The photo has no particular reason for being here. I haven’t been taking any photos for the past two days. I’ve been glued to the news and to Twitter. But I suppose it symbolizes shelter, a safe place, our haven during this unbelievably shocking time.
Pence, being the weak man that he is, doesn’t want to go for the 25th Amendment. He worries, of course, about his prospects for 2024. I got news for you buddy: you’re not going to President. But you could be President if you removed him from office. You’d get to play President for 12 days.
So we must impeach. He must be removed as soon as possible. I’ve already read about plans these disgusting criminals have for the 19th and 20th. And that scares me to death.
They must be stopped. The photos show me exactly who they are. Vermin. Wearing Auschwitz shirts, carrying Confederate flags – looking – and I’m going to generalize a bit here – like the uneducated lowlifes that they are.
I don’t mean to linger on this, but it’s all I have right now.
Although, the other day, Don finally cleaned up his portion of the office after a series of not-so-subtle remarks from yours truly. I even went upstairs to help him, which was a good idea, because he needs feedback as well as help making piles of items to save and items to throw out. It looks so much better up there! I can finally walk to the window by his desk to raise and lower the blinds!
He feels very satisfied, as he should. Yay, Don!
It’s a sunny day here. Cold, but sunny. No snow on the horizon, as far as I can see.
I’m going to try to limit my news intake today, just checking in occasionally to see what’s happening. I do know that during all of this, I’ve gone upstairs to the studio and stared at the dollhouse, losing myself in my miniature world. It’s comforting.
I’m waiting on wallpaper for the bathroom. In the meantime, I think I might start a puzzle today.
I’m thinking of all of you as we wrestle with the realization that our Capitol was attacked.
Prosecute every one of them. Every piece of crap who took part in this assault on our democracy.
Even though I say I don’t edit, I do. I don’t use the words I would use here, out loud, in this house. So ‘crap’ it is.
Praying for peace for our country, for each other, for all of you.
Much love to you.
Stay safe.
Happy Friday.
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