Just a quick update today as I’m getting to this late.
Because we were on FaceTime with this guy:
(You know how much I love him when I post this even though it contains this picture of me.)
We were solving mysteries.
The mystery of The Bank Vault that Won’t Open (A vault that works as a bank and has a touch pad. He got it for Christmas.) It wasn’t opening and we had to solve the mystery. SOLVED: It needed new batteries. Mere did the drawing of the bank vault.
The other mystery: Which dog, Hank or Bear, threw up in the crate last night. UNSOLVED. I recommended that they label it a Cold Case.
Since Z insisted that detectives use notebooks, Mere got one from her stash and here Z is adding details to the case of the Bank Vault that Won’t Open.
This was a lovely, long and wonderful call and it made our day, so I wasn’t about to leave early and write a post.
Hopefully, I’ll get this one in before the deadline for the email version of the post.
The puzzle is proceeding nicely.
Stay safe.
Happy Sunday.
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