I’m back home again. When the taxi driver pulled into my driveway and I emerged, I noticed that there had been a small amount of snow mixed with ice – a true ‘wintry mix’ – which was going to have to be dealt with. So, I dropped my stuff inside the house and went outside to salt everything. My back was sore already from a combination of hauling things up the endless stairs in the apartment building and adjusting to another bed, and carrying the salt bucket around was the final straw.
So, when I could land in my chair, I took it easy the rest of the day. Much better this morning.
It’s very cold here and will be for the next week.
Sigh. I miss my husband. Speaking of which,
This was taken yesterday at rehearsal. It was World Play Your Ukulele Day. I snagged this from his Instagram account. Isn’t he adorable? Heart is melting.
I now have books stacked up and holding everywhere in the den – all of them classified as “To Be Read.” But the truth is that it’s been hard for me to read anything other than a newspaper or magazine lately. It’s been a while since I read a novel. I go through these periods every once in a while. I want to read, but I can’t do it.
Don and I had a long talk about the world and the stress of watching and reading the news every day, especially with this hideous and corrupt administration. He has been urging me to cut back on my news consumption.
I know we’ve talked about this before on the blog, but it’s really hitting me that I am constantly living at a high stress level and that cannot continue. It shows in my moods, emotional ups and downs, the fear that is always there, and it also shows physically – in too much comfort food, i.e., sweets, and weight gain.
I have to find a better way of coping with this. I think it’s harder when I’m not with Don because, as most couples do, we balance each other. When I’m alone, I tend to be too glued to Twitter and the latest headlines and suddenly, I’m enraged again.
So, this weekend, I am going to force myself to start a book. You know me, if I’m not reading a novel, something is off. I’m going to take it easy today, with only a trip to the grocery store, if that. I’m going to set a time limit as to ‘news reading.’ I want to stay informed, but obsessing is another story. And I’m going to start cutting way back on sweets, which is a challenge in the depths of winter.
Wish me luck!
Happy Saturday.
Wishing you luck with your new plan and hope you enjoy your novel. I stopped watching the news quite a while ago (I seriously get my Trump updates from your blog!) and have no plans to go back. I’m not living blissfully but it’s nice to focus on my own little community and let the World figure out theirs.
Run a hot bubble bath after your grocery shop, light some candles, put a little music on and ready your book in the tub. That would be my plan if I could be you today. I’m teaching two classes and have arrived in my classroom 2 hours early because my family dropped me off today on their way to hockey. No way were we going to drive more than 1 car today as we’re under a heavy snowfall warning – brutal with the wind and the low temps. Can’t wait for 2 pm when we head home to our warm and cozy cottage in the snowy forest!
Take care Claudia..
X Chy
Thank you, Chy. And thank you for the great advice!
You can do it, Claudia! I found that last week when I got overly-involved in conversations about Trump on FB and reading too much online, I got very agitated and crabby. I had to totally back away. I feel SO much better now. Sweets/sugar will definitely make you feel much worse and crabby too, so you were suffering from a double punch. I allow myself one little piece of dark chocolate at night and that’s it for now. I rarely bake anymore and when I do, I allow myself one cookie (or whatever) and then send the rest with Brian to work. Here’s to your health – mental and physical!
That’s what I’m doing, one sweet a day. That’s it! Thank you, Melanie!
I hope you get some rest today, Claudia.
Thanks, Sue.
I don’t watch the news or follow twitter, I see enough of what is going on in news flashes and shorts. I don’t encourage conversation that is negative with any one, on any subject…I have started a gratitude journal again, as simple as the sun rise, my new orchid. I am raising money for a sick friend, a scholarship and doing kindness locally. I cannot change anything in the world today except on a local level. I am cooking once a week for a needy family and I am learning I can make a difference right here right now. I am hearing from friends the same thing you said, “it is killing me and I can’t afford to get sick or be depressed”. They haven’t found an answer, I hope you can for your health and happiness. Stress is a killer. I am making it sound easy to do these things, it is not but it is helping me. Along with a cleaner eating plan and more exercise. Good wishes to you, Claudia.
