I have barely slept in the past 48 hours and I’m beyond exhausted, so forgive me if I make this short.
I didn’t watch the debate, though Don did, but I checked in on Twitter and knew what was happening.
I have no words.
OM is that emotional and physical abuser you have most likely encountered at some point in your life. I know I have.
He is unhinged.
I’m shaken to my core.
Anyway, you might just get a pretty picture or two over the next few days. I need to take care of myself. You do, as well. We have been battered and abused for four years. The assault has been relentless. Find a space in which to breathe deep. Do what you need to do to find a pocket or two of peace.
Feel free to leave your thoughts here, friends, though I may not respond.
I am very, very tired and I sure feel older than my years.
Stay safe.
Happy Wednesday.
We made time last evening to watch the entire debate. The President’s refusal to denounce white supremacy had us shaking our heads in disbelief. Just appalling.
And people will still vote for him, I’m scared. I’m old but I have kids and grandkids that will inherit this country. I found you thru Pinterest and am charmed by your garden style AND your political views :)
My husband just regaled me with the gory details. I wanted to pound him because I deliberately would not watch the national platform a debate afforded our Liar in Chief. We all know he will run all over everyone. I can’t forget how he stalked the stage looming over Hillary Clinton, and no one roped him in. I’m very sorry that we’ve all been thru such abuse and that still so many people can’t see it. I’m supposed to get my A1C down below 8 if I am to have knee replacement, but given the state of affairs, I don’t know if I can succeed. Stress does a number on our systems. I hope that you find plenty of ways to restore, rest, and heal. Sending hugs–N
We don’t have a TV and I stopped watching the news three years ago.
What did they debate on? What were the topics they talked about? There must be a statement from one or the other, right? A scenario for the future, plans for solving problems, like health care, education, equal chances, ideas for bringing people together, how to spend the money. Something, anything the public can agree or disagree, and make a decision, vote for the better man (or woman).
I don’t see a point in the same comments about behaviour or attitud (for four years in the media now). What someone did or is willing to do is the information I need.
What did they say in the debate?
Let’s talk about facts, please.
With all due respect, google it.
Biden talked about policy and his plans.
Trump verbally and emotionally abused him.
You can see many clips online. You can see a transcript.
I am not going to explain it.
Biden TRIED to speak about policy and plans. Trump did everything he could to disrupt and distract attention away from any policy or plans that Biden wanted to share with us. There is no debate when one person does not know how to (or care to) listen, share thoughts, ideas and plans.
“Regula” cannot be serious. Good for you.
First, and foremost, you take care of yourself. You have been so kind to share your life, but there are no expectations. If you need a few down days, state that, and do it.
We are adults here, and your emotional well being is the most important factor in play. You have had a tough week.🙏🙏🙏
You are so articulate and I applaud you. There should be more people in the world like you and I hope there are..
Take Care and stay safe,
Park City, UT
All I can say is Amen, Claudia, Amen. Get some rest.
Why should we even expect him to denounce white supremacists—they are his base.
Just made another donation thru Act Blue….the Lincoln project and our local democratic club. Not answering my phone but will distance walk with three very likeminded women on friday morning. (wearing masks and social distancing). They haven’t seen me since March. My grey hair is now over my shoulders so I braid it to the side….gained weight in all the wrong places. Look like an old hippie. Tired in mind and body. Getting my flu shot tom. Even that stresses me out. A nice breeze and the rain passed thru…going for a walk and then maybe start picking up the million acorns all over the lawn. We need to calm our frazzled nerves.
I watched the whole thing. It was a debacle.
Take care of yourself and
get some rest.
It is going to be a tough ugly time from now to the election and quite likely afterwards for who knows how long.
Stay well
I watched it. I couldnt’ decide if Chris Wallace was a bad moderator or trying to provide enough rope so one could hang himself. It’s horrible. Rick didn’t sleep well all night. Yes, self care is required. I hope you get some today and beyond.
I literally made myself watch it to see how the rest of the world views us.
” I have no words. ”
you have no words because there ARE no words!
it was the single most embarrassing performance of our presidency.
I have friends following it as closely as they can in other countries.
they’re in disbelief it’s unraveling the way it is.
rest. and take care of yourself.
a hot mess is right.
just “beam me up Scotty!”
Hi Tammy! If you could beam up to northern Canada later this afternoon, we could have tea and rearrange my dollhouse. Sending virtual hugs today to Claudia and all the friends of MHK.
Um, make that “Mockingbird Hill Cottage” – hands and brain are clearly not connecting this lunch hour.
thank you Barbara!
I’m a lover of Canada and all things thereof. :D xo
I’m in Australia and I can tell you that the media here are reporting it as an unhinged train wreck. If our Prime Minister behaved like that he would be condemned both on the floor of the Parliament and in the media.
it’s just really unimaginable.
I think the real thing for me is that there are supposedly intelligent people
who dote on his every hate filled word! very scary stuff Denise.
those of us who want rid of him have to hope it’s going to come out right with our votes.
I watched. I’m easily convinced when the word “duty” is applied to something for me to do, and my brother had said he was watching the debate out of a sense of duty. I will feel no duty to watch future ones, if they’re held. It’s just after noon here, and I’ve accomplished nothing all morning, still reeling. Husband and I have just put together homemade barbecue sandwiches with soy curls, using peppers from my brother-in-law’s gardens to heat the sauce. Our Great Pyr mix approves of my choice of carrot sticks for a side dish. I took peels, etc. out to the barrel-style composter and stood there twirling the thing around more times than I needed to do. Insects were chirruping, the heat has finally broken, a breeze was blowing. That’s may be the most productive thing I will get done today, and that’s okay.
