I’m taking a break today. Frankly, I’m so disheartened and sickened by what happened yesterday to our democracy and the rule of law that I can’t see beyond that. Posting a pretty picture isn’t going to work today, my friends. I just need to step away. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, I urge you to get up to speed. The future of our country and our democracy may just come down to us.
And who wants to read a post full of profanities? Right?
I’ll be back.
It’s ridiculous. I am trying hard to keep the faith. It just seems like it’s taking forever to end this nitemare.
Make it stop!
I hear you!
These are frightening times. People assume come November, they can vote the b#%?*&ds out, but our voting rights are in jeopardy, too.
I’m with you. Congress attacking the agencies charged with keeping us safe. Scary, scary times we’re living in.
Sick at heart! I keep thinking it will change but I’m discouraged right now. I’m taking Mom to the dentist today, my first time out since surgery. I’ll sit in the car and read. I’ll be exhausted by the time I get home but it’s progress!!
I am with you. Peace.
I have lost hope . . . that no matter WHAT ‘that person’ does – it’s fine. I am so depressed and sad for my country and wonder why people aren’t picketing the White House every single day (I would if I had the money and didn’t have bunions!). I truly don’t know if we will ever be the same.
Disheartened is the most polite word I can think of at this time! ;(
Disappointed, too. Shame on them, shame on him.
I am heart broken. I stand with you.
I agree with you. We are heading for a constitutional crisis, if we aren’t already there. It is getting harder to believe that our democracy will prevail.
I am so disappointed in the Congress. Is there NO ONE with the integrity to stand up to the White House? I have to hope and pray there is someone.
I read your blog every day. Just knowing there are people such as yourself out there with the same beliefs brings me so much comfort. Hang in there, Claudia. BTW, I love, love, love Stella!
What happened yesterday is nothing more than Corrupt People trying to defend Guilty People. It’s just that simple. People who’ve done nothing wrong don’t behave this way. If 45 et al had nothing to worry about, they’d be WELCOMING the Mueller investigation. I could go on and on here but we all know this already. So I’ll just say that I totally relate to how you feel now & think it’s ESSENTIAL that we in the Resistance step away – OCCASIONALLY – for a breather. We need to keep up our strength – because the Fight Goes On. So everyone, take a deep cleansing breath, boycott the SOTU, get some rest & we’ll lace up our gloves again tomorrow! Peace.
amen, sister! I am so sick of the propaganda.
I hear you, Claudia. Chris Matthews says #45 is more likely to say the word elephant than he is to say the word Russia in his speech tonight. Well, I won’t be watching. I have plenty of good books to read. I don’t need any more spikes in my blood pressure.
It is truly sickening! I am beyond disgusted and angered. And terrified of what may come next. It’s time to fight harder then ever for our democracy!
NOT WATCHING that big, fat bag of hot air!
Anyone else with me, besides Claudia?
I am reading the fire and fury.
we are re-living the Nixon era only it’s worse.
but 45 will be taken down. I have to believe that.
but if you want to really get depressed at the GREED
and the direction it’s all going… and trying to kill you…
watch the documentary that was sent to me yesterday.
‘ What the Health.’
it’s been out. but I didn’t know of it the first time.
a friend sent it to me and said … “Tam. PLEASE watch this.
I know it’s an hour and a half. but it might just save our lives.”
I was a vegetarian. but I hadn’t known about dairy and cheese… etc.
I became Vegan overnight.
had I known this before I might not have lost my thyroid to cancer surgery.
it should be sent to every high school and college in this nation.
“follow the money. and the corporate corruption.” it’s all there.
sorry. got off on this tangent. and no. I won’t be watching.
XO♥ I need to pet the puppies and hug little Z. even if it’s just virtual!
I tried to type something that added to the conversation. I just couldn’t. I’m out of words.
Erin Burnett just pointed out that SOTU speech was written by only white males. So whose union is he addressing tonight? Boycott it!! Trump is in show business and will act his part to raise approval ratings. I have ‘Fire & Fury’ but getting more from ‘It’s Even Worse Than You Think’ by David Cay Johnston. I’m hearing little about the MANY regulations that protect citizens/consumers that his agencies are reversing every day. – R’s are fixated on reversing everything accomplished by Obama! Be vigilant about our Safety Net programs, which could be cut next.
We are all heartsick and weary – 3 more years? — Wish we had a recall provision in our Constitution, like Great Britain.
So many of us are feeling the same. What is disheartening to me is that all those people who support him in congress seem to have no scruples. They just continue to support his lies and evil behavior no matter what. It’s something every day. When will this nightmare end!!!!
I will not watch, I know the speech is going to be full of lies that will be taken at face value by his supporters. It’s mind boggling to be witnessing the downfall of this wonderful nation and our democracy been eroded with every move of this administration. What’s next? The possible answers to that question makes me shudder with fear.
Can’t WAIT for the fat orange clown to be gone. I don’t even care how it happens. Just want him GONE from our beautiful White House, and his children too. It’s now as though we are a satellite nation of Russia, losing our rights by way of a destroyed justice system. I’m too old for this shit.