A quick post today: we didn’t lose power, thank goodness. But it’s a real mess out there!
As I walked toward the kitchen windows at the back of the house, I noticed there was water dripping down the inside of the window. Sure enough, they’re leaking. This happens rarely here – I’d say it’s been 6 or 7 years since it last happened. There is a gutter on the outside of that wall and because we had such freakish weather – snow, rain, sleet, freezing rain all night long – the gutter filled with water and then froze and now that the temperature is above freezing, the water has no where to go. I think they call it a ‘dam.’
So we’ve been outside using the roof rake to get excess snow off the roof and then Don shoveled the rest of the kitchen roof. The ice is too hard to melt at the moment but it’s going to hit 47 today (bizarre) so we’ll go out every hour and check on things until we can break up some of the ice and get it flowing.
And to think we said Don was going to take it easy today after lots of shoveling during the past 3 days. By the way, we’re being very, very careful, so don’t worry.
Oh, and after all of this is through, we have about 8 more inches of snow coming on Thursday.
Go ahead: ask me if I’m sick of this winter.
I think you know the answer.
Stay safe.
Happy Tuesday.
We had horrible snow and ice yesterday
Supposed to be finished for a day
I have grocery pick up in the morning
I leave complex and go up one street to get them
Street should be ok
Don’t really want to go but it is early and family working
More weather coming but this is February in Midwest
Florida next month health and weather permitting
Be safe outside both of you
Take care
A friend of mine finished her first Penny book and loved it
Thanks so much, Brenda.
You stay safe, okay?
More snow today here but the sun is out now and my son already shoveled this morning so I cannot complain. Glad you are being careful! Hope you can thaw out a bit.
Stay safe and snug!
Thanks so much, Ellen.
Stay safe!
Oh, the joys of winter. We have dealt with the ice dam situation in the past too.
Your weather sounds really crazy. Most of this storm has gone south of us. The sun is shining in W Mich. Still very cold here though.
It’s 5° according to my phone. It should start warming up by the weekend but not above freezing. 47° sounds quite balmy.
I keep telling myself better days are ahead and spring will be here soon.
Stay safe
Well, it’s back to very cold temps tomorrow. Every day brings something new.
Stay safe, Marilyn.
ugh. sorry you have to deal with that. glad you and don are careful doing that roof and gutter work. good luck with the windows not leaking any more and prayers for safety!
yes, such stuff is to be expected up north in february, but we don’t have to like it! the only parts i do like are the beauty of snow and the moisture it provides creatures and future crops. certainly not the hardships it all can cause. and ice? nope. not even in my lemonade on the hottest days.
it’s -11 degrees here and i sure don’t like that.
day six of quarantining. i’m not able to work on big projects or vacuum, but i can putter with lightweight things … yesterday i switched covers on sofa pillows (the bin holding them is handy) and moved some other things around more to my liking. did a little knitting. and today i slept in … it’s warmer under the covers. :) as i putter or lay in bed, i try to let my thoughts go where they want or need to go … led to a change and an addition to a couple of the children’s books i’m working on. i like and am grateful when that happens!
hope you stay safe and warm and have an easy day.
kathy in iowa
ps … glad you didn’t lose power. hope it stays on!
kathy in iowa
It has. xo
No. I hate ice and an ice dam is a rare thing around here. It’s now very cold again, so this might be ongoing for a while. In the meantime, more snow is coming. It’s been a very crazy winter.
Don was up on the roof a couple of times, but the last time he was up there, he felt it was too slippery. So he came down and we stopped for the day.
Stay safe, Kathy.
We had 8 – 10 inches of snow here yesterday. It’s hard to tell because of all the blowing and drifting. That was on top of what we already had. It wasn’t nearly as much as you and Don have but it’s more than enough for me! Ed has been out all morning. He shoveled the walks and is now on Big John (the big tractor…..mine is Little John, the medium size lawn mower) plowing out our long driveway. What a mess! It is only about 13 degrees here and a little windy so he has to come in every little bit to warm up. We’re supposed to have another storm Wednesday night and Thursday. I love winter, I really do but I think I have enjoyed enough of it this year! I hope you get your ice problem fixed soon. Take care and be safe out there.
Some of the ice melted, but it turned very cold around 4 pm. It’s only going to reach 30 degrees tomorrow. So I think we’ll have to deal with it again when we get another thaw next week. In the meantime, we’re getting lots more snow on Thursday.
Stay safe, Lorinda.
Oh I read this and felt sorry for both of you.
Maybe in the spring you can have a contractor come and do a thorough inspection of your home to see what really needs to be done.
Owning a home is a big responsibility.
Stay safe
This has nothing to do anything being wrong with the house. This is the result of extreme weather conditions. We had an ice storm that lasted over 14 hours. If you read the comments, you’ll see that plenty of people who live in northern climates have ice dams and are currently dealing with the same thing. I can count the times it’s happened in our 16 years in this house on 3 fingers.
So you don’t need to feel sorry for us. It’s annoying, more than anything.
Stay safe.
Oh that winter storm stuff is not for me. Stay safe and warm. I started watching All Creatures Great and Small last night and I am so in love with it. Warm, kind, lovely scenery, animals and humor and well what more could you want. It lifted my soul. I will hate to see it end. Thank you for the recommendation. Hugs!
I’m so glad you liked it. I knew you would!
