such satisfaction. What will you do when it is finished? How will you know when it is finished? Love the little bowl on the hutch. Do you ever envision who will live in this pretty place?
I always envision who will live there. I’ll know when it’s finished when I feel that it’s complete!
Thanks, Maria!
Stay safe.
Oh, to have your infinite patience with that little house. My fingers are far too clumsy to achieve the beautiful results all your little houses have. I think we’re all of us exhausted right now. The news has become such a slog each and every day of the last four years with outrage after outrage. After a while you just burnout on it all. Then there’s the pandemic and the cascade of bad decisions/actions that will disrupt the lives of Americans for who knows how long.
My solution has been to immerse myself in my favorite viewing: costume dramas on Netflix and Prime. Right now am in the middle of The Aristocrats about the eighteenth century Lennox sisters. It’s from the BBC so, naturally, wonderful even if it is now 21 years old. I have, and read years ago, the book the series is based on. There’s lots more historical shows queued up in my watch list, enough to get me through the winter. That said, I too was thrilled by all the Emmys won by Schitts Creek. And excited that the final season will be on Netflix in just a few weeks!
Take care.
I saw the final season on PopTV. It’s wonderful! You’ll love it.
Stay safe, Kay.