One thing I’m very good at is expressing gratitude. I do it all the time, every day. Thanks, Gayle.
I cannot deal with the news right now. My stress level is high enough. I get ‘headlines’ and more then that is too much. I know the unable to read a book feeling and it does make such a difference to people like us who are ‘readers’. I hope you are able to get lost in a book today. I’ve been on a sweet/salty binge since surgery and it’s got to end. We can do this. I love the photo of Don!! I did go on a binge of ‘Downton Abbey’ yesterday and lost myself in rural England and the ups and downs of the Crowley’s! Feels good to escape!
I just ran some errands and salted (again) and now I’m eating my breakfast, which I forgot to have this morning! Anyway, when that’s done, I’m going to crack open a book.
Well, you earned your rest. I just got over a dry spell of not having the desire to read. I was trying to just pretend that it did not matter. What! I looked at all the unread books just waiting for me to open one of them up, I started reading two books at one time and it worked. Sounds silly, just could not concentrate on one. I would start reading one and go do something and come back and start another, that goes on for a while until one gets more interesting. I do not listen to the news right now, not even Rachel M. Every once in a while (after your comment) I will listen to the news and watch Rachel. Your going to New York is a trip I am enjoying. What fun! You and Don are so cute together.
It gets so frustrating when you can’t read, for some reason! I only watch Rachel once every couple of weeks because I get too stressed!
I watch Stephen Colbert’s monologues on YouTube which are always Trump related. That’s how I get my news and rather than getting pissed off, he makes me laugh about the idiocy of it all.
Humor helps. I really miss John Stewart!
Like someone the readers of your blog, Claudia, I also avoid most news and get the latest from you. I have enough stress and don’t need more. Hope you can refocus on more pleasant and positive things. And I agree that one piece of dark chocolate a day should get those endorphins working. An unexpected side benefit for me wearing invisible braces is not snacking so much…I’ve lost 2 pant sizes. I hope to keep up the healthier eating when I’m done with braces in about 9-10 months. Meanwhile, you are under strict orders to minimize your news reading! We all send you love and want you be be less stressed, especially now when Don isn’t around 24/7.
I wear a mouth guard at night (teeth grinding) and I sometimes wear it in the evening so I don’t eat! So I get how braces must help. I will minimize my news reading – I promise!
I stopped watching the news awhile ago, I visit my blogs that I love and if there are negative comments or name calling I move on. A very wise friend told me several months ago America is larger than one person and she is correct. Republicans, Democrats, left, or right we are all people that care for each other and our country. I watched an interesting interview with Kid Rock that is best friends with Sean Penn, Mr. Rock (if you will) is pretty right wing while Mr. Penn leans as far left as you can….they are friends, neighbors and respect each others opinions and beliefs. I believe that is a wonderful thing:)
And I have learned a lot from your blog,
Thank you so much, Kandi. I don’t agree with Kid Rock’s beliefs, either, but he seems to me to be positive and upbeat and that’s a good thing. It helps when you’re friends with someone who believes differently. Staying positive is the challenge for all of us right now!
My husband has been advising me to give up the news, facebook, etc. for some time. He sees, as I’m sure your Don does with you, my stress level rise with each new tidbit. I do try to resist engaging, but it’s so difficult when you care about what’s happening in Washington and the world. I do try to lose myself in good books, nature, my dogs, and now my great-granddaughter, Zoe. (We call her Little Z! Wonder where I go that!)
Soldier on, Claudia. Do so with your own health and well-being your primary concern. And know we care about you.
I love that you call Zoe Little Z! I’ll pass that on to Meredith.
Thanks so much for your kind words, Melina
Claudia – I feel your pain! I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia last year and I swear, watching the news has flared it times ten. I am as horrified (and that word fits for me) as you might be at this current administration, sometimes I say it on my blog. Sometimes I just have to step away from it. Lately I’ve been trying to stay away from it and pick up books again. I also go through those periods of time where it just doesn’t behoove me to do so. Right now it’s a comfort.
