Getting there.
I spent about 3 or 4 hours on the wood floor yesterday. I’ve got less than a third to go. But first, I need to deal with some pesky glue that’s still on the floor (from the previous owner) that I now realize will make laying more boards a problem.
Running a bit late this morning, so I’ll make this Monday post brief.
I don’t have the mental energy at the moment to address what happened yesterday at Walter Reed, except to say he’s already mentally ill and the side effects of the steroid that he’s being given are well known. That particular cocktail is making him more manic, deluded, and restless than ever. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. He is a danger to the country; now, more than ever. Hello, 25th Amendment.
I’m so tired of being emotionally abused by this sack of skin. We have been abused for over 4 years now. We couldn’t even have two full days of him being hospitalized and quiet so we could get a damn break from his insanity. I look forward to the day that we never have to hear from him again.
Vote him out.
We can’t vote until the end of October and believe me, I am counting the days.
Also: All those who comment in support of OM will be blocked. I wouldn’t invite you inside my house and you are not welcome here on the blog. (Just blocked someone.)
Hang in there, my friends.
Stay safe.
Happy Monday.
Your stress and exhaustion are so clear. You and Don have fought hard to keep spirits up for yourselves and others. I know you keep trying to survive. I feel like many of us have lost pieces of ourselves thru disappointment, fear, shattered ideals, and compassion fatigue. The way you and Don care for your home and property helps the earth. You’ve done volunteer work for the election. You’ve supported your fellow artists and friends as well as your followers here. You’ve dealt with death, illness, financial stress, and you’ve done it gracefully. Thank you for setting an example of survival for us.
Such kind words, Nora. Thank you. It’s a tough day today and we’re dealing with worry of taxes, as well. Too much.
So your words meant a great deal.
Stay safe!
You are one of the brightest
Prayers again
Thank you, Brenda.
Stay safe!
I already mailed my ballot back. Democrats’ all the way.
The floor in your dolls house looks wonderful. That color stain goes great with the wall paper.
This is funny hearing about things to do while we wait. Doll houses, puzzles, gardening, cleaning house. I got my hubby a big Lego set of a firehouse. He’s never had Lego so it is keeping him busy and quiet for weeks, Take care. It’s almost over. – Elaine
Legos were a great idea, Elaine!
Stay safe!
My husband and I voted last week. Was so happy to vote for kindness! . We dropped them at a box near the clerks office just for ballots. We checked the state election website and we know they have been received in the clerk’s office. Hurray! Thanks for working for the campaign.
You’re welcome. And thanks for voting Janet!
Stay safe.
Every single thing you said expressed my feelings exactly. Exhaustion is rampant throughout the nation. I cannot imagine four more years of this “ sack of skin” as you so elegantly named him. He has taken the joy out of my life and it is hard work to find a way out of this depression. Let’s hope and pray it is a clear cut victory the day after the election with the three branches of government returning to a lucid state.
That’s what I’m praying for, Ginny. No question about Biden winning and a landslide would be even better.
Stay safe.
Hi Claudia, I’ve started listening to the podcast, Nova Now. The first episode I listened to was about mail-in voting and how it works. I’ve never been afraid that my mail-in vote wouldn’t count, or would be somehow abused, and the podcast ai listened to emphasized my surety. We haven’t received our ballots yet, but we will soon.
What gets me now is that he will get Secret Service protection for life. What a waste of taxpayer money.
Maybe Secret Service, maybe prison guard.
Hopefully, prison guard!
A complete waste of our money, and with the way he has endangered the Secret Service, a terrible assignment to get.
Stay safe, Wendy.
Thank you for that this morning
Stay safe!
Just shaking my head at yesterdays antics. He is out of control and has been always but now I agree more manic! I just can’t. I have my ballot and Mom’s ready to take to a drop off box this week. I will check to make sure received. I’m praying my RED state gets its act together and votes Blue. Hugs!
You put into words what I’m thinking and feeling so eloquently. I, too, was looking forward to a couple days of peace but, no, he continues to find ways to make me cringe. Oct 26, Maryland’s first day of early voting, cannot come fast enough. Again, thank you for your words.
Our first day is the 24th, so we’re on the same schedule as you. I can’t wait!
Stay safe, Petie.
And now, sick and contagious, he’s going back to the White House. What an ass.
Stay safe, Linda!
Well said! His relentless presence is difficult to bear..
It’s soul crushing.
