Don and I just got finished having one of those conversations that remind us of the joys and heartbreaks in life and the paths we choose to take. Tonight we are watching the last episode of Cheers. The finale was originally ninety minutes long, but it has since been broken up into three half-hour long episodes. We’re on the last of the three. Don did some research and found out it had aired on May 20, 1993. He doesn’t remember watching it and now we know why – he was in Morning’s at Seven at the Old Globe. It had just opened because the reviews came out that day.
That means that within a week or so of May 20th, I was about to fly out to San Diego to be interviewed for the job I would eventually get, which would take me to the opposite side of the country for the next eight years. I know this because during the weekend of my interview, I attended the matinee of Morning’s at Seven. My friend Kathy was in it, as well as my future friend Lynne Griffin (who I had seen at the Stratford Festival years earlier,) Sada Thompson (who I would later work with and who was a great friend of ours,) and a guy named Don Sparks. Don and Lynnie sort of stole the show and I remember loving his performance, reading his bio in the program, looking at his headshot and thinking…hmmm, he’s intriguing.
I wouldn’t meet him until a year later when he came back to the Globe to play Malvolio in Twelfth Night. I recognized him at the Company Call for the summer productions – an event where everyone was introduced – which took place the last week of June. How do I know? Because Don was made an Associate Artist at that Company Call and he talked about having just turned 43 a few days before. (He will be 69 tomorrow.) This was an emotional time for all of us at the Globe and in the MFA program. On May 1st of that year, one of our students had been murdered while leaving the park late at night with his girlfriend, who was also one of our students. He had been just about to graduate with his MFA. I can honestly say that the loss of John at the age of 24 is hardest thing I’ve ever been through. (Later that summer, I would attend the trial of his murderers.)
In one of life’s unexpected twists and turns, when profound grief overwhelms you and you think you will never find joy again, I met Don on July 4th – just two months later.
This is a time of year that is always full of memories for us and we always take the time to remember all that went on in 1993 and 1994. What if I hadn’t applied for that job? What if Don hadn’t called the Globe to see if anything was available for him and then found out they wanted him for Malvolio? What if I had never had the honor and joy of knowing John? Of meeting Don? Of working at the Old Globe?
All of this triggered by finding out when that final episode of Cheers aired.
Don also lost a dear friend to murder in the same place, Balboa Park. David Huffman, a wonderful actor, was knifed to death when he ran to try and stop a thief who had just broken into someone’s motor home. That happened in 1983. This beautiful place, which Balboa Park indeed is, was also the scene of the deaths of two people we loved.
We are awash in memories, both heartbreaking and joyful.
That’s what this time of year brings to us in various degrees every year. We honor those we’ve lost, we express gratitude for our blessings and the seeming serendipity of meetings, connections, and what turn out to be momentous moments, of paths chosen, phone calls made, timing, and loss.
Stay safe.
Happy Tuesday.
Fiona says
Those conversations are ways so interesting. Was it chance that made you both make the decisions you did back then or was it predestined? We’ll never know, but it’s so fascinating to think of it all.
I have that hydrangea at home, it’s lovely, such delicate colours that change as the flower develops.
Have a great day Claudia and Don.
Claudia says
Thank you so much, Fiona. Stay safe!
Vicki says
A lot of interwoven memories (as so much of life is). I hope you have a peaceful Tuesday today.
The flower photo is so gorgeous.
Claudia says
Thank you, Vicki. Stay safe!
Kelly says
Hi Claudia, memories are the very valuable remaining ingredients of our past, the reminders of what has occurred to us or around us or to those we care about and make us what we are today. Sharing them is allowing others to see that we aren’t just what you see today. I love how you allow the bright spots to help ease the hurts.
Take care…
Claudia says
Thank you for your kind words, Kelly. Stay safe!
Dena Bailey says
Beautifully expressed, Claudia. I have read your blog daily for years, yet this is only my second time commenting. I so enjoy seeing and hearing about your little piece of heaven in my old neck of woods in the Hudson Valley. Thank you!
Claudia says
Thank you so much, Dena. Stay safe!
Jeff Steitzer says
Claudia, reading today’s post that that production of MORNING’S AT SEVEN would have been the first time I set eyes on Don as well. I can’t remember if this happened during a TCG Conference that the Globe was hosting–I think it might have been–but I certainly remember seeing that show. I actually saw more than a few shows there before I performed at the theater. Were you there when the Globe hosted BROTHERS AND SISTERS? One of the most extraordinary theatrical experiences of my life. And I recall seeing two shows when I was down in the area for my honeymoon: LOVE’S LABOURS LOST, directed by Jerome Kilty and ROMEO AND JULIET, with Tovah Feldshuh (who I had gone to college with in Minneapolis) as Juliet. Having been raised in San Diego, the Globe was a part of the landscape from the time I got interested in theater, which was very early. But I wouldn’t see anything there until after I had left and then come back to visit. Ah, me… Please give Don my very best wishes for a spectacularly Happy Birthday tomorrow! I hope you both have a wonderful day.
Claudia says
I wasn’t there for those shows. It must have been just before my time, though I met Jerome Kilty and I think he directed an MFA production while I was there. Tovah is an Associate Artist, I believe. I will tell Don that you saw him in the show and pass along your birthday wishes. Hope you’re doing well, Jeff! Stay safe, my friend.
Wendy T says
However painful or joyful or wistful the memories, I’m happy you have Don with whom you can share them, Claudia. Happy birthday in advance to Don.
Claudia says
Thank you, Wendy!
Chris K in Wisconsin says
I believe it is written in the stars. It was meant to be. The serendipities, the missteps, the loops we make in life, all lead us to where we need to be. The stars are wise!!
Claudia says
They are. And it’s all a miracle. Stay safe, Chris.
brendab says
Memories of the journey…Happy Birthday to Don tomorrow…loved this story…brendab
Claudia says
Thank you, Brenda. Stay safe!
Joan says
Rich memories. Beautiful photo. Well done, indeed.
Claudia says
Thank you, Joan. Stay safe!
kathy in iowa says
sorry to you and don on the losses of your friends. it says a lot that you could attend what would have been a very tough trial on john’s behalf. i hope the people who murdered him and david were found guilty and remain in jail.
i am glad you two have much happier memories to focus on!
others may disagree, but as a person of faith, i see the hand of God at work in the things you described that led you and don to each other … and i am very happy for you and don!
in my own life, i see such things more easily not in the moment, but looking back. when i see those things (and when i don’t), may i always give thanks to God for getting me where i need to be and forgiving me when i want something else.
glad you and don could watch all of “cheers” before it leaves netflix.
hope your allergies have not been bothering you and you’ve had a good, easy day.
stay safe!
kathy in iowa
Claudia says
The three young people who murdered Don were found guilty. The person who pulled the trigger was a girl-age 17.
Thanks, Kathy. Stay safe!
Donnamae says
I often think about the circumstances that bring two people together. All the little things that had to fall in place. And I don’t think it is by chance. All I do know, is that some folks are just meant to be together…like you and Don. ;)
Claudia says
I don’t think it’s by chance either. It was meant to be. Thank you, Donna. Stay safe!
jeanie says
I remember the actor David Huffman — so tragic. Don’t you love how one incident (watching Cheers) can lead to such a delightful recreation of a timeline? That’s happened on occasion with Rick and me and it’s always fun, combining those dates, experiences and memories. I’m so glad it all worked out in the end, just as it should have.
Claudia says
He had two young children when he was murdered. Don was devastated.
Thanks so much, Jeanie. Stay safe!