Lots of activity down by the culvert. Wildflowers; including goldenrod, ironweed, purple loosestrife (don’t worry, it’s not invasive on our property) and Queen Anne’s Lace, abound. I counted 5 garden spiders/Orb weavers in the same patch of flowers. I could stand there and watch all the activity all day long.
I mowed the back forty and the former corral and then Don joined me to mow the front lawn. It was a very satisfying mowing day. We wanted to get it done because we have no idea when the tree guys will come and there’s rain in the forecast for tomorrow. This morning, we have to drive across the Hudson River to Don’s retina specialist for his bi-monthly shot in the eye. When we get back, I want Don to take it easy. So does his doctor.
Consequently, I am writing this post earlier than I usually do.
I strolled around the front yard late yesterday afternoon taking photos like the one of the bee. After a while I headed up the driveway to go back in the house and I glanced at the milkweed, wondering when I should cut some of it down, as it was looking like it was done for the year. Then I saw this:
The first monarch caterpillar I’ve seen this year. And if you look to the right, you’ll see a much smaller caterpillar on that pod. I quickly went in the house to get Don because I knew he’d want to see it. I also took a short video, which is on my Instagram account. I don’t always see these guys – it’s all in the timing – so my day was made.
And I had my answer to the milkweed question: Not yet.
Stay safe.
Happy Tuesday.
Good doc visit…I know what it is to wait on results, etc…waiting…waiting…stress…I have discovered on YOU TUBE which is on my television-love it…Ruth Rendell’s mysteries, movies, etc. Remind me of Midsomer Murders…which I enjoy so much…I am going to reread her books from the library…when things here calm down…have a good trip today…love the photos…brendab
hej, brendab …
i enjoyed the “midsomer murder” tv shows that i’ve seen so i should check out the books (i’ve never enjoyed a movie adaptation more than the book it was based on). thanks for mentioning it.
and i am still reading “the mysterious mr. quin”. “murder on the orient express” will be next, per your recommendation. thanks for that, too.
hope you are well and safe, happy.
kathy in iowa
I do not love the short stories.
Don’t miss Murder On…And then there were none…murder in the vicarage…so many good ones …enjoy
more suggestions … thank you!
i am not a fan of short stories, either … even if i liked full-length books written by that same author in the past. if i start to like something, the premise, a character, whatever, then i want it to go on and on for a good while. something twenty pages long just isn’t to my liking.
happy, safe wednesday to you!
kathy in iowa
There’s no waiting for results in this case. It’s a treatment for his macular degeneration – a shot in the eye.
Glad you’ve discovered the wonderful programs available on You Tube, Brenda. Enjoy!
Stay safe.
best wishes and prayers for don’s shot, that they are helping his vision greatly.
loved watching the video of the caterpillar on your instagram account. fascinating, for sure … and made me think of aerial artists dancing and moving up high on silks and of “letting go” a bit.
also loved the video tour of your office space and dollhouse tour.
thank you, claudia, very much for sharing photos of beauty with us every day! there is beauty where i live, where we all live and it’s good to recognize and enjoy it. appreciate it. but you often share things that maybe i won’t see (like monarch caterpillars … no gardens around me) and i appreciate that, too. thanks for taking the time and expense to post, in part because your photos and words remind me that there is beauty and wonder even in things that kind of (or a lot) freak me out … like insects and spiders. :)
hope you both have a take-it-easy day after the doctor’s appointment.
usual day here … work, home, shower right away, then a few tasks before doing a bit of reading. might do some knitting tonight, too, now that it’s cooler … but i really need to focus on some cross-stitch gifts for my family.
stay safe!
and hooray for pickles in grilled cheese sandwiches. :)
kathy in iowa
I remember when I used to knit and crochet – I welcomed the cooler weather. Mere is always working on something and she has to do it in humid, hot Florida! She welcomes the winter when the temps are much more bearable.
Stay safe, Kathy.
Fascinating photo of the caterpillar.
Hope Don fares well with the shot in the eye. Ouch.
We’re getting ready for another big heatwave in SoCalif for Labor Day Weekend, soaking all the plants and other landscaping; trying to get most of the laundry done, seeing what we can grill outdoors, etc. Not wanting to be overtaxing the grid. We’ve already had a brownout and I don’t want a blackout.
