This morning, I was scrolling through Instagram and came upon the Stories for both Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, which highlighted their final events yesterday. And I found myself crying. Crying at the enormity of this day, a day I thought would never come. At the goodness of Biden and Harris and all those who have worked tirelessly for them.
I really have nothing more to say or to add to what I’ve already said over the past 5 years. No one who knows me has any question as to how I feel.
Today will be a long, long day. And tomorrow will be as well. I mentioned my mantra to Vicki in a response to one of her comments. At first it was “Please, God. Please, God. Please, God.” But I don’t believe God intervenes in elections. If she did, why did we have Hitler or Stalin or Mussolini or Idi Amin? We have free will. It’s up to us. So “Please, God” was more a plea about goodness prevailing. The goodness that I believe is in all of us. It’s just that in some people, it’s been overwhelmed by fear and ignorance.
So my plea became “Love wins. Love wins. Love wins.” And I have to believe deep down in my very essence that it does.
So we’ll wait together, all of us, hoping and praying and invoking the power of whatever we believe in to guide and support us as we wait to see this corrupt monster removed from office.
I’m thinking of all of you today. May you find pockets of peace today. We’re stocked up on chocolate (sugar-free in my case) and chips and popcorn. Yesterday, I installed new mini blinds in the office. Today, I’ll do the same thing in the living room. It will keep me busy.
Take a walk. Hug your children or significant other or dog or cat.
See you on the other side.
Much love today and always.
Stay safe.
Happy Tuesday,