My goodness, fall came on quickly! We must be nearing peak colors by now. It’s gorgeous and I love it, but it also means winter is on the horizon. Sigh.
We mowed the front yard yesterday. There’s more mowing to be done, but for now, the front of the house is looking good. Today…the always exhausting grocery shopping. Do we have the hand sanitizer? Do we have a disinfecting wipe? Our masks? Then the avoidance of any close contact in the store, hoping we don’t have to use the bathroom (actually, we never use the facilities these days), putting everything in the car, immediately sanitizing our hands, unloading everything, wiping it down, etc., etc. Then a shower, clothes in the washer.
And that’s it for the day as far as our energy goes.
OM is hopped up on steroids and last night was a constant barrage of insane tweets from an insane man, who happens to be the Commander-in-Chief. Why the heck don’t they invoke the 25th Amendment? He is not in his right mind. And then Pence, challenging the use of a plexiglass divider in tonight’s debate after having approved it. Challenging it in the face of more and more people at the White House testing positive for COVID. I’m through with these hypocritical idiots.
It’s becoming increasingly clear that OM is the superspreader. He wasn’t getting tested daily because he didn’t like it.
I have no words.
We’ve been watching Rachel every night because there’s too much happening not to.
In the meanwhile, I texted for Biden yesterday and will do the same today.
Will there be a time when I never have to hear or read anything about that man again? I’m praying to all the gods that there is.
Okay, my friends. Have to get going. It’s a lovely day out there and we have to replenish the larder.
Hang in there. I know this daily assault is relentless. I know how hard this is.
Stay safe.
Happy Wednesday.
Good morning friends. Not to be a Pollyanna (heaven knows I’ll never be that!), but even tho I find shopping nerve-wracking and exhausting, I’m grateful, as I know you are, that we still have food choices on the shelves. Apparently the supply challenges have been addressed, but winter weather can interrupt deliveries of all kinds. I’m keeping our Covid cupboard stocked up. Do you think we’ll ever eat the Spam I have on hand? :-)
Still a lot of empty shelves, especially concerning paper products and disinfectant wipes.
Our larder is once more – for the most part – replenished.
Stay safe, Nora.
A daily assault. You said it right. DAILY. I’m drained.
I keep thinking to myself, “For whomever’s even left at the White House to run things right now, with Trump’s increasingly-alarming behavior, who steps in to rein him in? Who ‘subdues’ him if it’s not the actual virus which sidelines him, like off his feet and to the hospital bed; rather, effects of medication where he’s still upright and indeed behaving erratically? Who’d want to be the person/employee who tells him, ‘You can’t. No.’ Trump’s the guy who wears the badge of NOBODY CAN TELL ME WHAT TO DO. I DO WHAT I LIKE. I AM KING. Imagine if not sufficiently weakened on the physical side, how difficult it would/will be for others to control/corral him on the mental side. Who keeps him from that nuclear football they keep talking about?
INVOKE THE AMENDMENT. At least til he’s past the worst of the virus and on fewer meds. If he was a true leader who cared about his Number One job of protecting the American people, he’d go beyond his own arrogance and say, “Look, my medical situation is iffy. We can’t take any chances. It’s why I have a VP. Let him take over til I’m out of these woods.” But oh-no, it’s all about re-election and the specter of losing his power; not about us, always about HIM and only him.
This is dangerous. He seems to be surrounded with ’employees’ who are afraid of him, but WE need to be afraid of him, we the people. D’ya think that main doctor of his would be the one to say, ‘You’re not fit to make decisions.’ Like Trump would listen to him? What’s the plan? Scary. There seems to be a real lack of control here. Maybe not, but it’s the perception. An unraveling. We need sane, strong people at the top in the midst of too many problems on too many fronts; but they’re dropping like flies and you can’t help but get the impression that this is months of chaos at the top, in the White House.
It’s so unsettling.
Such a nice photo with the leaves scattered and on the chair. I have no ‘autumn’ around me. Just every day here in SoCalif, too-hot temps, weeks of days in the 90s heat; brown mountains devoid of any ‘green’.
An aside: My husband had to go to a hospital in another city for a test and it was interesting in terms of their excellent protocols for Covid: Can’t enter any entrance without being met at the door by medical personnel. Temperature taken. Surrender your mask and wear only theirs. Booties to cover your shoes before you set one foot inside. Sanitizing station where you must ‘lather up’ with sanitizer on your hands. Only then, proceed.
And I guess someday we’ll remember these days with some other emotion when we take two showers in the space of two hours. One before the medical appointment and then one directly after. I guess my neighbors are becoming used to my husband dropping his clothes on the front porch, down to the boxers, headed straight thru the front door for the second post-appointment shower.
