This maple is behind the house. Isn’t it glorious?
It’s colder now and I suspect our warmish fall temperatures are gone. Today is sunny and beautiful, so I can’t complain.
Both of us were tired yesterday, having stayed up way too late on Thursday night. So we took it easy, but we did do some exploration on the property, trying to find the pipes that mark the property line. We have a new neighbor moving in to the south of us. Our elderly neighbors that lived there previously have moved south to be with their children. Anyway, this guy stopped by the other day and wanted to post no trespassing signs on his property (due to the people from the large campground nearby that trespass on his property.) He wanted to make sure that he wasn’t putting anything intrusive up that we’d see from our property.
That set us off on a bit of an exploration, but I think it will be better to wait until early winter when a lot of the vegetation is gone. One pipe has always been clear; it’s between our property and our neighbor’s to the north. Don found the pipe that’s at the other corner and I’m happy to say that the old stone foundation there is on our property. I always thought it might be our neighbor’s. I love that foundation. Anyway, it was fun. The remaining pipes are at the back of the property and some of that is overgrown, so, again, we’ll wait until winter. I hope this made sense! (I also found the surveyor’s drawing of the property after digging through the drawer that holds all the house/mortgage stuff.)
We’ve been keeping track of the news. I watched Nicole Wallace and Rachel yesterday. The reckless behavior, the arrogance of not wearing a mask and the flaunting of that choice, the decision to gather people together outdoors in order to celebrate the hurried nomination (during the middle of an election process that has already begun) of someone unqualified for the Supreme Court; those attendees jammed together with no social distancing and the vast majority not wearing masks – all of it carries a cost. And we’re seeing it. I’m not sure I believe this is karma. Rather, I believe these are direct consequences of willful ignorance and arrogance, of deliberately misinforming the public, of worrying more about a campaign than about lives. The list of those who have tested positive after attending the event in the Rose Garden is getting longer by the minute. None of that had to happen. They have endangered the employees of the White House, the Secret Service, every attendee at a rally, family, friends, supporters.
Not to mention the millions of people who can’t be rushed to Walter Reed, who don’t have the resources to be treated, who are facing the real possibility of losing their health insurance if this woman is confirmed, all those who died alone without the presence of a loved one, all those who, for whatever reason, believed him when he said the virus was nothing to worry about and proceeded to act accordingly.
So yes, I guess you could say it’s a karmic payback, but it’s really a direct result of their actions.
It’s terribly sad and enraging at the same time.
Stay safe.
So glad the foundation is safely in your hands. I have no real idea of the configuration of our little acre. It’s some sort of rhomboid or trapezoid and whenever my husband and I talk about something going on down on the main rd, we each point in different directions. LOL
As far as the Covid White House developments, I feel for the staff, pilots, and secret service operators, the ruling elite can go to h*ll. I am sick of the news heads prefacing everything by saying We wish Trump the best and hope for a full recovery. What a bunch of baloney!! He’s a monster who is responsible for the seriousness of the “Kung fu” virus. If anyone deserves good wishes it isn’t him. It’s the families and victims of Covid. Personally, I hope the OM is as sick as ever can be and must be on a respirator for about 3 months or more. Monsters like Hitler, Pol Pot, Putin, etc do not deserve the good wishes of the people they are harming. Even Christ knocked down the money lenders.
With that thought, it’s so nice not to have tweet storms firing things up on this chilly but bright autumn day. May you and Don enjoy it.
He is a monster. I agree.
There was a fake tweet from him today. By that I mean, he clearly didn’t write it.
Stay safe, Nora.
That tweet included the word LOVE. That’s certainly not him.
Stay safe, Carolyn!
I see his illness as a logical manifestation of the policy he has been pursuing since the outbreak, easily understood by all – maybe even some of his believers.
Yes. And let’s hope some of his believers are now seeing the light.
Stay safe, Anne.
I can’t put down in writing (on a public venue) what I am wishing & hoping for. Let’s just say I have no sympathy for ANYONE who thinks Covid-19 is a hoax, that reaction to it is overblown, is dismissive of all the deaths because they are a tiny percentage of our population, after all, it is what it is, and bullies those of us who wear masks to protect ourselves, loved ones and strangers from Covid-19. If those people die from Covid-19 or suffer continuing lifelong health issues for which there is no cure, it is what it is.
Yep. There is no excuse for willful ignorance.
Stay safe, Mary.
I really have nothing to say today except “Amen” to your words.
Have a good weekend, Melanie.
Stay safe.
This is another showing that money and power can not buy you health, happiness or love. My feeling is that you and every reader of your blog has more joy in life than someone who depends on evil to achieve something only to have to dig deeper into that evil desire or another probably worse to try to satisfy that unsatiable greed.
Enjoy a beautiful fall weekend!
Take care…
Thank you, Kelly.
Stay safe.
I watched that Physician press briefing this morning and was totally disgusted. We are never going to know the truth. They have no idea what truth even is at this point. If he DID have this dx on Wed, and he still went to Minnesota and NJ, then they all deserve to burn. I did hear that his rich Repub friends in NJ are a bit upset with him. But being upset and not voting for him (and possibly losing their huge tax benefits) are two very different things.
