For those of you who get the post via email who might be wondering why there are two posts titled Day Two Hundred Eighty-Five? Well, I mistakenly wrote the wrong number on yesterday’s post. Reader Petra kindly pointed that out to me. Unfortunately I was sitting in the car waiting for Don to come out of his eye doctor appointment at the time and had no way of correcting it until I got home – which I did, but it was too late to change the email version of the post. A big thank you to Petra! We’re back on track.
The morning sun was hitting the paperwhites with a sort of spotlight this morning. I took a series of photos and every one of them has this orb of light that you can see on the right. Magical!
We’re pooped. Don’s appointment with the eye specialist is always stressful…no one wants a shot in the eye. The side effects vary every time. Sometimes there’s no pain and it’s as if it never happened. This time there was more soreness afterward and a lot of blood on the eyeball. It’s slowly getting better. I’ve encouraged him to lay low today. We are officially starting our ‘no chores-listening to music-reading-relaxing’ days leading up to Christmas. Of course, I’m cleaning the bathroom today but that’s because I like things clean before Christmas. And since we’re getting lots and lots of rain tomorrow on top of a snow pack and temperatures in the 50s for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, with a 20 degree drop on Saturday, we’ll probably be out there salting as the melted snow turns to ice.
Our Christmas – at least the outdoors portion of it – is not going to be pretty. Indoors? Pretty.
Today, however, is sunny and quite beautiful.
This arrived at nearly 10 pm last night:
A big thank you to UPS drivers who are clearly working long, long hours. (By the way, we’re still missing our USPS packages – not their fault, of course, just annoying.)
Anyway, this is the Beacon Hill dollhouse kit. We haven’t unboxed it yet, but it weighs about 40 pounds and we’re going to have to drag it upstairs later this morning. I’ve been reading lots of posts about constructing this huge house and they’re very helpful. But I had to stop reading them for the time being. If I kept on reading, I would never start the project!
By the way, this is for Jeanie, who mentioned she’d like a photo of the den in Hummingbird Cottage all dressed up for Christmas.
Stay safe.
Happy Wednesday.