I couldn’t watch the whole debacle/debate, but I did listen to some of the commentary afterwards.
The best line of the night for me was from James Carville who said on MSNBC, “Hell, I was paid to watch it and I couldn’t hardly (his words) get through it.”
My husband and I watched it. I never thought that Trump spoke with any kind of knowledge in the debates in 2016 and I knew that he would be abusive, but I was not prepared for last night. I don’t know why anyone could ever vote for him for any office or do business with him or attend a social event where he is in attendance or even stay on the same side of the street if one sees him coming. I will never understand support for him from anyone who sees themself as a decent human being. It isn’t just his manner, it is his actions from the last few years. Either of those things is enough but he fails with both.
Watched. It was quite disturbing & painful, enough that I will NOT watch the next one. My pastor recently said we are in a time of political incivility. No fooling. He wisely challenged us last month to not go on Facebook, or even watch so much news leading up to the election, as things were going to get ugly. He was wise in what he said, I think. We are in a TOXIC world right now, & two scriptures have helped me. 1: Philippians 2:3, & especially Philippians 4:8! May I encourage you to dwell a bit on the Phil. 4:8 verse, & make it your new motto. Peace, calmness & love, Rita
Your pastor is so right! I will take his advice. I am also going to the those scriptures. Thank you sweetie.
You rest and take care of the needs of Don and you. Cook, clean, read and clean up the garden and yard. I’m going to be doing much the same. Also I am making Halloween pillowcases for the grandkids. That is always fun sewing for me. And you talk to Little Z too!
I have watched debates since JFK because I was in high school and it wan an assignment for a class. I have since watched most debates to clarify my thoughts and how I wanted to vote. I never vote all party, I make up my mind on what a candidate does, says and conducts him or herself in front of people who vote. Last night was as if God has forsaken the USA with such a man as Trump. He has no respect for the office he holds and none for himself. Even sadder is the fact that those who are in his inner circle can stand to listen to him let alone support him, they are educated people, Trump is NOT. If we have ever needed a miracle it is now. I will continue to watch and pray. Take care of yourself, I enjoy your posts. I know the overwhelming feelings of sadness and turmoil with this man in charge. God Bless you and the USA.
Amen Claudia! I have no words. You’ve said exactly how I feel.
you poor poor country. hugs from the netherlands.
I don’t think anyone “won” what happened last night, but for sure, America lost. I couldn’t watch it. Hubs did, so when he said it was over, I turned on MSNBC to hear a recap and couldn’t watch that, either. What have we become? I truly can find no grace toward anyone who supports this administration.
We worked out in the yard for a couple of hours this morning. It was cold, and damp, but it was time spent outside, not being in range of any news in any form. It did help. Take care, everyone.
Am 73 today. Have never seen anything like this political situation…Do not watch, of course…Never lived-as others have not either-in a situation like Covid…needless to say different world…my family here and Florida-do make the day absolutely fantastic…I have lived longer than relatives…so am thankful…prayers for all that we are going through…
hej, brendab …
happy birthday! glad that your family helped make this a good day for you. hope you’ve enjoyed a big piece (or two) of cake/whatever treat you like, are spending the day as you wish and have a good night!
kathy in iowa
Happy Birthday, Brenda!
Gosh Claudia, we knew it would be a mess, so why did it leave me so utterly shocked? I have never felt so exhausted in my life. This is a different kind of exhausted. Today I am even more disgusted by those who STILL insist upon defending Trump.
Did you catch Mandy Patinkin and his wife on Twitter? They both expressed so honestly the way we felt last night.
Our donations have been made. I am lending support through postcards and looking into texting.
Take your time and find the little things that bring you comfort. For us lately it has been watching Schitts Creek. Mindless laughter.
I know children under 5 w/better manners, know what quiet means, know how to take turns, know how to share — when did being rude and overbearing become acceptable behavior for ANYONE young or old?? Total disgrace for all of us. take care, stay healthy, stay safe.
Claudia I have to pace myself with news and other sources of information about OM. For my sanity and peace of mind, but I made the decision to watch the debates. I’m glad I did. OM showed himself again and again to be the horrid human he is. No respect for anyone and certainly not the country he is suppose to be the leader of. I have family members who support him and I have to distance myself from them. It breaks my heart because I truly can’t imagine anyone thinking he should be president of anything. It hurts my heart and my head. After last night I don’t feel the need to give him anymore of my attention if and it’s a big if, there are more debates. This must end. Take care of yourself and rest. These are hard times my friend.
IMHO, Chris Wallace, after the umpteenth warning to trump, should have said: You obviously are incapable of adhering to the rules that you and your campaign agreed to. This debate is over. Cannot wait to see Kamala kick pence’s ass.
sorry that you’re feeling exhausted, low (it’s very understandable!). i hope you’ve been able to spend today doing whatever you wanted … things that let the hard stuff out and brought you some peace, hope, laughter and rest. and that it’s not just for today or for the next couple of days, but every day.
praying for you, don and everyone.
kathy in iowa
Appalled once again. I’m going outside tomorrow to look at the leaves.
Take care, Claudia and Don
While the “debate” was certainly a mess, I believe that there is a good chance that Trump’s behavior was semi-planned (at least by himself) to rattle Biden and turn him into a stuttering and incoherent opponent. It did not work. It will be interesting to see if Trump changes his tactics for the next debate. I’m not sure if he has any ability to step out of his natural bully persona, but since hearing the Woodward tape about him knowing the seriousness of the pandemic so early and lying to us, I have changed my opinion of him somewhat, and believe he is not as crazy as I thought, and more evil.
Happy 1st of October Claudia and Don!! I hope this month brings beautiful autumn days, a little more rain that we badly need, and some peace in your hearts. OX