Stay safe, Terri.
Everyone here knows how exhausting and depressing these years have been. The days just seem to drag waiting for Nov. 3. I can’t wait for it, yet I dread it. I know those here understand that. And thanks, Claudia, for blocking a pro-idiot poster. Just heard he is being released tonight. What a joke. I will bet he will be rallying by week’s end and declaring strongly that this virus is no worse than the flu. Of course when one receives every treatment known for the disease, success is higher. The rest of us, including those who have died ~ won’t/ didn’t have that at our fingertips. Knowing he is profiting from his treatment by having investments in them is one more reason to be sure every person we know……… VOTES!!!!! The cluster just keeps multiplying in more ways than we will possibly ever know or understand.
I have no patience with anyone who supports them. I block them here, on IG, and on Twitter.
He’ll be rallying because he’s hopped up on an extremely strong steroid.
Now the Press Secretary has it. And on and on it will go.
Stay safe, Chris.
I’m so sorry that this time in the U.S. is so difficult and not getting better. But I so hope that the hope of a new, competent President will soon be in place so you and Don and your nation can get back to a better life for all. I’m glad you’re blocking those who are not on the same page – I can’t imagine what they see and why they would support OM. I follow an individual on IG – she’s very vocal and none of it makes sense (she rarely spoke out when I first started to follow her). Ironically, since his hospitalization, she has become silent. Wonder what she’s thinking now that her words that Covid is a “hoax” is not holding ground with her “beloved” leader now quite ill. I was going to unfollow her but now I’m curious to see what she’ll write in the next few days. Take care Claudia. This soon will pass ….
X Chy
Ditto and amen. Thanks for the blog and the pictures!!!
Thanks, Jan!
Let me know, Chy. I’m curious, as well. Don and I were talking about that, how do his followers who think it’s a hoax reconcile the news that he’s sick?
Stay safe, Chy.
She’s staying silent for sure. Will be interesting to see what she writes when she “returns” ….
X Chy
You echoed beautifully how I feel. And I thought, as I was walking through the room, that something on TV said he’s now puffing up his feathers about ‘don’t be afraid of the virus’ just because his pompous ass survived after getting the kitchen sink of drugs thrown at him which apparently no other Covid sufferer has ever gotten.
“Don’t be afraid of the virus.” Watch how that will work against distancing and mask-wearing. If he said that, I need to get it substantiated today. Because try saying that to the 210,000 people dead, and their families. Say that to ME who has had to totally reshape and limit/confine her life around the virus for nearly eight long months with many more to go. Valuable months of my life gone forever; can’t get them back.
I had this momentary pipe dream that he’d be confined for the next three or four months with rehab and recuperation; and, not that it’s any better choice, but that Pence would take over and just do no further harm until Biden and his team can get in there and work to make everything right again.
Just so sick of the drama; exhausted as you say. I never wanted Trump to die because I want him to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Just would have been nice if we’d even gotten a 2-day stretch without having to ‘hear’ him on Twitter or on video, etc. Trump probably does this with anyone in his realm; he just wears them down and wears them out.
So many other wonderful people have gotten Covid who didn’t need to; now dead or possibly irreversibly ailing for the rest of their lives. Trump may have survived the virus, but he’s still got, and always will have, blood on his hands for all those stricken.
If anything with the virus, according to two people I know who got it, they came home from the hospital with fatigue that almost was indescribable. Like, just trying to lift a glass of water to the lips was an effort. They are in their 70s and were in tip-top health, but it’s been weeks/months now to feel strong (NOT a quick recovery), so tell me that’s not gonna happen with Trump and his ability to run a country (run it into the ground more than it already is).
Just wanted to say, too, that I personally, over several years of my life, have had to be … at times, and due to various illnesses … on very-high doses of steroid. Same with my mother. Not every patient reacts the same; she did a lot better than I ever did on that type of treatment. But she had only one/single illness to treat (with no other underlying issues, at least at the beginning). The same could not be said for me. I did NOT feel ‘normal’ when I was undergoing help with steroid treatment. It’s actually a hormone medication. Our hormones affect all the body’s systems. For me, it helped the one problem, but it adversely affected my blood pressure, so there was much monitoring involved. Sometimes I felt ‘wired up’ (a shaky mess) and certainly not ‘myself’.
