Let’s escape to the world of miniatures for a moment.
It’s one of the few things keeping me sane.
This arrived in the mail yesterday:
It’s sitting on top of a book of matches.
Isn’t it adorable? It’s made by Jane Graber, who makes wonderful miniature pottery. I have another piece made by Jane. I’ve been wanting one of these crocks for quite a while. Jane is doing fewer miniature shows now and is heading toward retirement, so I thought I’d better get one while I could.
The lid is removable. Here is the design on the lid:
I’m sure it will end up in the kitchen area of the dollhouse, perhaps on one of the shelves in the mustard-colored cabinet. It’s signed by Jane on the bottom. I had the pleasure of meeting her at the IGMA show in Hartford a couple of years ago. She’s lovely. I also have some gorgeous miniature pots made by her niece – they’re more contemporary in feeling.
I’m slowly collecting miniature books for the shelf unit in the living room. Yes, I could make them, but I’ve tried that before and I didn’t do a very good job of it! Wisdom comes in acknowledging your strengths and weaknesses, don’t you think? I have several little books on the way from England and I’m anxious to see how they look. Slowly, slowly, as budget permits, I’ll order more. I have to remind myself that Hummingbird Cottage took 6 years to complete. Now, part of that was because I was working more frequently then and many of those jobs took me out of town for long periods of time. But it also took a long time because of budget. I did that house on next-to-nothing because I had to. I hadn’t yet become familiar with all the wonderful miniaturists out there. Now, fortunately or unfortunately, I know of the wonderful and detailed creations that are available. I can’t afford to buy them all, but I do try to use a few beautifully made pieces that will appreciate in value. I’m a collector by nature, as you know, and I love collecting the work of talented miniaturists.
Didn’t sleep all that well last night. I usually fall asleep with no problem. It’s the waking in the middle of the night and the restless sleep that follows that’s the problem. But I think I’ll do some mowing. The grass is really long. It will get me outside doing something productive. Leaf raking is on the horizon, as well!
Block Count: 2 (another one today.)
Stay safe.
Happy Tuesday.
What an exquisite little piece; love your new crock!
Thank you, Vicki!
Stay safe.
I could have done without reading about rocker Eddie Van Halen’s death today. I was a little too old for the music in 1984 … maybe not; we’re close in age … but I had times where I really was entertained with Van Halen’s bad-boys-having-fun videos on the newish MTV, and Eddie was incredibly talented. I’d read sometime back how he’d tried so hard to clean up his life; loved his son so much, too. Apparently he’s had a terrible year with the acceleration of his cancer (ultimately brain cancer). Alcoholism is such a vicious disease although he was in recovery for something like 25 years, but the early addiction caught up with him, with his hip, the oral cancer. I don’t know why this hit me so hard today. Maybe the shock effect, not having previously/recently come across anything about him being ill. Emotions too close to the surface for various reasons, of course, with our lives so f***ed up anyway, with Covid and politics and everything else.
Anyway, Guitar God: RIP. That GRIN when he was about age 29-30; what a smile; laughing eyes so ‘sunlit’; just something about him which was so feel-good infectious. As I write this, my husband in the background is blasting Eddie’s rock solos on youtube in tribute. He came to me in tears just now and I feel equally sad that Eddie died. I guess it’s feeling badly about another person’s tough go and their subsequent passing but also another piece of our youth chipped away, too. Time waits for no one.
I just read that he did the guitar solo in Beat It in one take – and for free.
Wow. So he did it just for fun; for the love of the instrument and the music.
Hi Claudia, that butter tub is darling and so well done! Sorry I didn’t get the pix up. I thought I did but obviously not! They are there now.
Yes, it took me a long time to go to sleep last night. Too much head spinning….
I’ve been cleaning the office/art room like crazy — I can finally see the desk and most of the floor and the closet is looking pretty good! It’s so nice today I promised myself that after lunch I’d go out and trim bushes, take a walk and just get outside. We have to savor those days while we can!
We were just outside mowing. It’s a glorious day out there. I agree with you. We have to imprint these days so that we remember them when winter comes.
Stay safe, Jeanie.
So cute!!!!!
Thank you, Priscilla.
