I saw this huge spider web this morning. There was some rain overnight and fog this morning and it was glistening in the sunlight. Amazing.
We woke up early and Don pointed out the waning crescent moon that was in a line with Venus. So beautiful in the dark early morning sky. We see a lot of stars and planets out here in the country.
I texted for Biden yesterday and I’m going to do it again today. Don is going to do some phone banking. We’re doing everything we can to help ensure his win.
Yesterday afternoon, I looked outside and what did I see?
This young buck munching on the burning bush, right in the middle of the big garden bed. I motioned Don over to the window and I eventually took a short video of him – it’s on Instagram. I let him eat for a while and then decided it was time for him to move on. I opened the front door and peeked out at him, talking gently. He just stood there staring at me. But as I moved onto the steps, he took off through the corral area, scaring our resident groundhog, Shifty. Shifty had apparently been dining in the corral. All is well. Our little buck got some food. And Shifty eventually returned to the corral for more food. Soon, Shifty will be hibernating for the winter. We’ll miss him, as we’ve grown fond of him.
Today we’re headed over to our storage facility, which has been hiking the price of their units every six months. We’re sick of it. So we’re going to take an inventory of what we have there, reorganize it with the stuff we’re going to toss on one side and the stuff we want to save on the other. Eventually, we want to rent a dumpster and toss all the crap currently in the shed – and there’s a lot of it – clean it out and put everything from the storage unit in there. Nothing will go in there that isn’t mouse proof, however, because field mice are a fact of life around here. We have to find some pallets, as well, because we’ve learned the hard way that items need to be up and off the floor.
Exciting, right?
Stay safe.
Happy Wednesday.
Nice video of the buck! Sounds like you have a very busy day going through your storage things. Good luck with that!!
Thank you, Ellen.
Stay safe!
Claudia – put dryer sheets in your shed. The mice cannot stand the smell. I use Gsin and they work great. Might try it. Hsve a good week.
I’ll give it a try, but believe me, I’ve tried everything! Though, come to think of it, I haven’t tried dryer sheets.
Thanks, Judy.
Stay safe.
Sounds like you’ve got a menagerie of animals on your property!! How fun to be able to watch it all.
Big job cleaning out a storage unit…not envying you!!
It wasn’t that bad. Don and I work well together and we’ve reorganized everything. It’s satisfying.
Stay safe, Priscilla!
Great pic of the spider web. You were blessed yesterday, with two visits by friendlies. I didn’t realize you named the new groundhog Shifty…cute.
We seem to constantly struggle with saving too much…and then finding the room for it all. I wish you luck in paring down your items. It’s an ongoing struggle for me and Jim. Some days it’s really easy to let go…and other days not so much. Guess we just have to be in the mood. Stay safe! ;)
It’s an ongoing struggle here, as well. I’m a pack rat and I tend to hang on to things longer than I need to. I need to be in a ruthless mood.
Stay safe, Donna!
Beautiful pic of the spider web. Amazing! Beautiful deer, too. I didn’t know you had named the new groundhog, either. Shifty….. great name!
Window washing (outsides) done today. Yay. We can do the insides any day, but the temps here are supposed to really drop starting tomorrow. Glad that job is done. Hubs is working on bringing the hoses in, too.
Don’t envy your clean out ahead, but it is nice once it is done. That is a winter project we have committed to getting done this year. All cabinets and drawers and closets. ugh. Dreading the work involved, but so looking forward to the result!! Have a great remainder of your day.
Urgh, window washing. I will come and clean your bathroom if you do my windows!
It is awful. I said “we”, but hubs did it. I said I will do the inside…..someday…..soon! And, of course, now it is raining. Oh, well. We know that they WERE clean, if even for just a brief moment.
There is a really great reason not to wash your windows: it makes them really reflective and the birds crash into them, thinking they are still flying through trees or clear air. Do you like that justification? I can probably come up with more if needed 😂
haha! thanks, denise.
and i can help with any justifications you might want for delaying other chores and for buying more books, art supplies and peanut m+m’s. :)
hope you get to spend time with your little princess soon, chris!
stay safe, everyone!
kathy in iowa
Yes, and we do feed the birds year-round!! But they rarely fly into the windows, but it does happen. It scares the dog!! And thanks for that reason! I am just glad they are done. They won’t get done again for about 6-7 months. I like clean windows, but I am not a crazy person!!!! :-)
Kathy, ours son & DIL had the day off on Mon & came out to go walking at Devil’s Lake, so stopped by for about 90 minutes. It was great fun to have her on our laps for a while. She also had some sweet potatoes for lunch and loved them. She is a really good eater!! Just ordered her a couple of little things for Halloween, and, of course, there may or may not be a bin for things started for Christmas.
I never wash my windows anymore. I try, but it’s so windy here that any rain immediately gets them dirty and spotty again, so I’ve given up.
Stay safe, Chris!
That sounds like a big and a very good job. And a tough one. And probably something I should be doing with my basement! My copy of Louise P’s newest arrived, along with the new (well, not so new now) Hilary Mantel in paper and a bunch of others from my book trade friends. I’ll never get through them all and I can’t wait to start.
Yay for Louise Penny! Enjoy, Jeanie.
Stay safe!
your day started sweet for seeing that adorable deer and shifty. :) does the deer have a name? and how did you decide on “shifty” for this groundhog?
from someone who loves them, thanks for being good to the animals by you.
and that spiderweb is beautiful … amazing! kind of boggles my mind to think about how spiders get from one thing to another, crossing spans to build their webs.
hopefully your day is ending with a sense of accomplishment for whatever you got done on that big storage project. doesn’t sound one bit exciting … but that feeling usually comes when the project is done, doesn’t it?
pino was to start a rally here at 6:00 tonight. i avoid the evening news (think that helps me to sleep better), but might watch the first few minutes at 10:00 to see how it went.
otherwise it’s been a usual day here, but getting noticeably colder. and darker so much earlier (don’t like that part at all). glad to be home, taking a break from chores and writing to let my mind wander. still have to wash the dishes …that’s my “exciting” thing for the day. haha!
hope you and don have a good night.
stay safe.
kathy in iowa
No, the deer doesn’t have a name and Shifty was coined by Don because in the beginning of the summer he was sneaking on the porch and eating things in the garden. After a couple of scares, he has learned to respect boundaries, so he’s Shifty, but he’s not so shifty.
I noticed a photo of a billboard near your airport saying Superspreader Rally. Loved that and love whoever put it up.
Stay safe, Kathy.
I enjoyed the deer eating. I see them around here and they make me smile. Oh cleaning out a storage unit isn’t fun but must be done. I’m still downsizing. Its hard letting some of my collections go but if I’ve no where to display them then its not bringing me joy so I’ll have to let them go. As I’m getting older its become a must. I can no longer lift bins of things like I use too. This Christmas might prove to be my last big decorating. I’ll see how it goes.
We have SO much to get rid of and when we finally tackle the shed, I will feel an enormous weight off my shoulders. Like you, we can’t keep lifting heavy bins!
Stay safe, Linda.
Two beautiful photos . . . Spiders are such amazing artisans. :-)
Thank you Janice.
Stay safe!
Great capture of the spider web. They are fascinating and when the dew bedazzles them, they become magical!! I love watching the deer. They move so smoothly and place each tiny hoof with great delicacy. I’m so glad we don’t have a garden here so that we don’t feel that we have to run them off, altho it would be lovely to have flowers and herbs and bee-friendly spaces. Hope today will bring you more beauty!
Thank you, Nora!
Stay safe.