Stay safe, Linda.
Oh, Claudia, we had those ice dams several years ago. What a mess. We had to have major roof repair. When I see the icicles forming on the gutters it sets in a minor panic for me. It is 8* here right now!!!! The wind chill is still below zero, but the sun is shining and the temp is above zero. I am sure on campus in Madison there are students in shorts.
Hope the next one misses you and goes elsewhere! I think the entire country is over this winter. Stay warm, take a hot chocolate break this aft if you can, and take care!!
Everyone around here has huge icicles on their gutters. It’s been too cold and we’ve had a lot of snow.
Stay safe, Chris.
When it rains it pours, doesn’t it? Bummer about the ice dam — last thing you need right now. We got a big dump last night too — judging from the amount shoveling, it looked about eight inches. I was glad Rick came over to help shovel to dig me out before my vaccine appointment — then we were half done when the snow guy came and he finished up. Getting out of the ‘hood was a little harrowing but once on the main roads, OK. And people were driving carefully. All good.
I hope you two can snug in after this and that the rain doesn’t bring flooding or other bad things.
I’m sure the rain will bring flooding. We’re on higher ground so we’re okay usually, But there are a lot of rivers around here with a lot of ice in them.
Stay safe, Jeanie.
Sorry to hear about the ice dams….we have them too. It is a sunny day here….8 above zero….highest it’s been in a long time. We have escaped this last snow storm…maybe on Thursday? I can’t believe it’s 47 there.
Take care of yourselves! ;)
47, but only a high of 30 or less tomorrow. It got much colder late in the afternoon.
Stay safe, Donna.
Hi, we are having the same issue. I think they call it a “damn” 😂😎🤨
It started to melt a bit, but then it got cold and now it’s all frozen again! I’m sorry you have to deal with it, too. If you have any tips, feel free to pass them on!
Stay safe, my friend.
Power back on half an hour ago after 36 hours without it. House temp at 42 but now rising with furnace going. Gas burners on range top we’re our salvation, wish I still had a gas oven.
You guys really got nailed. I’m so sorry! I’m happy to hear you have power again, Margaret!
Stay safe.
Stayed on for 5 1/2 hours, cut again, but part of a true rolling blackout as it came back again after 2 1/2 hours. That’s bearable.
We’ve had snow, sleet, freezing rain or a combination of those about every two days this month. Like you we are expecting more snow on Thursday that could end as freezing rain. I can’t believe it’s 50° here today. We’ve had more snow this winter than we’ve had in the last several years combined.
I don’t even venture out my door when we have ice. Several years ago I slipped and fell on black ice that was covered by a dusting of snow. I had to make a trip to the ER with a fractured wrist. I’m glad to know you and Don are being very careful.
We are. Don salted before we did anything and when the roof started to feel slippery, we stopped for the day.
Stay safe, Denise.
Well, this is bizarre weather. It is 48 degrees out and my husband (the eternal optomist) went out east to look at a sailboat to purchase. I am enjoying this relative warmth and filling my car with gas for the next storm expected in a couple of days. I backed a pie but fell asleep and now the house is filled with the smaell of a well done cherry pie. I haven’t watched the news today and just listened to beautiful musiic and basically loafed around. I could almost forget there is a pandemic but I won’t. Be safe and stay warm. Spring is not too far off.
Listening to music has really helped me lately. Good for you, Maria.
Stay safe!
Sorry I did not spell check…and typed without glasses.
That made me laugh: I do some pretty dumb stuff without my specs as well!
We are still in Summer here, fortunately it has been a much more mild and wet Summer than last year when we had such dreadful bushfires. Same but different for you people. Hope you all keep safe!
We had a week of ice, then 8+” of snow. Our Temps have been below freezing fot quite awhile. Last night something broke somewhere and my kitchen flooded. Then this morning with-22 Temps they cut utilities off for 3 hours due to that rolling power grid. YUCK. I’m ready for this to be over. OH and we are expecting another 10″ of snow tonight.
I’m so sorry, Judy! That’s not what you need right now! That’s very extreme weather for you in Oklahoma.
Thinking of you!
Stay safe.
Nothing but extreme cold and snow here too. Just had another snowstorm overnight. More on Thursday, I think. It just never ends. Just glad we don’t live too close to Chicago/Lake Michigan as they got the brunt of the storm overnight. I think about 15″.
Be careful with the ice dams. They can really damage your roof/gutters and the inside of your home. Happened to my aunt’s house and water came down the inside of her walls. My next door neighbor is a roofer and he’s told us about the ice dams. Yes, the weather has a lot to do with it, but he said one thing you can do is add extra insultation to your attic. There’s a lot more info online. Hope this helps!
I researched them when we first had one. We’ve only had 3 the entire time we’ve lived here. The weather has everything to do with it in our case. These are the gutters off the kitchen. There is no floor above them, the walls are insulated, and we don’t have an attic. We’ll be fine.
Stay safe, Melanie.
If you have some pantyhose is thin stockings fill them with salt, the rock salt you use on your sidewalks and then you place the stocking on the gutters. It helps to melt the ice. We used this method several years ago when my parents had the same problem you are having and it worked like a charm.
Also you can google ice dam and there are a lot of helpful suggestions.
Stay safe
Thanks so much! I forgot all about this solution. I did it several years ago and it worked.
Stay safe, Elizabeth!