As you can see, it’s slow going on the puzzle. To be honest, I’m easily distracted these days and I suspect that has a great deal to do with it. I also think that will change over the course of the next week – basically, as soon as we get Biden/Harris safely installed in office.
We had to take a break from Rachel last night. I may listen to the podcast today. There is so much information about QAnon and the insurrectionists that we are digesting. It’s awful and frightening. So we took control and didn’t watch anything news related last night.
Instead we watched Pretend It’s a City, the 7 part documentary about Fran Lebowitz by Martin Scorsese. Actually, we’ve been watching it for the past few days. I’m a huge fan of Lebowitz. I identify with her take on things. She’s brilliant, a great observer of human nature, an acerbic commentator on society, and she sees the absurdities of daily life. Famously known for not having a cell phone or a computer, she walks the streets of NYC with her head up, observing it as only she can. She’s also a bit of a curmudgeon, which I love. (So am I.)
If this seems like a promo, it isn’t. But I am an unabashed fan and have read much of her commentary. Scorsese filmed an earlier documentary in 2010 about her called Public Speaking. I’d love nothing more than the opportunity to sit down and have a chat with her. Or walk the streets of NYC with her. Pretend It’s a City is on Netflix.
We’ve also been watching a series called Occupied. It’s a Norwegian series and it’s excellent. We had to take a break, however, because it hit a little too close to home when the assault on the Capitol happened. We’ll get back to it soon.
Other than that, we’re hanging out. Don went to pick up our groceries yesterday and we have a full larder again. But all of that – driving there, picking them up, bringing them home, disinfecting, and putting them away takes a big old chunk of time. We don’t always disinfect these days, but Don watched the guy putting everything in the trunk and felt we should disinfect this time. So we did.
Yet another gray day here, with a bit of rain. I’m over it. I miss the Christmas tree.
He’s been impeached. Now he needs to be imprisoned.
Stay safe.
Happy Thursday.
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