Stay safe!
a person needs treats and comforts in life and especially now when so much of the world feels crazy and dirty!!! glad you found another sweet miniature. it will look great no matter where you place it! :) i’m still s-l-o-w-l-y working on the agatha christie book of short stories, but i will finish it and start another ac book (one recommended by brendab), “murder on the orient express”.
hope you sleep better tonight, all the way through. for me, either i fall asleep in just a few seconds or i’m awake until 1 or 2 am or later (and then out the door before 7:30). i prefer the former!
hope you and don (and everyone else) are having a nice, easy day. we have beautiful weather here today. i hope to enjoy it after work and after getting a flu shot. and hope i find my absentee ballot in the mailbox once i get home! :)
happy tuesday and stay safe and well!
kathy in iowa
Glad you are reading.
hej, brendab …
thanks. me, too. :)
i attribute my reading less to having a shorter attention span and i blame that on depression (began before covid-19) and all the crazy, scary stuff going on in the world right now … because i have always loved to read and have plenty of books from which to choose. though in general i am not a fan of short stories, maybe that agatha christie book is a better choice for me right now. i am determined to get reading back into my daily schedule!
are you reading anything you want to recommend?
hoping and praying that your test results are good, that you are safe and well.
kathy in iowa
Thanks so much, Kathy.
Stay safe!
Have good day-prayers.
Same for you, Brenda!
Stay safe!
What a lovely piece! Jane’s work (like other OOAK pieces) only seems to increase in value – not that you’d ever want to part with it. Would you consider accepting miniature books from readers or do you have a specific look in mind? I think it might be fun to collect books from all over.
Of course! Just like my own bookshelves, the shelves should hold a variety of books.
Thanks, Barbara and stay safe!
Hi Claudia, that surely is a magnificent butter crock! I just l ove it’s personality!
Take care…
Thank you, Kelly!
Stay safe.
Dont know if last comment published.
Agree 100% the man in the white house is ill. In many ways.
I am writing postcards for the Democrats. I have to do something.
I also drive with my Biden Sign in my truck and I park in conspicuous places. Many people smile . THumbs up. Some just shake their heads
Yes, your comment was published, Kathy.
The little crock is so adorable. I can’t say I would ever collect miniatures myself but I love seeing yours. I’m glad it helps your sanity.
The ‘circus’ last night was just amazing. He timed it for the new hours, he tried to show how well he was (failed, he was breathing with effort) and then to say what he did about Covid. When I think he’s hit rock bottom he goes lower. Shaking my head. Took my ballot and Mom’s to the drop off box today. So proud to vote for Biden!
And now he’s gone even lower by trying to hold us hostage, saying no more talks about the Covid Stimulus bill until after the election and if he wins, he’ll approve it.
What a F*cker.
Stay safe, Linda.
Hope you keep posting your “count”. It is one more thing you can do. Thank you.
That little crock is beautiful. Each one of those miniatures still astound me. Glad you showed it w comparison to the match box.
I hope the mowing will help you sleep tonight. It hasn’t been easy lately. It is a beautiful day here today. Sat outside in the driveway with a friend for a little bit this aft. We need to keep these days buried in our mind to bring out in the winter like the squirrels are busily burying the walnuts right now. I hope you have had a good day.
Oh, I’ll post it until this whole COVID thing is over and I can leave the house without any worries.
I can fall asleep. It’s just staying asleep. My mom used to have that problem.
Stay safe, Chris.
Oh, do you mean posting the count of the people I block?
That little crock is so sweet! Today I’m feeling hopeful, dropped my absentee ballot today at the city clerk’s office, there is a box for absentee ballots outside but I decided to go inside the building and place it in the box at the clerks office instead. What a joyful feeling thinking that maybe my little vote will cast out the demons in the White House for good. Driving around my little town and seeing signs for Biden and none for T. made me smile! Let’s do this!
Correcting my previous comment!!! Oops! Not Pence! Ewww! Saw signs for BIDEN!!! Yay!
I’ll edit it for you!
Good for you, Marlene!
And I love that there are no signs for the Orange Man.
Stay safe!
Hobby Lobby has a new dollhouse that I have to get, it’s called Moss Creek Log Cabin. My dream home
Sounds lovely, Cheryl!
Stay safe.
A butter crock!! Charming! And so beautifully made. Sometimes I think these talented miniature makers must be able to shrink themselves down to scale in order to do such tiny, fiddly work with so much precision and detail. Good for you for buying books–for yourself, for the bookstores, and for the dollhouses!! Stay safe.
I don’t know how they do it!
Stay safe, Nora.