Dear Lord, what a life. (And some of us have it easy; no job to have to go to, etc.)
Good thing we have autumn leaves for good distraction. They’re so pretty. If I don’t have them in my environment, at least I can enjoy them in yours, Claudia. I always appreciate your photos with each post.
Right now it seems nigh on impossible that we’ll ever see a normal day – one without Trump in office and one without COVID.
Everyone is afraid of him and though I have no respect for anyone who willingly works for him, I can’t imagine last night was easy. He’s difficult when he’s not on steroids, so last night must have been hell.
Stay safe, Vicki.
He said do not be afraid of it!
Our daughter’s longtime high school friend has died of covid. Finally finished her PhD with an amazing career ahead of her. Oh God please please he needs to wake up. I really think he is mental.
SO sad. We’ve lost too many stellar people to this epidemic; every single life was precious. Think of all the difference your daughter’s accomplished friend could have made in the world. I am so sorry for this loss; very upsetting for your daughter and you.
Trump is not going to wake up. I hear your plea but I have no hope he’ll change. The only thing we can do is vote him out.
Take care.
I’m so sorry to hear this awful news, Linda. So, so heartbreaking.
He is insane, steroids on top of being a malignant narcissist, sociopath, and sadist.
Stay safe, Linda.
to linda …
such sad news about your daughter’s friend. sending sympathy to the friend’s family and friends, including your daughter, and praying for their comfort and peace.
and praying for a national (and worldwide) wake-up about how humans treat each other, the natural world and God. i think that is one of God’s purposes in allowing this pandemic.
hope you have all you need and want, are safe and.
kathy in iowa
I will never understand what it is “its” supporters are hearing or seeing? Are they visually impaired? Are they hearing impaired? Are their cognition skills impaired? Do they lack a moral compass or are they totally without a soul a heart? Perhaps, it is combination of all of these things.
I will watch the debate tonight. I know pense cannot hold a candle to the intelligent Kamala Harris.
Take Care and be of good cheer,
Park City, UT
Maybe impaired cognition skills, or they’re racists, and they definitely lack a moral compass.
Stay safe, Kaye.
I have voted and try to avoid the stress with my health- takes so long to get results from the test- prayers…
Praying for you, dear Brenda.
Much love,
to brendab …
praying for you, too.
kathy in iowa
I am so tired….maybe I should take some prednisone. According to Orange Man it makes him feel ten years younger. I was warned that there are lots of side affects from steroids. Stupid, arrogant tRump. Our hot water heater, oil burner isn’t working. The repairman is downstairs working on it. I saw him walk in with a mask but heard him singing and whistling away. All the windows in the house are open. When he leaves I am going to have to disinfect everything downstairs. This is the only person (other than my husband and I) that has been in our house since March. Nervous. Take care everyone.
Oh, gosh, I feel for you. So far, we’ve managed to have no one in the house since March as well. Moved the new frig in ourselves; told the delivery guys to leave it in the garage and we’d do the rest. Just had a week of internet/landline down; had decided ‘no way’ would the phone guy be coming indoors, so we were prepared if the problem was in the inside wiring, we’d deal with it in some other way realizing it could also mean ‘do without’. My husband had to learn, with youtube videos, how to fix one of the toilets; we didn’t want a plumber coming inside.
As a rule, we’d have a yard crew in here for hillside weed abatement (SoCalif/wildfire threat), ordinarily twice already in the past 7-8 months, and that’s mostly safe (we could always, afterward, disinfect gate latches, waste can handles, etc.; and I’d just tell them that, no, they can’t use our bathroom as they’ve asked in the past); still, my husband is at it himself, a now-daily yard activity (weather permitting; we’ve been so HOT here), inch by inch, up there hand-pulling weeds, using the whacker (it’s a lot of hard work, on an incline; Claudia can attest to the yard chores, for sure!). Is just our protective choice.
First time so far, I was glad yesterday to see that the man who delivers our monthly soft-water treatment tank to our garage WAS wearing a mask; FINALLY. Clearly, masks are ‘everything’ right now, as always, and ongoing. I know of THREE people (friends, relatives) who have their housecleaning crew coming indoors every week or two, all these past Covid months; just can’t be bothered to clean their own bathrooms or kitchen floor (they’re not people who are challenged with disability; they are hale and hearty, able to clean their own homes; they just don’t WANT to; like my one friend who insists on going to the grocery markets for fresh food 3-4 times per week when the epidemiologists say to instead LIMIT CONTACT and make your viral footprint smaller [if you want to survive the pandemic and not get infected]; go to the store once a week, not every day just because you can; and she’s the same friend who doesn’t require her housecleaners to wear masks inside her home; and of course they’re in every room inside the house, picking up the same objects the homeowner does).