I’m determined to start a book today, Karen. Wish me luck!
I stopped watching the news too, but to stay informed I subscribed to the Daily Skimm. It gives a nice synopsis of the important things, with links if you want to go further and NO PICTURES (I have discovered I am a very visual person). And like one of the other ladies mentioned, the best updates are from the comedians-my husband plays me clips from Stephen Colbert and The Daily Show. Take care of yourself!
Comedy is a life saver at times like these, Linda! Thank you.
I understand how you are feeling…all the stress is overwhelming. It changes us…changes me. And I don’t like the stressed person I have become…an unhappy person, angry at times. And we all have different ways of coping. Me? I’ve cut way back on my pursuit of the latest news. I’ve learned to put my Ipad down, it’s too easy to flick over to twitter or a news app, and read more books and magazines… putter more, as in pampering my plants… and concentrating on what I am eating and cooking so I can get healthier. In other words…trying to control the things I can control, and trying my best not to worry about the rest. And just try to enjoy each day for what it is. Hope you can relax and enjoy your day! ;).
Yes. Things we can control. That’s the key. Thank you, Donnamae.
Have you tried ‘The Keeper of Lost Things’? I absolutely guarantee that you will love it. It’s one of the few books that has made me cry and laugh out loud. It takes a great writer to do that. Promise me you’ll try it. You won’t be disappointed and it might restore your belief in human kindness just a little (and I think you need that at the moment) Blessings
I haven’t yet, but I’ll keep my eye for it. I promise! Thank you, Lesley.
I have started the Louise Penny series and I am addicted!! I remember when you talked about her books before. Fortunately we have a good library system here so I have been able to get the books in order and consistently. The only problem (not necessarily a bad one) is that all I want to do is read. At least I’m not watching as much MSNBC. I hope you can find an escape too and stay warm and cozy. Don’t worry about a couple of pounds. You will work it off come spring with all your yard work. That’s my excuse and I’m sticking with it. 😉
She is the best medicine for times like these. Unfortunately, I’ve read them all! Maybe I should start all over again? But seriously, I’m so happy you’re addicted. Yay!
Thank you, Janet.
you can do it, claudia!
i very much appreciate your openness … thank you for sharing, it is inspiration and a good reminder to me to renew my efforts to get healthier and stay that way.
for me, that includes watching only local news and only in the morning. knitting, reading, walking and running. more praying. less internet. i can do it, too!
nice photo of your don. glad you’re not halfway across the country from each other!
hope you have a nice weekend and enjoy that book!
kathy in iowa
I need to walk more, which is hard to do in the country in the winter with ice everywhere. One of the reasons I love the city is that I walk so much more there.
Thank you, Kathy.
You have my sincere sympathy in regards to continuing problems dealing with our horrible GOP administration. It’s been over a year and I still cannot regain any equilibrium. Altho my husband shares my distress and beliefs, he refuses to discuss concerns with me as I “get too upset” so I don’t have his counsel or support. Yet he insists on watching the morning news on CNN and the evening news. We have a small house, and its virtually impossible for me to escape the news as it’s breakfast and dinner time “entertainment”. I’ve gone on an additional psych drug, I’ve limited my attendance at my favorite bookstore hangout because the topic always turns to politics, and yet I still find myself checking FB or yahoo from time to time to see if I’ve missed anything that might be encouraging. So nothing seems to comfort me. I don’t do handwork anymore. I don’t socialize much. I don’t feel like spending time with my husband because I will inevitably find something to fight with him about. My animals are elderly and you know that is stressful despite the love and soothing they can give. All I want to do is run away. You can see I have no advice, no words of wisdom. I just wanted you to know you’re not alone, you’re not a failure, you are not avoiding making an effort to manage your feelings. This situation is truly unmanageable for some of us. I continue to read your blog, appreciate your thoughts and photos, and to send you and Don good thoughts.
I’m so sorry, Nora. It can take over our lives and that’s not good. I understand. Part of me is resentful that he’s stealing my joy, but then I have to stop and say – “That’s my choice, isn’t it?” So I’m determined not to let him steal it. Not to give him that power.
