You can see the frost on the ground and on the shed roof through the window. It got very cold last night. And it will tonight, as well. All the porch plants are in the house, which makes for a crowded floor by the front door and by the dollhouse here in the den. There’s one more very cold night coming up next week, but then it will stay in the 40s for a while. So I can’t let the plants die just yet. It’s not in me.
For the first time in several days, the sun is shining. Don and I were chatting this morning and we both acknowledged that it makes for a real change in our moods. Even though it’s freezing out there at the moment, it’s sunny. I’ll take it.
My goal for this weekend is to stay away from the news as much as possible. I texted for several hours yesterday and I may do some more of that this weekend. But listening to endless speculation about what might happen on Tuesday is, in the end, not very helpful after you’ve heard it the first time. I’m going to clean, listen to music, work upstairs in the office/studio, finish my book – the kind of task on which I can focus and lose myself.
I’ve been rereading Still Life, Louise Penny’s first book in her series. It’s like spending time with an old friend. Meeting Armand Gamache for the first time as he meets the inhabitants of Three Pines for the first time is delicious. The perfect books for me during all of this insanity. I may just reread all of them in order. We’ll see.
My needs are simple. I ordered new underwear, more socks, and new pair of flannel pajamas and they all arrived in Thursday’s mail. I’m set. Strange, isn’t it, how new undies, socks, and pajamas can make one so happy?
We were saddened to hear of the death of Sean Connery. There is and will never be anyone like him. Rest in Peace.
Happy Birthday to my nephew, Dave, (Meredith’s son) and to my brother-in-law, Ron. Both of them Halloween babies.
Stay safe.
Happy Saturday.