Another friend is obsessed with clean windows and she has the window-washer guy inside her house every 60 days to do the windows inside and outside. I personally just wouldn’t run the risk. Unless it was simply very necessary, like what you’re going through with your hot water heater/oil burner. I’m praying my old furnace comes on safely for the coming colder weather because, if it doesn’t, of course we’ll have to call in the repairman because that’s just not something my husband can try to be the fix-it guy on (although he DID troubleshoot and solve a problem this summer with our central air conditioning [the condenser thing outside]; I am lucky to have a ‘handy’ husband!).
I understand why you’re nervous; I absolutely COMPLETELY understand!
So sorry about your hot water heater and oil burner. It’s very unsettling having someone in your house for the first time during this pandemic. It will be okay. Just disinfect everything he’s touched and spray some lysol in the air.
Stay safe, Maria.
hej, maria …
hope the repair work went well, you had enough supplies to sanitize whatever needed it and now are taking it easy!
stay safe.
kathy in iowa
Good news today: Stephen Miller diagnosed with Covid! He is such a hateful man and one of tRump’s main resources.
The highlight of my day is finding new Lincoln Project ads to watch…they are brilliant. As are the videos of Mandy Patinkin and his wife, and James Corden Singing a reworked version of a Paul McCartney song…the exact title of which eludes me…but, you’ll recognize it I’m sure.
Daily assault seems a bit mild for what we are going through, but whatever it is, it is daily that is for sure. My mind is beat up. And with cooler weather fast approaching, and garden work dwindling, I best find myself another thing of interest other than Twitter.
Hope shopping goes well…and you find what you need. I find myself buying doubles of staples in case there is a shortage of something. But, then I usually start stocking up on things for the season after this one…shhhh…can’t say the word. Stay safe!! ;)
There’s a new Randy Rainbow video (with Patti Lupone!) It just came out and it’s brilliant.
Stay safe, Donna!
Thanks…..I’ll look for that one too. ;)
I hope you got your larder stocked. I did a quick shop yesterday for some items that were not available in my pick up order. Lots of disinfecting after. Ugh. Also had to go 2 times for blood work. I hope today was the last of it. Still I want results and then some plan for treatment for the osteoporosis. OM is crazy. My Mom who has breathing issues said she could see him struggling on his balcony to breathe. Who is her fooling? His crazies that already follow him no matter what I guess. I hope the voters are waking up and know that this must change. I’ll be watching the debates tonight. Crazy world we live in right now. Hugs!
We’re watching, too. I hope she makes mincemeat of him!
Stay safe, Linda.
Can’t really add much more to the conversation,as we are all on the same page,so I’ll just send a ton of love and hope that we all stay well.
I echo that!
Stay safe, Annette.
Hi, just reading thru and don’t have anything to add, it’s been covered well.
Happy Fall!
Take care…
Thanks, Kelly.
Stay safe!
And now he says Covid has been a blessing for him from God. Since he is still talking, I guess God hasn’t blessed us yet.
Keeping the faith that tonight goes well for Kamala. Pence on the stage alone with a woman!! Good thing mother will be with him in the front row! Temptation and all, don’t you know. ugh.
What a crock. So God decided not to bless the 210,000 who have died from the virus?
Pence proved himself to be an arrogant, smarmy sexist. What a tool.
Stay safe!
hope the grocery shopping went well … safe and quick … and that you and don have spent the rest of the day doing just what you want(ed) to do and nothing more.
watching another debate is not high on my list, but it is on my list because (as you said) there’s a lot going on. will watch as much as i can stand, then hopefully read (!). been a long day here. learned someone i work with (on a very occasional / as-needed basis) has bedbugs. gross! thankfully, help is on the way. and that because of the pandemic, my work with that person has either been done standing at least six feet apart or by phone.
not to close on a negative note, i will share this …
“i just started reading a book about anti-gravity and i can’t put it down!”
“mountains aren’t just funny; they’re hill areas.”
“the truth is that six of the seven dwarves aren’t Happy.”
hope they made you laugh and that you have a nice night. :)
kathy in iowa
Your jokes sound like the ones Little Z shares with us!
Stay safe, Kathy.
my family and i enjoy puns and they sometimes make me laugh out loud so thought i’d share.
hope you’re having a good day.
kathy in iowa
I’m going to read them to Z! He’ll love them.
They don’t invoke the 25th because it would be Pence out there. And after last night — he’s not who I want in the White House. What a mess…. Running away to the lake. I can go to my “safe” post office (I won’t go here), my “safe” grocery and isolate as much as possible. I hope it’s pretty, I hope I calm down…
Enjoy the lake, Jeanie. I don’t blame you. Especially in view of the terrorists who were plotting to kidnap your Governor. Unbelievably shocking.
Stay safe.