When Trump could possibly be impaired in any way with that big cocktail of drugs he’s on, why NOT err on the side of caution and invoke the amendment so that our country is not even FOR A MOMENT left vulnerable … when we’re already vulnerable due to Trump’s lack of leadership anyway, and then add to it if he’s drug-addled; a prescription for one of his favorite words: Disaster.
Take no chances; DO NO HARM. Trump is a public servant. His Number One job is to protect us and our country. He never puts us first. As usual, he only cares about himself and his image (and his re-election); making people do somersaults around him just so he can have his ‘way’; arrogant SOB. He cares nothing about us or his country; I doubt he even cares, really, about his own family and friends (some sort of biological incapability and I don’t want to waste my time to explore his mental problems any further). He’s got a 14-yr-old son in that White House unless they’ve whisked the kid away from two Covid-infected parents. We’ve been shown over and over again that Donald Trump cares about no one but Donald Trump.
If he doesn’t care about me, why should I care about him? He needs to be voted out of the White House. He needs to return to his sorry private life. And get out of MY life.
He is incapable of putting us first. He’s a malignant narcissist and a sociopath. We’ve all sacrificed since February, not seeing our family members, ordering groceries online, wearing masks – and on and on. We aren’t working. We’re losing money. He’s hopped up on steroids of course, he tweeted that he feels 20 years younger. I tweeted back that he doesn’t look 20 years younger. And now he’s checking himself out of Walter Reed because he needs to be the center of attention and he knows he’s losing this election.
I want him out of my life forever. I want him gone.
Stay safe, Vicki.
Thanks, Claudia. You continue to stay safe, too. Gotta be safe for a long time yet.
With that ridiculous, theatrical walk up the stairs and onto that White House balcony, once they had closer-up video of it on the news channels, the first thing I said to my husband was, “He’s not breathing right. I wonder that it’s more than just getting ‘winded’ walking up those steps.” As a struggling-breather myself, I could recognize how he was trying to get his breath. All the experts are agreeing that there’s no way he’s ‘out of the woods’. Can’t imagine what his chest xrays must look like. Of course we’ll never know.
Oh my god. We couldn’t believe the whole ‘reality show’ production. But he couldn’t hide the fact that he was gasping for air. He’s still very sick, and will likely get sicker.
That part of him wanting his way – – on a few of the TV news shows, wasn’t hard to pick up on, “He doesn’t like hospitals.” “He perceives anything to do with illness as weak, and a show of weakness to him is the worst thing ever.” “He’s bored out of his mind. in the hospital.” And, okay, the White House med unit is tantamount to a hospital, but it ain’t Walter Reed, right? All he’s doing is putting other people thru more hoops, all at his bidding, his command; don’t do what’s right for anybody else, only yourself.
Why not let Pence earn his keep and take over for a few days? Sure, he probably/maybe would, if it was any other time in the presidency. But of course it’s about RE-ELECTION, and he’s the ‘face’ of that, so it’s all in the timing. I dunno, though; this seems like a sinking situation all the way ’round. How does he think he’ll have breath and stamina just 9 days from now for another heated debate; will they give him a chair? He’d never accept one, because sitting down looks too weak.
I think he’ll be too fatigued for big rallies; he’s really, stupidly, endangering his further health. Covid will decide this for him. The meds and the doctors can only prop him up so much; he’s an old guy with underlying issues which makes Covid more complicated for him. Unless everything they’ve been telling us is wrong, and of course they’re not wrong; the health/disease experts have no reason to lie to us; they speak truth. He doesn’t.
He’s still hopped up and vowing to debate Biden. I wager he won’t be well enough to debate him. And if I were Biden I’d insist on T quarantining for 20 days before I’d consent to debate him. Trump is the superspreader.
You know,,,this place you call your blog? It’s a place of sanity in this cluster we are living in these days. Utter sanity. Like minded souls we are, who have a place to talk, make our feelings heard, and hear others talk as well. It’s refreshing.
Your floor is coming along nicely…all it takes is patience…eh? Stay safe! ;)
Thank you for your kind words, Donna. I’m so glad we share this space where we feel safe and can express our feelings.
Stay safe!
Claudia, I usually don’t choose to say anything if I can’t say anything positive. But, I am so exhausted by the utter stupidity of those supposedly a lot smarter than myself who don’t seem to know there is a reality to this pandmic! Do they even care? Even about themselves and their loved ones?
