Like many of you, I am surprised-but-not-surprised that Attorney General Barr shaped his summary of Mueller’s Report to provide cover for That Man. That I am disgusted and disillusioned is not to be denied. But the truth will come out. The Democrat-led House will investigate and their mandate is much broader than Mueller’s was. There are already investigations going on in the SDNY, EDVA, DC, and the NY Attorney General’s Office – and NY will very likely bring down Trump’s business, and indict his children.
I can’t guarantee any of this, of course, but the wheels of justice do work. Except when you have a biased political appointee in the office of Attorney General, of course.
We need to see the entire Mueller Report. If you do anything, demand that of your Representatives and Senators.
Anyway, after my anger and disappointment subsided a bit yesterday, I decided to take a break from the news and Twitter for a few days and climb into my little bubble. I’m locking out the sordidness of the world for some self-care – with the occasional quick check-in.
Today, I’m going to make the drive to Trader Joe’s to buy some flowers. I’m craving them. And I’m going to stop at Michael’s to buy a lighter shade of paint for the stonework on the dollhouse. And then I’m going to read. And listen to music.
Hang in there, my friends.
Happy Monday.
Oh boy….did I need to hear you say these things. I was thinking the same thing yesterday….and was looking for anyone who would back up my theories…I found some. You’ve confirmed my theories…fingers crossed, again!
I understand the bubble….sort of crawled into one yesterday myself. It is time for more patience…and a different perspective. Flowers sound like a grand idea….enjoy your day! ;)
I hope our theories are right, Donnamae! Bubbles are sometimes needed. We all emerge when we feel ready. Hang in there!
Goodmorning Claudia, I too feel the need to turn off the political noise. I have become a news junkie these past few years and I need a break for a while. Enjoy your day! xo
Take your break, April. It will be good for you!
same …
agree about the need for flowers and a bubble, too.
take care.
kathy in iowa
You too, my friend.
I’m encased in my bubble, too, at this moment. It’s the only way I feel I can survive.
Enjoy your Monday and your time out and about!
Take care of yourself, Cathy.
One of the many things I love about your blog is the feeling of reassurance I get from it. Sometimes it’s as if the whole world is unrecognizable and things will never be right again. Then I read your blog and the comments from so many rational people and I know things will be better one day. I agree with your “bubbling”. I’m going to plant seeds today as there is always hope in them. 😊
Planting seeds is the perfect thing to do, Janet! Thank you for your kind words.
Move over, good people, I’ll join you in that bubble! Sadly, I can’t have cut flowers in the house. The kitties inevitably find them unless I put the vase behind the doors of the laundry area…then I can’t enjoy them either! But my garden was planned for some sort of flower 9-10 months a year, so something’s are blooming out there. Claudia, enjoy your day and I’m glad you DO stop and smell the flowers! I’ve been rereading your London and Edinburgh posts, as I will be going there later this year. Edinburgh will be a first forme, so I’m really excited. I’ll also spend a couple of days in Oxford and will take an Inspectors Morse/Lewis and Endeavour walking tour.
You’ll love Edinburgh and Oxford, Wendy. As far as blooms go, you live in California where flowers can bloom all year round! I’m a wee bit jealous!
I felt /feel so hopeless with the status of our country after the release of the Mueller report and Barr’s “words.” I do not understand the support this indecent man seems to have…I just do not get it..
I too have withdrawn and will not listen to the news nor NPR for a while.
I want to believe again in justice and goodness..
Take Care,
Me too. I have to believe in it, Kaye. Take care of yourself.
I just can’t, but I must. I totally agree with your solution!
Thank you, Tina-Marie. Take care.
I’ve been a bubble all weekend. Not feeling well and politics do not mix. Staying in my bubble to continue self care. You do the same sweet friend.
I’m sorry to hear you’re not feeling well, Linda. Take care of yourself and don’t read any news!
I’m escaping into a David Sedaris book—Calypso—and erupting in giggles off and on. It helps immensely. Escape any way you can, I say.
Perfect. David Sedaris is just what the doctor ordered.
