We were in the kitchen this morning and Don looked at these masks that just happened to be drying on the kitchen table:
He said, “If that doesn’t sum up 2020, I don’t know what does.”
What a year. Mostly horrendous, heartbreaking, enraging, maddening, lonely, bewildering – I could go on but you get the picture. It’s been like nothing we’ve ever been through before.
In the midst of it, however, was goodness and kindness and heroism. Front line workers risking their lives to help others. Good deeds. People reaching out to each other in new ways. People standing in long lines and risking their health in the time of COVID in order to vote. We turned out in record numbers in order to vote a monster out of office.
Too many lives lost and many of those deaths never had to happen. Willful ignorance and selfishness on display as people refused to wear masks, stay isolated, or take one moment to think about someone other than themselves.
This has been a terrible year, one I cannot wait to say goodbye to.
I could spend paragraphs speaking to the nightmare that is the Orange Man and his administration but I’ve done that. You know how I feel.
But we’re getting through it, thank goodness.
I thank you all so much for your daily presence here. You’ve made an enormous difference in my life, especially this year. More than ever, our little community has been a source of solace and commiseration, of joy and laughter.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
May we move forward into 2021, knowing that change is coming, knowing that at some point we will all be vaccinated, that goodness will triumph. I only wish January 1st was also Inauguration Day.
Stay safe. Stay vigilant. Don’t relax your guard, my friends, as the next few months will be hard.
But do celebrate the end of this year and a better year ahead.
I may or may not post tomorrow. We’ll see.
Happy Thursday.
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