I’d given up on any of the Heavenly Blue Morning Glories flowering. Maybe due to the drought? Maybe a bunch of dud seeds? Except that the vines were growing and the leaves. Just no flowers. Yesterday I glanced outside and thought I was seeing things.
Apparently there had been a bloom the day before as well. Here we are, in the middle of October with a frost not all that far off, and they’re finally blooming. The mysteries of gardening – you never know. I just pray that we have a few days, or even a week, before it gets so cold that they wither and die. There’s another bloom today (this was yesterday’s flower.)
Speaking of today, it’s much colder and quite raw out there. We’ve had more rain, which is good. Next week, we’ll clear the gutters and start raking – we’ve only held off because it’s been wet and rainy. Today is a good day to stay inside and nest.
I took this the other day as we were driving home from our storage space. This road is one we take when we’re almost home and it has the most beautiful view of the mountains and apple orchards and trees turning color. We frequently pull over and climb a little hill in order to capture the view.
I love where we live.
Both Don and I have decided that the next two weeks will be devoted to the Biden campaign. I am going to text every day from 4 until texts stop at 9 pm. Don will phone bank. There’s nothing more important, so that’s where we’re putting our energy and time.
We found an older guitar of Don’s (he has so many!) in the storage space. It’s an old Gibson – he believes he bought it when he was living in Omaha. That was over 40 years ago. He’s been polishing it up and just now left to have it restrung at a local guitar shop.
I found this pillow that I embroidered when we were living in San Diego. We were living in a Craftsman bungalow and this was an Arts and Crafts era pattern. I actually made it for the very sofa it is once again gracing. I remembered it a while back and was determined to find it in my grandmother’s trunk.
I’m glad it’s back. My little Winston used to put his head on this pillow.
Stay safe.
Happy Friday.
I recognize that pillow from the Winston photos. It’s so pretty. Glad you found it.
Morning glories 2020 were as strange as everything else, I think. Mine were such early and strong-looking vines—they just grew and grew, up and over the pergola! Never have they done that! But not a bud in sight! Then, October comes around and they start to bloom—WTH? Just as we were leaving. They probably are blooming still, but we’ll never know.
I know! I can’t believe they’re this late! Usually they start to appear in September. Oy.
Stay safe, Shanna.
Please be careful in cleaning the gutters
I no longer wanted uneventful there so we had someone install gutter guards
Well worth the money and safety for my husband
Yes we cannot take Biden”s win for granted
We’re always careful. Our house is old, built in 1891 – the gutters are wonky as are the edges of the roof. Gutter guards would not work.
Thanks, Linda.
What lovely countryside! Snow here yesterday afternoon and all day today. Never quite mentally prepared for it until after Halloween. I love the cushion pattern – have you ever tried needlework in miniature?
I’ve done needlepoint and crochet and embroider in real life, but I don’t think my eyes could handle the strain of mini needlework. I’ll leave that to others!
Stay safe, Barbara.
I think Morning Glories have a mind of their own. I’m happy it decided to bloom for you. We had a frost last night..,it got down to 28 here in the marsh. But my Mandeville (which doesn’t tolerate the cold, supposedly.) is still going strong …go figure.
I’m glad you two will still be doing the important work for Biden…we must keep pressing on. Stay safe! ;)
Poop on October frosts, Donna!
I’m glad your mandeville is still hanging in there.
Stay safe, Donna!
How lovely to see a bloom on the Morning Glories. I remember when I was in 2nd grade in Texas and would walk to school there were Morning Glories blooming on a fence. I would pick one and was always sad it was wilted by the time I got to school. Oh to be so young and innocent. My childhood was so different from my children’s and now my grandchildren’s. I’m praying for a more peaceful government so we may once again become a nation of caring people. Hugs!
I’m glad I was a kid when I was a kid, if you know what I mean. Things were just simpler then.
