From yesterday morning. Heavens, the foggy, wet mornings of autumn can be hauntingly beautiful.
We did a lot of work at the storage space. We organized everything into two groups: keep and discard. And then we re-packed the space with the “keep” items in the back and the “discards” in the front, so that when Don gets a hold of a truck, he can load it easily and quickly and then we can either rent a smaller space and save some money, or, having cleaned out the shed, move everything back there.
It took about two hours. Then we drove home, showered, ate lunch and Don did some phone banking for Biden for a few hours. A couple of hours later, when text banking started, I put in about 3 hours doing that. We were quite tuckered out at the end of the day.
Today, my intention is to stay peaceful. That’s how I feel at the moment and that’s how I want to stay. I need it. I read my book for a couple of hours this morning and am going to read some more after I finish this post.
It’s a beautiful day and it might be the last warmish day we have for a long time. So I’m going to walk around the property, noting the changes, taking some pictures, enjoying the sunshine.
I’m waiting for a few items that need to arrive before I can do any more work on the dollhouse. I can, however, clean up my workspace and that’s on my agenda for sure.
Stay safe.
Happy Thursday.
I love your beautiful moody photos. Your low-key plan for today sounds perfect.
We are slowly getting resettled at the beach while waiting more medical news and tests. It’s the not-knowing just what we are going to be fighting that is frustrating, but we’re trying to just go with the flow today. He’s feeling pretty good today, so there’s that to be glad about.
Shanna, please know you are in my thoughts. I hope you can feel the positivity flowing to you from Wisconsin. ♡
Thanks so much, Chris, for your good wishes.
I’m thinking of you and Fred and sending prayers your way. Bless you both. I owe you a longer response, but I’ve been dealing with taxes and other stuff (including texting) and by the time the day ends, I haven’t done it. Soon, my friend. Just know in the meantime that you are always in my thoughts.
Thanks, Claudia 💕
hej, shanna …
keeping you and your husband, the rest of your family in prayers.
stay safe and enjoy the beach.
kathy in iowa
Thanks, Kathy 💕
Lovely photos today, Claudia. We have a freeze warning for tonight. I am thinking that might get the leaves falling from our trees a lot faster now.
Sounds like you accomplished a lot yesterday and I am sure that feels great. Hoping you have a great Thursday as well! Take care and happy reading. If not for reading right now, I am not sure what I would do.
Oh no! Those darn freeze warnings!
I’m off to start texting for Biden again.
Stay safe.
That’s a full and hardworking day. Well done — You deserved to read more than a few more chapters after that!
I’m home now, and I will miss the peace of the lake. I’ve been into cleaning projects as well, sorting and throwing. It’s a first stab at it. I think I can do round two and be rid of more but at least now I can see what I have. It’s a never-ending story, isn’t it?
Always. We have so much to get rid of. I guess the thing to do is just do a little at a time and it won’t seem so overwhelming.
Stay safe!
It is cloudy here today but not as pretty as our trees are slowly changing colors. I’m feeling much better today and will do a little shopping for Mom’s birthday on Sunday. She requested ribs, potato salad and baked beans for her 90th birthday. We can do that. Sara will help me cook and we will celebrate Mom. I am amazed at how well my Mom is doing at 90. I should live so long! Hugs!
That sounds like a hearty meal for your soon to be 90 year old mom! Bless her!
Stay safe, Linda.
The term “hauntingly beautiful” is just plain magic! Oh, the picture, I can imagine the smell and can’t think of anything I like more than the mossy scent of the woods and plants on the forest floor.
Enjoy a lovely day!
Isn’t that a great smell?
Thanks, Kelly.
Stay safe.
It feels so good to organize and get rid of excess stuff. Thanks for texting for Biden.
You’re welcome.
I’m just about to start today’s session.
Stay safe, Kay.
Dear Claudia, I look forward to reading your daily posts. The everyday topics make it feel very personal and real. I am trying to get started on my Closet (with a capital C). The problem is that it’s full of boxes of photos, and folders full of delightful art work by my own children and my students. All precious. How to curate this collection? As for politics, there is so much more at stake now than candidates and positions: the very nature of truth, right over wrong, virtue over evil. Isn’t it incredible in the true sense of the word, that with all the uncontested information we all have about that man that there are still people putting signs on their lawns and flying flags with his name?
It’s mind-boggling. I don’t get it.
I will say there is only one Trump sign around my neighborhood and a lot of Biden signs! (there were more Trump signs in 2016.)
Stay safe, Leslie.
good for you and don to get that storage work done … and to follow it with an easier day today. keep that peaceful feeling going!
the photos are beautiful, as always. glad you have such pretty views and (bonus!) that the views are of your property that you can actually walk through, sit in and relax. :)
thanks again to you and don for volunteering, spending so much time on the calls and texts. you are making a difference!
getting colder here … 48 to 60 todayl. i like that range because i function and feel better then. and i like soft sweatshirts and sweaters, layers. twice a day i’ve been driving past the ginko tree nearby to see if it’s started to drop leaves. not yet. i had never seen that happen until i moved here (almost three and a half years ago) and it feels almost magical to sit underneath it, watch and feel a tree drop all its leaves in one day. and i want my family to see it. :)
puttering and writing are on my list for tonight. how far along are you in that 900-page book? i applaud you for taking on such a long story!
hope you are in the middle of a good night.
stay safe!
kathy in iowa
I’m happy to be wearing thermal shirts and sweaters again. I’m almost halfway through the book. It’s pretty interesting and compelling so I’m letting myself enjoy the opportunity to read a long mystery!
Stay safe, Kathy.
Hope you enjoyed your day of rest. You certainly earned it after yesterday.
We drove out to the Mississippi today, and went to two favorite lookouts both in Iowa. Views are spectacular! Then, we stopped at the apple orchards
on the way back home, All in all a great day to drive in the country. Footloose and fancy free..,and no internet!
Have a good evening! ;)
It ended up being not so restful as I had to make our tax payment and measure the windows to order new mini blinds. They’re about 20 years old and they’ve recently started falling apart and not working. But I accomplished some things. Hopefully, today will be more restful.
Sounds like you had a great drive, Donna!
Stay safe.
The misty morning photos you’ve shared are so peaceful looking. I hope that the texting you are doing is helping you feel that you are making a difference, because you truly are. I am surprised at how much relief I felt when I slipped my ballot into the box. Sort of like I sent it to the universe. I have no control over whether or not it gets counted, but I did my best. From now until the election, I plan to watch as many horror movies as I can (at least they are make-believe), listen to some podcasts, and enjoy the month of Curiosity stream documentaries I just signed up for. I hope you and Don find some peaceful days. XO
We’re determined to work for Biden every day until the election. We’re all in. So Don will be phone banking and I will be text banking.
Stay safe, Nora.