I thought we might be dancing in the streets, but we are now all in our bubbles. I pulled inside of mine this weekend. No news. I can’t believe he “won” again. Cannot believe it. So many around him in jail or on the brink of jail sentences. And he flew away to play golf. No worries. I understand what you said, which is exactly what my husband keeps saying, but it just isn’t enough. I wanted a hugh TA-DA ~~ or a GOTCHA at the end of this, and all I see is his ugly face laughing again. Totally disgusting. But, Bubble Life, along with a stack of books, is working out for me right now. I may not come out.
I thought we might be, too. I was stunned when I realized we wouldn’t be. I hope he pays for his crimes. All of them.
Take care of yourself, Chris.
I too am in a bubble for a few days, and understand how many Americans must be feeling. The corruption in his administration is beyond comparison. Love from Canada.
It truly is. I never thought I would see the office of the Presidency tarnished and corrupted as it has been. Hang in there, Lea.
I agree with you. Ive had some shocks in my life recently and then this too. I am reading as much as I can and listening to the New York Cantors on PBS that I recorded. They also have a lovely DVD of it. Here’s hoping we all survive That Man.
Indeed! I think we will. Take care of yourself, my friend.
Question: is it Jan or Jane? Sometimes you leave your name as Jan others, Jane. I want to make sure I’m using your correct name!
Into the bubble sounds good. Flowers even better.
Yes, disillusioned, disheartened, disgusted…
How many ‘d’ words can we come up with? Disappointed, Dismayed….
Thanks, Jeanie.
I’ve read and enjoyed your blog for years but this last 2 years has made me sad. In your estimation if things aren’t as you think they should be then the world is to avoided. You hated the bad reviews the NYTimes gave shows that involved you personally so you cancelled your subscription. All theater critics were terrible and had too much power. When you didn’t get a job you should get you decided the theater world wasn’t very nice. Everything this winter has been getting you down. I’m no supporter of President Trump (because that’s who he is, like it or not) but I wonder how many politicians would stand the scrutiny this he has and come out “clean”. I truly expect there to be an investigation of his grade school behavior – not even being sarcastic. Didn’t Diane Feinstein employ a Chinese spy? (Read that in the Washington Post.) I have a feeling that there would be many things discovered about many politicians if enough of America’s money and time were to be spent. I wonder if you will read this to the end and I wonder even more if you will publish it. It’s your blog. Sometimes it’s best to stand above the fear and sadness and unfairness in the world and actually do something meaningful – actually go to a homeless shelter and serve, actually volunteer to DO something, not just give money or go to a march but put your own energy into the world to improve it. Not just call names and make phone calls but physically help somewhere. That would truly make a difference that would set an positive example. Instead of encouraging your readers to be sad /angry about a situation why not get out there and actually do something to illustrate how to – in person – help those who are helpless. Just an hour or two of your time on this very popular format might inspire others.
Seriously? You have no right to sit in judgement of Claudia’s feelings and emotions. If you don’t like what she writes please go elsewhere. I applaud her ability to share her life with all of us and enjoy reading her blog every day. Unlike many bloggers who put up a facade of perfection; Claudia tells it like it is. Good, bad, whatever. She articulates what I can’t put into words, especially when it comes to politics. Keep sharing, Claudia. Keep writing. Keep being you. Pay no attention to petty people who judge you.
I totally agree. I enjoy Claudia’s blog so much and am looking forward to their podcast. No one is making you read her blog. If you don’t enjoy it go elsewhere. I am actually in my bubble too! Working on a garland for Easter!
Thank you, Wendy.
Thank you, Laura. I appreciate your kind words.
Surely using the sentence ‘ It’s your blog’ defeats the object of what seems like a very personal criticism. If it’s Claudia’s blog then it’s her place to voice her opinions on whatever subjects she chooses.
I also find it rather arrogant to assume that none of us on here haven’t volunteered to help those members of society less fortunate than ourselves.
I’m British and therefore have no effect on American politics (and goodness knows we have enough political problems of our own at the moment!) However, I do know a well written blog with a brilliant community feel to it when I see it.