Stay safe, Linda!
such treasures … one of don’s guitars, your winston’s pillow, the morning glory finally blooming and that wonderful view of the mountains …! i am very happy for you.
thanks for years and years of sharing photos, the stories behind what we see in the photos and parts of your heart … all beautiful! :)
thanks for all that campaign work you and don are doing. again, you are making a difference!
that “super-spreader rally” sign that you saw on tv that was by the airport when pino came here on wednesday? i checked it out … don’t know where they are based, but a pro-farmers group put up that billboard. i am sure pino didn’t see it and that no one on his team would dare mention it to him, but the people who went to that rally had to see it so i am grateful to the group who posted that billboard and made their point!
i will be praying for your and don’s safety when cleaning the gutters next week. be safe!
which makes me think to ask … any more bear sightings lately?
i am so grateful that today is friday … ready to go home and have time to get some things accomplished there. it is much colder here (we have a 50% chance of snow on sunday morning … eek! … hoping it will be rain and no icy stuff) and once i get home, warm from a shower and it gets dark so early now, well, i just kind of lose steam and don’t get as much done as i’d like on weeknights. :l
glad if you’re taking it easy today.
be safe! happy friday!
kathy in iowa
I’m betting he might have seen a picture of it on Twitter – that’s where I saw it. Fingers crossed!
No more bear sightings.
I’m glad your work week is almost over! You deserve a warm shower and some rest!
Stay safe, Kathy.
Love the pix of the road you travel…such a peaceful, colorful road! I miss New England so much in the Fall. This am, San Diego (OB) is so fogged in, I couldn’t see across the street! Almost all cleared up now.
Thank you for your Biden work. Fingers crossed he’s our winner.
Have a good weekend.
I’ve got everything crossed that he’s our winner!
Thanks, Priscilla.
Stay safe.
i couldn’t watch pino’s townhall meeting last night (poor tv reception where i live), but i heard that the moderator was kind of rude – chastising, interrupting him (to anyone who might have watched it … was she?). i very much understand that temptation, but i hope that people who were “on the fence” before don’t side with him as a result of that. i wouldn’t want her actions at the townhall meeting to improve his chances of winning.
stay safe! vote!
kathy in iowa
No. She called him on his lies. That isn’t rude, that’s holding him to account. The time for pussyfooting around him is over. Anyone who thought she was rude is applying a double standard. If a man asked tough questions, he would be applauded.
And if anyone is on the fence – and I know through working with the campaign that there are still people who claim to be – this close to the election, then they either don’t care at all or they’re lying.
My thoughts.
i appreciate your thoughts! :)
i agree with you about that double-standard and am sad it has ever happened at all, angry that it still happens in 2020! glad she tried to hold pino to account.
i could probably find his townhall meeting online, but also probably won’t bother at this point. i am not on the fence!
hope you are having a nice night.
i just got home and showered by 8:00. getting up early (6:30) to get an oil change and winter-prep check on my car. they don’t take appointments for just that and it’s first come, first served and only done on saturday mornings. will be good to have done.
stay safe!
kathy in iowa
I have to have work done on my car but it involves dropping it off overnight and our older car is a bit pesky at the moment, so I’m delaying it. But I need an oil change soon.
good luck, prayers for you and your cars. travel safe!
kathy in iowa
Isn’t it fun to rediscover old treasures, some remembered and stored, some forgotten? It’s like having a brand new pillow (or whatever). This one is just perfect for the season, too, with the pine cones. It’s very pretty.
So is your world these days. Our morning glories — or at least a couple of them — are still going too. And who could imagine. Last night we went to my favorite garden farm and walking around noted lots of things were still blooming and looking beautiful. I want to hold onto it for as long as I can. It almost felt normal.
Have a wonderful week and treat yourself tonight after “work.” It’s important work.
It is fun!
I hate the thought of everything dying, but I saw 33 degrees as a low in the next couple of days. I hope that changes!
Stay safe, Jeanie.
You indeed have the photo on the sidebar of Winston laying against the pillow. So poignant.
Thank you for posting the beautiful autumn-color photo.
I am so sick of being hot and dry out here in SoCalif; day after day and for too long the past few months. The Santa Anas are blowing moderately today. My skin is so dry it’s hurting. Low, low humidity; hot, hot sun. Always the 90s. If not more.
Thank you also for all the hard work you’re devoting yourself to, to get nut-case (dangerous) Trump out of office and to vote Joe Biden in; what you’re doing is very valuable and you should feel proud of your effort.
I always hated the Santa Anas. Couldn’t wait for them to be over!
Thanks Vicki!
Stay safe.
What a nice surprise to see that beautiful bloom! The color is amazing. Very much appreciate the time and energy you and Don are giving to this important election. It helps me remember my mantra, BIDEN AND HARRIS WIN. XO
Thank you, Nora.
Stay safe!