October. Time seems to be going by quickly. On the other hand, it seems to be dragging (in terms of the election.) I will say that in the space of about a week, the property has been completely transformed. We had a heavy rain the other night and there are fallen leaves everywhere. The change to autumn wasn’t even slow and gentle, it was jarringly fast.
It’s pretty out there, I’ll give you that.
I got some sleep last night so I’m feeling a bit more coherent.
I’ve had two text banking sessions for the Biden campaign, one yesterday and one the day before. I feel very good about it. Most people either ignore the texts (I am guilty of this myself) or respond politely, but I did have a few troublesome replies. It’s a lot easier via text than phone, which is what Don is doing. But it’s extremely well organized by the Biden campaign. I’m very impressed. And everyone on the team is so helpful.
We got our flu shots a couple of days ago. It’s the first time for me, though Don has had them before. We just went to our local supermarket/pharmacy and it was completely safe. Done.
I was asked to join a Zoom session this evening with several students from San Diego. They feel the need to talk about our dear Ben and his passing, to mourn together. It will be good for all of us. We’re all reeling from this loss.
Let’s see, what else? We ordered heating oil this morning. Our relatively balmy temps will end today and we’ll be in the sixties, with colder temps at night. I guess summer is officially over, though my zinnias and morning glories are still blooming. There was one new balloon flower the other day, beautiful and large and a complete surprise, right in the midst of the yellowing leaves of the plant.
I’m almost finished with The Library Book by Susan Orlean and then I will start in on Troubled Blood, the new Cormoran Strike novel by Robert Galbraith (aka J. K. Rowling.)
A little work on the dollhouse floor is on the docket for this afternoon.
That’s it, my friends. I’m trying to rest and stay relatively relaxed and peaceful. It’s a challenge, but working on the dollhouse will help.
Stay safe.
Happy Thursday.
The change to autumn went very fast here too. Disconcerting, but usual for 2020. Mostly gold leaves, not much orange, and no red. But today as a special treat as I made my tea at the kitchen window, I saw a little solitary black squirrel bounce across our driveway. After a picture perfect pose, she bounded into a pile of leaves up to her head and came up with something yummy. When I came out to the living room a short time later, she was running up and down a tree in the FRONT yard. We haven’t seen very many squirrels for quite a while so to see one was a treat, especially a black one. Nature’s gifts. Thanks for your work on behalf of saving our country. I truly mean that. Take care!
We have a fair amount of orange around here and a bit of red – lots of gold, of course! Love your squirrel adventures!
Stay safe, Nora.
It sounds like a much better day and I’m glad. We still have a lot of green downstate but I’m wondering what’s going on in the north. Guess I’ll find out next week. I am so glad you could arrange to mourn with friends. That’s so hard these days and yet in a way, so easy when all are far apart and might not otherwise be able to come to a service –if there still were services.
I’m curious to hear your take on “The Library Book.'”
And in another note, Jerry sends his best wishes to you both. He was thrilled to find out we had connected. He told me a great (or maybe not so great at the time) story about how he took out an area by your eyebrow with a misplaced kick or something during Once Upon a Mattress and you had to hit the ER for a patch up. Oh, those theatre accidents. We’ve all had them! I’m glad you lived to tell the tale — and remain friends!
Yes, and then had to rush back to the show – they were holding the curtain.
I’ve had plenty of those accidents, including a broken wrist when a guy threw me too hard in a scene. I did the entire show holding my wrist and in incredible pain. That was in grad school.
Thanks, Jeanie.
Stay safe!
I must say I’m happy it’s October. We are having a beautiful day. My Mom will turn 90 on Oct 18th and I’m getting cards sent from all over and people who follow my youtube channel. She will be so excited I think. It’s a hard year as no special celebrations can be planned. My Sara is putting a big yard sign up saying she is 90! I’m ready to drop off our ballots at the library absentee ballot box tomorrow. I have done what I can and now I’m just waiting and praying. I am glad you got some rest. I think I need a nap today though. Groceries today wore me out. Hugs!
It’s gorgeous here, as well. Oh wow! Good for your mom.
Are you on some sort of medication for your fibromyalgia, Linda?
Stay safe.
hej, linda mackean …
it’s a bit early, but a sincere very happy birthday to your mother! yes, the celebration will be different this year (stupid, awful coronavirus), but i hope you can spend a wonderful day together and that day begins the start of a great year for her, you and the rest of your family.
stay safe and well.
kathy in iowa
We are up north to close down our fishing cabin. The color in N. Wisconsin is gorgeous. There are lots of reds, oranges, light greens, dark greens and yellows. Sugar maples and birches are surrounded by cedar, tamarack, and white pines. Lots of leaves are down, but the hillsides glow when we get sun between the showers. A bald eagle was scared up as we drove into town. There were sightings of several deer on our trip back to the cabin.
As I reflect on the debate this week I have come to the conclusion that it was a boost for Biden. True we did not get to hear arguments on policy and position, but we did get a get picture of a man out of control and another picture of a man in control. There are fewer Biden signs up here, but enough to suggest a good portion of the population will vote for the best candidate. May Biden/Harris prevail.
I can’t imagine it is anything but a boost for Biden.
I’ve seen former staff members say that what everyone saw is the real Trump. I believe it.
Sorry it’s time to close the cabin down. Enjoy.
Stay safe, Sue.
sounds like today’s been a bit easier on you. i hope so … and that the group gathering (on zoom) to mourn your mutual friend helps, too. glad that you have don, some books and a pretty view, too.
that photo is gorgeous … all those colors and the depth of field are incredible!
thanks to you and don for helping right the ship that is our country. much appreciated!
getting colder and more colorful here, too. i am ready for that (but never for ice and sleet); i function and feel much, much better in cooler temperatures. :)
it’s been a long week at work so am going to take it easy, maybe pick up that ac book or some knitting.
hope you, don and everyone else have a nice night and stay safe.
kathy in iowa
Take it easy tonight, Kathy, and enjoy your down time.
Stay safe!
We have had a crazy day of bright sunshine, then dark clouds and about 20 mins of rain ~ over and over and over again. Frost warning for tonight.
Just saw Lebron James has recruited 10,000 poll volunteers to work in Black districts on election day. I know the Bucks and Brewers in Milw are trying to get their facilities open for voting and the Repubs are fighting tooth and nail against it. As everyone knows, the last election there were very few election sites open in Milw. which made the Repubs ecstatic. ugh.
Hope you have an uplifting zoom call tonight that brings all of you some peace.
Love Lebron James!
Thanks, Chris.
Stay safe!
If you are not already familiar with this you tube video, I think you & Don will enjoy The Day Democracy Died sung by the “Founders” & Don McLean (to tune of The Day the Music Died). Just look on YT for Founders Sing videos. There are 25 more songs. Happy October, the most glorious month.
Thank you, Mary! I’ll check it out.
Stay safe!
Reading this on Friday…what a week…whew…was up at 1:30 with horrible BP headache…turned on You Tube, after trying to read, to have my Fireplace crackling picture while I relaxed. Much to my chagrin, there was a notice that powers that be have Covid…oh my…I am retired and don’t usually know the day of the week…lol…but weekend come…am up still teaching grands on Facetime…love this…and then will home school one here for couple hours today…and so it goes…try to relax…ignore what is going on…really??? Have good day…
I try very hard to ignore what’s going on but it isn’t easy, is it?
Stay safe, Brenda.