Don stopped watching the news long before this because he didn’t feel comfortable with his reactions to it. He didn’t like the way he was responding emotionally. I resented it a bit because I felt I could no longer discuss things with him and I finally told him that. But now that I’ve reached this point, I understand. It doesn’t mean he doesn’t care, it just means he’s not allowing all that fear and negativity to take over. But I still insist on talking about it at times! xo
I do wish you luck, Claudia. And I identify with every single thing you said. I love Rachel Maddow but I was then so riled before bed every night that I couldn’t sleep (because of how she makes you analyze and think it through with her, which is then so scary and frustrating and unbelievable). Ever since before the election, I’ve tried to find the balance between being informed and aware but not being hyper-vigilant, which I kept defaulting to and which then puts me on too much edge and is bad for me. Like you, I just pray that the four years will end soonest and that time will fly.
Total understanding; I am too distracted to read anything but a children’s book, I kid you not. Something short, smart and sweet. Underlying worry can zap the concentration. But you are doing all the right things. You knew how to soothe your back. You know what you need to do to soothe your mind. And if you crack open that new, good novel – – before you know it – – it will corral your loose thoughts and it’s a perfect way to deal with, well, anxiety (disquiet; angst; etc). And you’re doing the other good things, too, like talking it out with Don, writing out your thoughts on the blog (loyal readers here who know you), doing reasonable physical activity so that you’re not too sedentary when going outside is sort of impossible at times. You’ll find your balance, truly. You’re a normal, healthy, intelligent person with a brain and a heart. You’re human. Your emotions and feelings are all spot on; I’d worry if you did NOT have them.
So, pull out that cozy throw, let it snow let it snow let it snow, drink something hot, eat something satisfying that’s not necessarily higher-caloric, play a little music, tinker with a doll house without getting deep into it (but enjoy all that hard work you’ve done on them), call your adorable nephew, stay hydrated and make sure you commit enough time for some good sleep. And look forward to seeing Don whenever you can work it out. Even when you don’t want to start something, just dig in and see where it takes you. Big hug, me to you!
Ah, Vicki, you always put into words what I’m feeling. Thank you. It’s sunny outside, though cold, I have food in the house, some classical music playing on the radio, and after I finish vacuuming, I’m going to start that book. Thanks for understanding. You, more than any of us, has had far, far more than your share of stress this year. Thinking of you and yours. xo
I’m okay; I’m just trying to get stronger and improve my health. I want to be like you! Out there in spring/summer mowing that huge lawn or salting the driveway in winter. Or dashing off and on the subway as you sprint all over Manhattan. You run circles around me. You are my INSPIRATION when it comes to vital, super-‘senior’hood!!!!
Can I tell you one more fire story that will make you cry in a good way? I was at a small specialty shop in my little town this afternoon and, try to understand, the wildfire is pretty much all anybody can still talk about, so conversation always seems to settle to it. The shop owner told me she has a female customer (just a little younger than you and I) whose property burned, but she was able to flee to her car which was parked out of harm’s way. She lives just outside the city where she’s allowed to have some farm animals. I guess she was able to get a gate open for them before she got herself to safety but nothing could help her house. As she sat in the car, after some amount of time had gone by, emerging hesitantly out of the smoke came her animals. As if in slow motion, they moved toward her til they encircled her; lamb, goat, dog, horse, cow. She told the shop owner that they’re a family and she feels they were trying to protect her. And they were all saved.
Oh my heavens. Tears in my eyes. Thank you for sharing this, Vicki!
Agree 100%. Every day it is something else; the latest is this ridiculous memo. Everything about that man, and his minions, in the White House, infuriates me. And Sarah Sanders, telling CNN (I think) that Nancy Pelosi needs to smile more? What world, what decade, is that self-righteous fool living in?
Done with my rant.
Reading is the best thing to counteract the daily mess we see on tv and online. I just finished Priestdaddy (excellent) and am now reading The Story of Arthur TruLuv and Eleanor Oliphant Is Completely fine (both also very good).
