I missed those lovely lights this morning, though we keep our porch lights up for several months. I don’t like little tree lights anywhere else except on the tree, so I’m not going to be hanging them anywhere else in the house. Further explanation: I think it reminds me too much of my freshman dorm room, where we had them up all year long. That’s not a bad memory, but it’s a “young” memory. Just as mid-century modern furniture is a ‘young’ memory. Had it in our house growing up, don’t want it in here now. Hopefully, that makes sense.
Anyway it took a long time to remove the vintage ornaments and wrap them carefully. Don took the tree outside and left it in the woods for the birds and animals. I vacuumed like crazy. Then we moved the pew back. What else? I repotted a plant that’s not been doing well. After I investigated further, I realized it was very root bound, so fingers crossed that the repotting helps.
Still haven’t started my puzzle. I really do hope to do that today, in the midst of washing sheets and participating in the second zoom reunion of my high school pals at 4 pm.
Don and I are spending a lot of time discussing what happened on Wednesday and allowing ourselves to vent. We’re also giving ourselves permission to be a bit obsessed with the news. We have never been through something like this and we need to bear some sort of ‘witness’ for lack of a better word. I wake up each morning in disbelief that this attack on our democracy actually happened. But it did. And I think we’re going to find it goes much deeper and further than we initially thought.
Let’s see if Mike Pence invokes the 25th Amendment today. (After all, Trump’s insurrection nearly got Pence killed.) I read last night that he was still considering it if Trump got ‘worse.’ Really? We’re going to wait for worse than insane?
We’ll see. If not, it’s impeachment.
In the meantime, I’m going to finish this post, take a shower, throw the sheets in the wash, and find some pockets of peace.
Stay safe.
Happy Sunday.
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