Thank you, Dee Dee.
to liza k …
claudia does not need me to defend her, but i feel compelled to respond to your comment.
claudia is not “encouraging (her) readers to be sad/angry about a situation” (full disclosure, i agree with her about this). just as you have done in your comment, claudia is voicing her own thoughts and feelings about a topic (something she does very well) … and i thank God that we live in a country where that’s still allowed! while i appreciate your encouragement of volunteering in more immediate, one-to-one ways (such as at a shelter), calling/writing our elected officials and marching in rallies count, too. as does expressing one’s opinions and feelings, especially on one’s own personal blog.
as a social worker, former mental health worker, introvert and human being, i’d also like to say taking a break from tv news and social media (or whatever’s been negative and hard for a person to deal with) and “entering the bubble”, as claudia called it, is something most people need to do from time to time in life – especially in a 24/7 world full of technology and not-often-good news. it’s not ‘avoiding the world’, as you said; it’s taking a break and it’s healthy, a way to take care of oneself, to re-assess and hopefully create balance in one’s life for oneself. i’m not saying what claudia needs, but please – liza k – don’t call her out for taking care of herself. like her cancelling the nyt subscription because of bad reviews of shows that affected her personally? life is personal! if it’s not that, what else is it?
let’s all support each other for recognizing the need for breaks and setting limits for health and happiness, okay?
and to claudia …
keep on doing as you do … love it. and thanks for sharing what you are willing to share. thanks for your community-building here, too. you have lots of friends here (some you just haven’t met yet). :)
kathy in iowa
Thank you, Kathy. xo
You have no idea what I do in private, what causes I support, or what I do to help animals and humans in need.
Quite frankly, how dare you?
You do seem to think you have the right to lecture me.
You don’t.
FYI, if you actually read a post completely, you’d know that I said I had been thinking about cancelling the NY Times for quite a while before I did so. The review was simply one more reason to do so. But you know what? If I want to cancel it because I don’t like the size of the font, that’s MY business. Not yours.
I’ll leave your comment here because it speaks volumes about the way in which you filter what I actually write through your skewed perspective. Strange how you can condense multilayered, complex posts into your quick ‘take’ on my feelings. Don’t presume to speak for me. I speak for myself.
If my thoughts are so offensive to you, I suggest you move on. In fact, I ask you to move on.
Because the one thing you’re right about is that it is my blog.
Thank you for sharing your optimism. It makes me feel better. I will work outside today, which is my bubble. The yellow jasmine, azaleas, saucer magnolia and fruit trees are at the end of their flowers, but the wisteria is beautiful and the star jasmine is in full bud. I have been planting bedding plants and veggies. I check on their progress often.
Keep the faith. This too shall pass and the truth will come out.
Oh, you have flowers! I’m so jealous! Enjoy them, Brenda.
I went threw my twitter account and eliminated every news source and news person’s twitter- EVEN Maggie at NYT. I need to enjoy life, gardening and my husband and grandchildren. I am letting that man in the White House and the Republicans in Congress win when I let them take away my joy. So no more CNN of NBC. I have to keep our Washington Post subscription just because I need to. So thanks again for sharing your thoughts. It makes one feel better when others are feeling the same disappointment. Spring is here and it’s a new beginning. Heres to the garden!!!
Yes, you’re right. We can’t let him take away our joy. Here’s to losing ourselves in gardening, Lani.
Yes it was very disappointing. And that idiot is claiming that the report completely exonerated him! Taking a break from it all when needed is the only way to survive.
He apparently can’t read to the end of the sentence.
But that response from him was entirely predictable.
Take care of yourself, Carolyn Marie.
A news fast is absolutely warranted, as well as a bunch of flowers. Self-care demands it!
Absolutely! Flowers for everyone, Deborah!
Like most of us, I was dejected to learn what the Mueller team finally concluded – and until we actually see the full unabridged report [however that may happen] – I will have my doubts about what AG Barr reported yesterday. But I do trust that if Mr Mueller was able to conclusively find wrongdoing that could be prosecuted, he would have reported that. His whole life, as I’ve heard & read about it, has been about “nailing the bad guy.” I don’t put any credence in what some people are saying – that he’s a Republican just toting the GOP line. Not for a minute. One of the best comments I saw on Twitter was from Dan Rather, someone with a bit of experience in this regard. He said:
“…I’ve covered enough big news stories to know that sometimes the headlines from the first day can evolve considerably as more information comes to light..”.