I don’t know how on earth those people in Louisiana are coping with no water and no electricity in all the excessive heat-humidity and their damaged homes (and businesses, schools, city buildings) from the hurricane. I feel really badly for them. I’ve traveled through those places and only met the most amazing, wonderful folks in that stretch of the state.
I’m waiting to hear if our county is going to close its beaches over Labor Day; the adjoining county already has (to prevent a super-spreader situation with thousands upon thousands flocking to the shore to escape aforementioned heat). We don’t want another Memorial Day and Fourth of July like we’ve had earlier in 2020, with Covid numbers ramping up shortly after throngs of people escape to water’s edge.
So, Claudia, is Sept 1 pretty much our collective six months of Covid confinement?
I can’t imagine the conditions in Louisiana. As if there isn’t enough to deal with for those poor souls.
Almost 6 months – just 7 more days and we’ll hit that mark.
Stay safe, Vicki!
It is an entire other world that lives at the flower level and below. Watching the bees and the butterflies dance in the flowers allows an enormously quieting effect to come over me when I sit and watch. With the idiot in Wisconsin today, I should just go out and plant a chair for the day ~ or possibly through November.
Glad you got your mowing done yesterday so you and Don will be able to have an easy day today. From experience here, I know my hubs won’t rest very well if he knows I am off working on something, so it is best we both commit the day to taking it easy. Much better chance he will be compliant!!
It was 47* this morning. We haven’t mowed for a couple of weeks as it was so dry and the grass was pretty brown. With some rain now, it is looking much happier. I am still a bit surprised that it is Labor Day weekend coming up. I thought there was one more weekend in there. Today was the first day of school here. It was the first time since my hubs was 5 years old that he wasn’t getting ready to attend classes or teach them (he is 69). If it wasn’t for Covid, he would have been back. And to think that it didn’t have to be this way……..
I could easily have sat there all day. Extraordinary. And calming.
And yes, if I’m doing something, it’s harder to keep Don from doing something!
Your husband: has he retired, Chris? Did he decide not to go forward because of the pandemic?
Stay safe.
Hope everything goes well for Don.
I enjoyed your caterpillar video. My friend raises monarch’s from her home near Milwaukee. She’s been doing that since the 80’s. It’s quite the process, and I’m curious how many Monarch’s she’s helped start out in life. She has no idea, but she has half a dozen containers, that house the milkweed leaves on which eggs have been laid. Mother Nature does the rest. I think it’s simply fascinating. You are lucky to have that small ‘ditch jungle’ going on in your yard….and you can observe close up.
Rest up this afternoon…sounds like you were busy yesterday. Stay safe! ;)
We know a woman who does the same thing. I’ve though of doing that but we just don’t have the space available indoors.
Thanks, Donna.
Stay safe!
The monarch caterpillars are especially beautiful, aren’t they? Makes sense, I guess — Monarchs are!
Just returned from the post office. I found one in a town so tiny I’m not sure it has (m)any people there! One window, no other cars any time I’ve ever been. I had a card order to package and I swear, the post office woman was happier to see me than Lizzie in the morning when she wants her breakfast. They must not get a lot of traffic, which makes it nice for posting things out — safe feeling!
The perfect post office in these times!
Stay safe, Jeanie.
I cannot believe it has been nearly six months in this lockdown. but it seems mother nature has been blossoming while we have been indoors. Neighbors have seen every kind of wildlife on the doorsteps including a young cougar. We had a hummingbird at the window right in front of our daughter’s face. Too bad she couldn’t appreciate it.
Wow, a young cougar! Amazing.
Stay safe, Jan.
I loved your IG video of the caterpillars. I’m constantly checking our milkweed in high hopes of seeing one but nothing to date. Still, all summer Monarchs flitted out there so I’m glad they enjoyed our little patch.
Woke up to 55 degrees this morning. School starts here on Tuesday so I’m ready for cooler fall weather. All the kids on our block will be learning from home so it will be strange not seeing them walking to the elementary school two blocks away. The way they and the dog-walkers are dressed has always informed me as to how many layers I need to put on. Anyway, as far as I’m concerned fall is welcome because it means we’re getting closer to the apocalypse happening on Nov. 3rd.
Hope everything goes well for Don.
Take care.
You know, I’m going to have to visit the public school website. I’m not sure what they’re doing this fall. The university has started classes but I wonder how long that will go on, given that most universities are discovering that in-person classes and life in dorms results in an increase in COVID cases.
Stay safe, Kay.