A rainy day today, but we have mild temperatures.
Today’s egg cups:
I love these little guys (and dog.)
They were made in Japan. Left to right: a dog in a suit and hat, a little boy in a cowboy hat, a little boy with very rosy cheeks and a kerchief around his neck, and another little boy in a sort of clown suit with his dog. Two of them are standing, two of them are sitting.
I think I found the little cowboy first and then I slowly searched for the rest of the members of this mini collection within a collection.
Don has an appointment with the doctor who has been treating his ‘trigger’ thumb. It’s getting more and more painful for him every day and he thinks it’s time to schedule surgery. It impacts everything, especially playing the guitar, and he’s in pain a great deal of the time. Meanwhile, he had a callback for a low budget movie and it went well, but if he doesn’t hear anything by the end of the day, we will accept the fact that he didn’t get it. His audition was impeccably done, so the rest of it is what the director sees or envisions and we have no control over that.
But really, someone give this man a job, for heaven’s sake!
My husband is having a hard time.
I have loads more research to do today. So, I only have time for a short post.
Stay safe.
Happy Thursday.
Don deserves good news, doesn’t he? When choices are so subjective, it’s hard to know what to think. I hope he gets the call.
Yes, he does!
Thanks so much, Linda.
Stay safe.
praying for don, you and everyone else here!
Thanks so much, Kathy.
Stay safe.
So sorry Don is in so much pain with his thumb. Hope his doctor can steer him in the right direction. I’m wishing and hopinghe gets a call back from his audition. Make good progress with your research. Hugs, Elaine
He’ll have surgery in the next month. It’s done in the office and then about a week of recovery time.
Stay safe, Elaine.
I think Don is very talented…..but more important….a genuinely nice guy. You compliment one another. If this job doesn’t pan out…there will be another. I hope he hears soon and it works out for him. Has he thought about getting involved in any plays in Westchester area…..? Rhinebeck? Would it be worth it to him? Has he considered teaching ….or coaching? He will come up with something….in the meantime I hope he can get some relief from the pain in his hand. Sending healing and hopeful wishes to you both.
He has taught in the past. I don’t think it’s something he wants to do again. As for those areas, he’s a 50+ year member of Actor’s Equity; he can’t work at those theaters.
Thanks so much, Maria.
Stay safe.
Those little guys sure have a lot of personality packed into an egg cup.
Sorry to hear Don’s thumb is continuing to bother him. And my fingers are always crossed for you two. Doubly crossed for Don today! ;)
Thank you, Donnamae.
Stay safe.
I enjoy his YouTube songs so much! Thinking good thoughts about his audition. So subjective!
I feel that as I adjust to the continuing presence of covid, I’m willing to risk a bit to enjoy the arts again. Concerts, movies, whatever. I hope there is enough of a change to give creative folks like you and Don opportunity to practice your craft!
Thanks so much, Roxie.
Stay safe.
Sending prayers for Don. Hope his operation is quickly successful and he gets the part!
Thank you, Dee Dee~
Stay safe.
Sending good thoughts and wishes to Don for his thumb and a job!
Those are more cute egg cups…fun to have a collection!
Good luck with today’s research!
Thanks so much, Barrie.
Stay safe.
Prayers for this gifted and talented husband of yours.
Thank you, Brenda.
Stay safe.
I hope the second audition comes through. It’s about time. Awful about the surgery, though. That sounds terribly painful and I know from Rick’s guitar hands that any hand thing is critical.
LOVE all your little face cups! Such personality and charm!
It didn’t. We haven’t heard anything.
Stay safe, Jeanie.
These egg cups are so cute. I am enjoying seeing them all again! Wishing Don a good surgery.
Thank you, dear Linda.
Stay safe.