It needs to be painted – that’s not happening this year – and the landscape is rather bleak right now, but this baby has a new roof:
We get a LOT of wind here and this shed is in the line of fire. After 20 years, lots of the shingles on the back slope of the roof had blown off. And so the leaks began. Even after our big clean out of the shed a couple of years ago, we had to group things inside the shed in places where there were no leaks. So all of our excitement about the relative spaciousness of the interior after the clean out was ‘dampened.’
These guys were great. They were done with everything – including replacing some shingles on the porch roof and creating a barrier so that we will not have leaks inside the screen door every time it rains – by 2:00. The town inspector came by and okayed everything. We are very happy with their work. The nails used on the shed shingles are longer than the ones that were there, so they should be more secure.
The dumpster is still here, but it’s supposed to be picked up today. Today…when we’re getting some snow. Everything finally melted and here comes winter showing its face again. Though we’re not getting much and tomorrow it’s supposed to reach the mid-forties, so it won’t be with us long.
Frankly, snow will make it look somewhat pretty again. We’re at that stage of winter where everything is brown and gray and both Don and I were saying this morning that it looks depressingly bleak out there.
Thank you, Spoiler Alert. You enabled us to pay for the roof repairs!
I’m getting an itch to start painting in oils again. I have to finish the puzzle I’m currently working on and then maybe one more? Maybe not. I have some ideas – I’d love to paint some of my egg cups. Don would like me to paint some of his guitars – wouldn’t it be neat to paint each of them and have them framed for his space in the office?
So, soon I’ll be transitioning the kitchen table from puzzle pieces to the easel.
I’m so glad the repairs have finally been done. There are many other repairs that need to happen around here, but the roofs were the top priority.
Stay safe.
Happy Wednesday.
That roof looks nice. Will you paint it red again when you get around to it?
Yes, but I’m reluctant to do it because we have a climbing hydrangea growing up the wall of the shed and that robins nest is there, too.
Stay safe, Ellen.
The joy of marking this off the “to be done ” list shows. I have a very high end Electrolux washer that has been a pain since day one. The company replaced it after six months and multiple attempts to repair it. The replacement needed a valve repair within a year . Now the valve has gone out again and the warranty expired two weeks prior. Can you hear me scream.? I know it the great scheme of life this is minor but it is annoying . I will just share your joy and picture the peace you will find in using your painting talents, Perhaps I should take a long walk to relax . Have a relaxing day Claudia Spring is coming
Nothing more annoying than appliances that keep needing to be serviced, Patricia. I understand.
Spring is coming though right now we’re getting heavy, wet snow.
Stay safe.
Nothing is quite so cozy as a roof that doesn’t leak! My husband has been repairing leaks around the house. One on the roof and one in the bathroom. Fortunately he learned roofing as a kid-his dad was a roofer, and that’s what he did every summer. He is very handy around the house and always keeps us dry. Keeps everything running, including the cars. He has pulled an engine more than once! When a job is too big for him, our kids come over and help. They are all really handy! Lucky Me!!
Don is not at all handy. But he does take on some projects after doing research. I’m better at that, though roofing and cars are not even a remote possibility.
Stay safe, Tana!
Claudia… about an oil painting of the barn? I just put ALL my art supplies away . I like seeing my table clear if only for a few weeks . Feeling restless and anxious. Need to move more and sit less and stop the eating. I am going to bundle up and go for a walk….it is snowing and gloomy but maybe it will help bring some clarity and calmness. Thank you for your daily posts . Almost like having a best friend over for coffee and conversation. PEACE
Not really thinking about painting the shed. I have so many good photos of it that I think I’ll leave it at that.
I hope you got that walk in and enjoyed it, Maria! Thank you for your kind words.
Stay safe.
dear Claudia — new roof looks great !! so glad it is completed. painting Don’s guitars sounds like a great project, but so does painting egg cups — I, with NO artistic abilities am always impressed by those w/talent. we have a ggirl who can draw from just thinking about something in her head!! unreal for me to watch her. we are getting rain/snow Fr/Sa altho wxman not giving any estimates yet — so done w/winter. stay safe/healthy
Right now, that roof is covered with snow!
It’s the wet and heavy variety.
Stay safe, Linda.
Such a sense of security and happiness when home repairs are completed. Literally the price we pay to be home owners. Of course, there is always a list of things to be done. Not to mention the regular things like lawn and yard work and snow removal. That is why as people get older, they look to moving to condos and apartments where the work is done for you. It is a trade off for sure.
We had those warm temps over the weekend and then 4-5 inches of heavy snow on Monday. But we have very cold temps ahead until next Monday. Time change is this weekend, so that does help a bit!! Hope your day is going well. Take care.
Yes, there are times when we wish someone else was doing the shoveling, etc. But we like our little haven here and can’t imagine living anywhere else.
I didn’t know the time change was coming up!
Stay safe, Chris.
That’s one cute shed. I know you have to paint it to preserve it, but darn it all, it’s so cute! A Christmas card waiting to happen. And what a relief to have that work done so you can breathe a little when you put things inside the shed. It’s sad to have a good space — and not be able to have the space available for a reason like that.
I love the idea of your painting Don’s guitars or your egg cups and can’t wait to see what you decide and the finished products! I’m digging my paints out too, now that some home tasks are done. It always feels so good.
We will paint it red again, for sure.
I should finish my puzzle today and then it’s time to get the paints and easel set up, Jeanie.
Thanks so much.
Stay safe.
I am glad the roof repairs went well.
Thanks, Kay.
Stay safe.
It looks great. Isn’t it nice to have something fixed? All the best! Regula
Yes! Very nice.
Stay safe, Regula.