Tears. I have tears for my loved ones and fellow countrymen. We all live here and need to love and protect others and ourselves. This is a time unlike any I have known and hope I will never see again. Please take care of yourself and Don and stay in touch with your loved ones. We sure don’t know how this is going to end. Covidiots, your word and I use it a lot. Thanks.
Take care…
I feel like crying every day, Kelly. I understand.
Stay safe.
Just saw the news. My heart is with you. XOXO
I’ve already voted and dropped it at the country registration office in the drop box.
BTW…I got covid at work and was off for 3 weeks. It was not fun. I ended up getting pneumonia with it, which was really scary. But the thing is that I was tested twice at an urgent care and tested negative. I went to the ER because I still had a fever and symptoms and they tested me positive. That first week was bad. I’ve only been sick bad like that one other time and I had the flu and strep at the same time.
I knew the orange buffoon was going to get sick and I did not feel sorry for him. I actually laughed. I know I shouldn’t be like that but really………what did he expect?? He’s an idiot.
hej, kathy prickett …
glad you made it (and voted)! hope you have fully recuperated and stay well in every way.
stay safe!
kathy in iowa
Thank you! I am almost 100 percent. I am still coughing up stuff from my lungs and still get tired but that’s much better than I was.
I’m so sorry to hear you had Covid, Kathy! I’m happy to hear you’re better but that must have been frightening!
I don’t feel sorry for him at all. He brought it on with his own blatant disregard of safety protocols.
Stay safe.
That should say county, not country. :(
going to get some disgust out first. that pino was allowed to take a joy-ride yesterday (only a couple days after “testing positive” for covid-19), at other people’s physical and financial expense and while still a patient in a hospital and then was discharged NOT against medical advice, all while still having a highly contagious disease and (in the words of one of his dozen doctors) “not (being) out of the woods yet” …?!? ):( and those doctors and the hospital … what were they thinking?!? what about the hippocratic oath of “do no harm”? did they have any thoughts about other patients (especially those with covid-19) or the families of people who had to die without their loved ones holding their hands? or even their own reputations/careers/ liabilities? a new low that is almost beyond belief. ):(
claudia … i didn’t say all the negative stuff i’ve been thinking (about pino especially), but i know i could have. thanks for providing us with a warm, welcoming place where it’s safe and sane. means a lot … more than you may realize.
iowa started mailing (upon request) absentee ballots today … yippee! :) my nerves are almost shot and i am ready for november 04. ready for better days.
your flooring is beautiful, claudia! that darker color goes great with the wallpaper. if i remember correctly, you were kind of doubting your choice of that wallpaper. do you like it better now?
on another bright note, some members of my family and i went for our own drive yesterday (i was in my own car). it was such a pretty day. i chose the route this time and found a beautiful ribbon of a road and we drove for close to two hours. saw some new sights as well as the camp one of my swedish grandfathers came to for training in the army, and more country than city. a very nice time that we will repeat before too long. and which i will keep thinking of instead of the crazy time we are living in right now.
hope your day’s been good and safe and you sleep well. stay safe!
thanks again.
kathy in iowa
So happy to hear you had a lovely drive, Kathy! It sure helps, doesn’t it?
I’m a little happier with the wallpaper – still not fully on board, but I know it will look better with furniture and things hanging on the walls.
Stay safe!
Sent you a FB message — I found some minis you may or may not want and happy to send them to you when I go north this week if you want. You may not need/be interested — (there are only a few — some kitchen things, teeny books, etc.) I posted pix on the Messenger page so check it out and let me know if possible by tomorrow, so I can take them with me to mail from the safe post office.
I’m sick of it too. Thoughts of Evita and others came to mind last night…
I sent you Patti Lupone’s tweet from last night (on FB.)
Stay safe, Jeanie.
You are a bright, articulate, creative and a woman who seeks the greater good.
Thank you for enriching my life with your words and talents.
Take Care,
Park City, UT
Oh, thank you, Kaye!
That means so much.
Stay safe!
Im in complete agreement. I have been postcard writing for the Democrats . First I made calls for the primary. Then I started postcards. I have 25 to write today for Judicials in Ohio. I find DOING this helps me . I feel like I’m doing something.
I also Drive around my tourist town with my Biden Sign in the truck. Many people give thumbs up. Some just do a double take. we ARE seeeing some more Biden Harris signs the last few weeks!
I’m just about to start texting for Biden. It started about an hour ago but I’m late getting there.
Yay for your Biden sign!
Stay safe, Kathy.