My favorite flower.
This having to use the iPad to write the post is getting to be a pain in the tush. It’s much harder to put in my very long password without some sort of error and then, as happened this morning, getting locked out of my blog for 45 minutes. I finally resorted to using Don’s laptop. Monday, I go to the Apple Store and hopefully, the issue will soon be resolved.
Yesterday morning, as Don and I were getting ready to run errands, including recycling, Don came back in the house to tell me that he wouldn’t be able to recycle because the robins were more aggressive than ever and wouldn’t let him get near the trash can. In fact, they chased him all the way up into the woods. When I went out there, one of them came within inches of my head. We were pretty sure that their hyper-vigilance meant the babies were about to fledge. So we left to do the rest of our errands, and when we got back a couple of hours later, it was quiet. Don was pretty sure they had fledged and, though the adults were still chirping at us, it was much less loud. Perhaps the fledglings were still in the area.
This morning it was quiet and no robins.
We loved having them here, but we’re glad they’re gone. Every time we had to go to the trash cans or the shed, they were flying over our heads, warning us with constant chirps, and we sometimes had to take the indirect route through the woods and back down the path that leads to the side of the shed in order to put trash bags in the can.
An empty nest.
God speed little babies. You had devoted parents.
Don just came back with the coolest gnome that he found in our neighbor’s yard sale. I’m not a fan of gnomes as a rule, but this guy is an exception. Don calls him The Dude. Photo tomorrow.
Painting on the docket for today.
Stay safe.
Happy Saturday.
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