This thing is FAR from over. The fat lady isn’t even in the house yet. Peace to all.
No, I don’t put credence in that either. As far as I can tell, Mueller is beyond reproach. Barr, on the other hand, is a different story. Read about what he did during the Iran/Contra fiasco.
Thanks so much, Janet.
what is happening in this country that makes you feel you can come into someone’s private space and attack her the way you did Liza Kirshner? we are GUESTS of Claudia.
it isn’t that I mind someone not agreeing with me or with Claudia. but to attack someone on their own turf. in a public way. and to be so snarly about it is rather startling and embarrassing.
you are not witty. even though you may think you are.
and bringing up other things that have nothing to do with Trump. that was the clue to your own personality. as if you couldn’t wait to list all the things about this blog and its owner that you find an irritant to you.
like others guests of Claudia have said… just don’t read it! go elsewhere.
you use bully tactics and they’re catty and inflammatory.
it just seems so mean. it seems petty and unnecessary. are people that crude anymore?
apparently they are. it’s like going to someone’s home and criticizing the lunch they’ve served.
go back and play in your own yard Liza Kirshner. we have a friendly supportive community here. it’s not a debater’s forum. it’s a beautiful blog that has a very creative and lovely spirit and one who enjoys sharing it with us. and we appreciate her and call her our friend.
The funny thing is that she seems to find me “negative” yet she keeps coming back for more. Go figure.
Thanks so much, Tammy.
Claudia, this your blog, your home so to speak. Say what you feel, vent what you need to, and for those who don’t like it….well, to hell with them. I love your blog and enjoy reading about your life. Blessings to you and Don!
Thank you so much, Sherry.
I wish her well, but I don’t want her around here, thank you very much!
Do some of your readers just keep a list they don’t agree with and them
Bombard you with accusations? Good grief! Each blog is the opinion of that person. Read it or don’t read it but don’t criticize please! Claudia I love your blog! You have the right to your opinion and you are on target !!!
I have no idea! I do know that I make every effort to tell the whole story and to be fair to everyone. I have no time for her nonsense.
I thank you for your support, Brenda!
Well typing on my iPhone just didn’t work lol
What an incredibly wise woman you are!!
Thank you, Tana. You, my friend, are also very wise!
We know it’s impossible to read almost 900 pages in less than 24 hours but this was included in Barr’s book report. “ While this report does not conclude the the President committed a crime, IT ALSO DOES NOT EXONERATE HIM. “
I’m keeping the faith because we will not allow this to be hidden from ‘we the people’ who paid for it.
Exactly! We will not stop until the entire report is released!
I’ve already been in a bubble of sorts in my sick room with the creeping crud I’ve been dealing with the last few days, only coming out to attend a memorial for my brother held this weekend in our hometown. My other brother kindly told me I sounded like I was going to “cough up a lung,” but I was glad I went. So, it will be easy for me to go back to ignoring all the BS about the “exoneration” of Trump by Barr. After all, covering president’s backsides is second nature to this man (Iran/Contra anyone?). The full report will be released eventually and all the investigations already spinning off from it will haunt the Trump family to the end of their days.
And as soon as I feel well enough to leave the house, I’m getting myself some flowers too. Bless you, Claudia. You keep doing you.
I hope you feel better soon. I’m sorry you had to cope with that while attending your brother’s memorial. Get back in bed and rest now.
I wanted to give Barr the benefit of the doubt. But I freely admit: I was wrong. He’s the same person he always was, and that’s not a compliment.
Hmm, I am staying away from this one. I am more concerned about insomnia that is mentioned so often. There is a reason why it has been used to torture people. As I have had this problem for most of my adult life, and I was an R.N., I have spent years and a lot of money studying this problem and trying to treat it. I have had some success. I cannot advise anyone on how to treat it as I am not qualified to do so. What works for one person does not always work for another.
Mine will pass, Mary.