Constant anger, disgust, frustration, and just plain rage are my feelings all day and all night. Not the best for HBP and A-Fib. I will try to stay away from the news for the remainder of the day and tomorrow for sure. But even staying away from it, it is always “there”, and I worry about what is happening. It is a hamster wheel for sure. This is what I have become. The result is pure exhaustion.
If he tested positive Wednesday that means he was contagious on Tuesday. And he was a the debate on Tuesday night. A debate where he arrived too late to be tested. That means he endangered everyone there, including Biden. He should be locked in prison for the rest of his life.
Stay safe and try to stay calm, Chris. But I understand. I am glued to Twitter right now and the story changes every five minutes!
I totally agree with all you have written. If I could run up and down the street with a megaphone I would. How sick of this horror and deplorable excuse of a human being. Now we have to worry that the doctors at the hospital are playing the coverup game. I hope he gets the worst case….survives and goes on to be humiliated and spends the rest of his life regretting his abysmal failure. Either way….I have no good feelings for him, his wife or the rest of them. If that makes me a bad person…..AT LEAST I AM AN HONEST ONE.
You are.
We can’t believe a word that anyone associated with this man says. And that includes his sycophant doctors. I cannot wait until I can spend one day NOT worrying about this country.
Stay safe, Maria.
Its a beautiful day but my fibro has me resting on the couch. I watched ‘Boys In the Band’ last night on Netflix. Wonderful.
We haven’t watched it yet, but I have two former students in it; Jim Parsons and Brian Hutchison.
Enormously proud of both of them.
Stay safe, Linda.
My main concern is that Joe Biden stays well! This old Catholic girl is rubbing her beads and lighting candles; praying that selfish soulless man did not infect our next president.
Mine, too.
I’m praying for him.
Stay safe, Robyn.
Amazes me how quickly he and they get results while those of us wait days and days and pray-plus the ignorance of no masks: horrible-sorry- prayers
Stay safe, Brenda!
yep, you made sense!
nice of your new neighbor to ask before doing things that could affect your property. glad the old stone foundation is on your side of the line. :)
you and don have a beautiful home (inside and out) and property. how tall and old would you estimate that (maple?) tree to be?
hope you and don have been enjoying a nice, easy day.
after a very long week at work, i didn’t get home until 7:30 last night and was gone eight hours today. just got home so i am taking a break … the things that need to get done can wait until tomorrow, i will make something quick for dinner and do nothing more than read or watch tv tonight. probably from under the covers … it is chilly here!
i was able to see (from a distance, of course) and talk with some members of my family, one way or another today. :) glad and grateful for that and for them and the rest of my family.
just want to also say thanks for being here, claudia and everyone … a consistently welcoming, warm and nice place and people to match. glad and grateful for you all, too.
stay safe.
kathy in iowa
I have no idea how tall or how old that tree is, Kathy.
You need to rest and take a break today, Kathy. You work hard and then you shop for everyone on your day off.
Be sure to take care of yourself.
Stay safe!
Thanks for everything. After reading you, I feel like I have visited a friend. Which I haven’t done in ages.
Thanks for your kind words, Jan.
Stay safe!
Trying to catch up to your posts. One very frustrated person writing this: I have had no internet or landline service since last Monday night and, whoa-boy, is my provider going to hear about this now that it’s over. They owe us a refund for losing five days aggregate of internet capability and also our primary telephone. To make us go this many days is not acceptable; ‘what if’ we were working from home, or had a student trying to ‘go to class’; besides which, not being able to access email, etc., when I was waiting word from two doctors as to next steps, etc.
This is how I live; I know it could be diff with a smart phone/i-phone or whatever you call them.
We are a bit wooded in the rear yards on ‘this side’ of our old housing tract; very undisturbed and private four acres (only three houses) behind us over a hill. A school next to that, of multi acres (more trees and lawn/playground than buildings), also undisturbed since there’ve been no students on campus since about last March. So, there’s a lot of wildlife who feel comfortable in the surroundings, and the internet/landline service provider ‘tech’ who came out (spending HALF A DAY here Saturday) found that our lines extend over to a pole 3 doors down, which makes no sense to us, and they got ‘chewed’, so I don’t know if that’s rats or what, but we don’t even have squirrels anymore since having a problem a few years back with mountain lions and coyotes. Anyway…
…and I find I am so drained by all the news of the past week, going from the debate to then this horrible debacle of Trump and God Knows how many other people sick in the White House ‘circle’ from rampant, raging coronavirus, that I can’t even figure out how to write what I feel, so I’ll just say that your autumn photos have been so nice to look over as we in SoCalif endure this whole past week of 90s-100s temperatures of which I am ENTIRELY sick of, with another week of it to go (and we haven’t even had Santa Ana winds yet this season), such that when I hear of the cool in other parts of the country, even rain, the nearly picture-perfect Fall of a year, I yearn to be anywhere but here. I feel like Californians are sizzling and popping in a frying pan that never gets taken off the stovetop.
Sorry about the weather and the internet! I hope things look up for you this week, Vicki.
Stay safe!