The paperwhites in the den will be opening soon. The beauties in the kitchen are open and fragrant and lovely. I even got a whiff of their scent while sitting in my chair here in the den.
I love when I hear bird song on these wintry days. I heard some this morning so I turned around and looked out on the porch and there were two chickadees, one of which which was singing. He/she spent a short time on the porch railing and then took off in search of food.
It really makes my day.
Speaking of the porch railing, I looked out there the other day and there was a big, fat cat sitting and relaxing on the railing.
That’s a first.
I’m sure it’s one of my neighbor’s cats because I’ve seen him before.
I’ve been falling asleep early in the evening lately. The moment we sit down together on the sofa after dinner to watch television, I can’t keep my eyes open – even when the movie we’re going to watch is one of my favorites. Last night, we were debating what to watch and I pushed for Casablanca, which was on TCM. So we watched that and I swear I missed half of the movie!
Is it a letting go? Is it the cocooning of winter, which is like a hibernation of sorts? I’ve had this happen before and it’s usually in the winter. Maybe I’m finally relaxing? I don’t know.
We’re taking it easy today.
Stay safe.
Happy Sunday.