Another foggy morning. At one point, I looked out the window at the fog and then heard the honking of three Canada geese I could see flying overhead. It was lovely.
I plan on a somewhat lazy Sunday. Oh, I’ll wash the bedding and work on the dollhouse. But I’m going to take it mentally easy. Yesterday I was glued to Twitter because I was fascinated by the discrepancies in various statements about OM’s health. I was also, along with seemingly everyone else, trying to put together a timeline as to when OM knew he was positive. I hope this is wrong, but it increasingly appears that he knew something by the night of the debate. He arrived too late for the required COVID test and was held to the “Honor system.” That’s rich: the man who has no honor. This is just speculation on my part, but it’s also speculation by a lot of people I respect. Hopefully, I’m wrong. More will be revealed. It always is.
Anyway, that’s where I was yesterday. And that was fine. But today is for resting, reading, and laying more of the wood floor in the dollhouse.
I’m starting Robert Galbraith’s (J.K. Rowling) Troubled Blood. Ahem…it’s 927 pages long. Okay! I’ve read every book in this series and I love the protagonist, Cormoran Strike. So I’m in. I loved The Library Book by Susan Orlean. It’s a fascinating history of the Los Angeles Public Library and the fire that all but destroyed the main library in the 1980s. Along the way, Orlean touches on the history of libraries all over the world, the mystery surrounding the fire, and on librarians themselves. It’s a great read and I recommend it highly.
Stay safe.
Happy Sunday.
Have a good day. I tried to read blogs this a.m. EVen more are now making excuses for action during the debate…and blaming our party…I deleted even more blogs. Soon I will be down to yours and the ones in the U.K… That will be fine. I have been reading some biographies, mysteries-my fav…and other books for review for Net Galley…Some of my tests over…not great results…some on hold in actual office-besides blood tests-for October…and one important one awaiting results…and so it goes…take care…relax…read…enjoy…thank you for your blog…
Unbelievable that anyone would excuse his behavior!
I’m sorry about your test results, Brenda. Sending prayers and positive healing energy your way.
Stay safe.
glad you can take it easy today. :)
i am taking it easy today, too. my day will include lunch with members of my family for sure and hopefully a walk together (both sadly socially-distanced) if the weather warms up a bit. it has to include ironing clothes for the week ahead. no other plans, though, and that feels good.
hope you all stay safe and well.
kathy in iowa
I hope you had a good day off, Kathy.
Stay safe!
For four years we have not known what to believe. So much disinformation and lies coming from this administration that we now doubt everything they say. What a sad state they have put us in. Too much hate and division in our country. Let’s vote him out so we can rebuild our country and have “liberty and justice for all.” Have a peaceful day, Claudia!
Stay safe, Ellen.
The story that is unfolding or un-spinning about our disaster of a President is fascinating to me. It clearly appears that he would have to have known he was positive way before Tuesday night, if indeed he is tested several times a day. I am fascinated by the discrepancies in the timeline and the updates on his health. But my husband…we switched off CNN to watch a basketball game. And then yesterday to watch the Preakness. I hate it that I begrudge him his pleasures. The last 5 years have sorely tested our relationship. Friday and last night, every time I woke up to use the bathroom, I spent 20 minutes on the internet trying to see how he was doing. It’s also interesting that Yahoo news is featuring maybe one story about him for hours at a time. Usually if toilet paper is stuck on his shoe, there are 25 reports. This is surely a confusing and concerning time. I can’t decide which would be best–if he dies which would totally screw up the election or if he survives to face a landslide loss.
Enjoy your day of rest and construction. We finally have a few brilliant Scarlett leaves and they really standout when the sun is on them. A little piece of normality. Stay safe!
You need another television, Nora! Even if it’s a small one.
Stay safe!
I am emotionally depleted. I know we all are. It is the only way to describe it. I feel like we are running a constant sprint in a never ending marathon. It just never ever ends.
Having been told lies daily (hourly) for over 4 years now, I don’t know what or who we are supposed to believe any longer. I navigate to those I trust, and others do the same, but there is no middle ground. And that appears to be what the goal has been all along.
Your plan for the day is a good one! I am reading and doing some putzing about the house. Trying to do a relatively news-free day here. Hubs went to our son & DIL’s to help clean gutters. That seems symbolic for the day.
And now I just saw that he went out for a drive this aft to wave to all his supporters becuse he was so excited by all the love he is getting. Putting numerous other people in peril. Again.
WHAT THE F F F??????????????
I thougt Walter Reed was a great hospital….. what is going on there????????????????????????
just watched the video … disgusting!
what will it take for our so-called “leaders” to finally invoke the 25th amendment?!?
kathy in iowa
And it is obvious that they still don’t understand. He has to make everything into a political fiasco. So sorry for all the millions who have been sick and didn’t have treatment like this. He has no concept of that at all.
Also heard the QB for the Patriots tested positive on Fri so they postponed their football game that was supposed to be today (Sunday), to tomorrow, Monday. ONE DAY????????????? Wow! I really don’t understand any of it. 24 hour “quarantine” and everyone is all better??
It’s more than time, Kathy.
I couldn’t believe it. He is now taking drugs that make him even more insane if that’s possible.
Why did anyone let him leave the hospital?
We have been emotionally abused. He’s an abuser. I am so frigging tired of it.
Stay safe, Chris.
I know! I was telling my husband I thought he was fine and then he showed me recent news that perhaps indicated otherwise, I hope you watched SNL’s
parody of the debate. It is hysterical and the only thing that could possibly make me laugh about the fiasco.
I love the floor that you are putting in in the doll house. It looks so real!
Thank you, Jane.
Hang in there and stay safe!
It’s been a week, hasn’t it? Taxes, debate, Covid… The whole thing has my head spinning. Like others have said, I don’t know what to believe. I can’t believe he’s “faking it,” as some have said. It only brings Covid into bigger focus at a time where he’d like to forget it and I don’t think even his gang could make a conspiracy so big it would hit that many folks in his orbit. So, assuming that’s legit, which report is true? And which would I like to be true (I’m a little embarrassed to say).
On another note, I’m glad you liked the Library Book. I am in early chapters and haven’t had a minute to just settle and read and I’m all the more enthused about it now.
I don’t believe he’s faking it. I do believe he’s insane.
I think you’ll really enjoy the book, Jeanie.
Stay safe!
I have similar plans for today…as far as laying low. Trying to stay away from Twitter. Of course…Twitter is amusing, and addictive…it’s hard to resist. You just have to know who to trust there. And, like you, I was thinking of signing blank sheets of paper in order to appear busy. 😉
Hope you can relax a bit…stay safe! ;)
As an actress and theater person, I know that no prop/set designer would allow any blank pages on a set. These idiots are clueless.
Stay safe, Donna!
I am voting early to get this orange turdracist out of the white house,
I havery no empathy for any of them. Think about the harm inflicted on the children here and at the border.the many cruelties of this low life trump cult.racist,ignorant,greedy sobs. Trump is scared…..he is a coward….in every way. Ok…I
Feel better
No empathy here, either. I freely admit it.
Stay safe, Maria.