Don decided that his glass paperweight needed to be a part of this grouping.
I’m okay with it.
Oh, friends, I don’t have much to share these days. I find myself without a whole lot of energy or things to talk about. Winter is always tough for me, but when you add in the pandemic and being homebound…well, I’ll admit it. It’s getting to me.
We aren’t going inside stores now. It’s just too dangerous as the numbers spike and we learn of troublesome variants. We’re unable to get the vaccine at the moment. There just isn’t enough of it around here and people who are at high risk are the priority. So we have no idea when we’ll have the opportunity to be vaccinated.
And, starting this afternoon, we’re headed into a deep freeze for the next three days, with temps in the single digits and wind chills sending them into below zero territory. It’s going to be extremely cold and windy this weekend. More snow coming on Monday and Tuesday in the form of a winter storm.
Both Don and I are having a hard time at the moment, though our nature is to be positive, so I’m sure we’ll get there eventually.
The sun is shining, so that’s a positive.
Anyway, we’re fine. We know exactly what to do to change our collective mood. But I also believe in letting myself feel what I’m feeling. It’s real and totally understandable given our situation.
I’m going to force myself to do a little work on the dollhouse this morning, right after I finish this post. But first, some oatmeal.
Stay safe.
Happy Thursday.
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