Yes, and I found it ironic that Sanders is constantly frowning. On every level, it was a stupid thing to say.
Thanks so much, Elle!
Oh, Claudia, how I feel your pain. My BP has risen quite seriously since last January when the fake person began his fake presidency. BP meds have been increased. I simply cannot watch the news. (Our local news is also awful because the idiot of a governor we have is running for re-election.) As others said, I have been watching Colbert at night to at least know what was going on, but I simply can’t laugh about this stuff any longer. It isn’t funny. He is going to get Mueller fired and they are all going to laugh themselves into re-election. I don’t understand how they continue to do what they do and face no consequences. (Not to mention his terrorist tactics against women over the years that he has simply been able to write checks for and then have the incidents lost in the archives.)
I went through a 3 year period when I couldn’t read. Not even a magazine. It was absolutely horrible. Thankfully, that passed, and now it seems all I CAN do is read to escape from the news. 2 books mentioned ~The Story of Arthur TruLuv & The Keeper of Lost Things were both really good! A few weeks ago I started watching The Crown. I love WWII history, and I have to tell you it is so very good! A few episodes have had me delve a bit deeper into the topics they have taken us through, and that has been fun and interesting. I do recommend the series.
Glad you have some time to rest today. We are getting some snow. ugh. Hope it goes in another direction so it misses you! Enjoy the rest of your Saturday.
I’ve started watching Peaky Blinders on Don’s recommendation, just because it’s so well acted and beautifully filmed. Thanks so much, Chris. I’ve also just started a new book. More on that later.
Glad that your back is feeling better. We have started to watch less news. The other day my twin sister said lets turn it off, it is the same old stuff and nothing gets accomplished.
I understand. Thanks, Marilyn.
” It doesn’t mean he doesn’t care, it just means he’s not allowing all that fear and negativity to take over … ”
I like that you said that. because it’s wise. and because it’s true.
I’m with Don on it.
I was one of the protesters of the Viet Nam war during those terrible divisive years before it finally ended. I was young and healthy and had the energy for it. my brother was drafted when he turned 18 just as he was getting ready for college. he didn’t want the army so he joined the Marine Corps instead. it was 1967.
and there were and had been so MANY body bags continuously shown on TV ‘s nightly news that it finally got to be just too much.
and then it became terribly personal for me. my brother was there. somewhere. we didn’t know where.
such enormous amounts of beautiful young lives lost over a foolish senseless POLITICAL war!
I joined the protesters and we felt that we were truly making a difference.
‘we the people’ helped to bring the little crooked political leaders of that era to their crooked cover up knees!
and thank God for those courageous journalists who searched and discovered the truth of it all and risked their own careers (and possibly their freedom or even their lives) to find out that truth and make it known to all of us.
some are still with us and even fighting this one and his cohorts in office.
what is there about human nature? wash. rinse. repeat. always repeat.
and it’s heartbreaking to me even now to think of that total mess of our nation then. the horrible suffering on every level. for ALL people really.
and now? Viet Nam is a favorite tourism place! it’s so beautiful there.
just as Japan and Germany are from the horrendous war before that!
it’s history always in the making.
and in our politics we still have an abundance of liars and cowards and crooked politicians . . . still hiding important information from ‘we the people!’
some administrations have leaders that are quality and can make a difference and some do not. but ‘the difference’ is always with us.
and to me that difference is ‘ the revolving door.’
I had tears in my eyes recently through the entire movie The Post.
it was fascinating to see what had been going on behind the scenes then.
and it brought it all back. the Marine and I saw it together just last week.
so it reminded me that there are times we’ve been through just as bad as this mess is now. the same lies and dangerous playing with important issues. and always with people’s lives.
still corruption and cover ups and the deaths of yet another war.
17 years of it now.
the Marine’s own Master Sergeant son is regular air force and serving as commander of a Special Operations Unit.
he returned from missions in Iraq fighting ISIS just last month.
and he was also just awarded a bronze star for saving lives.
I am so proud of him yes. but I will be even prouder if he never has to serve
in our ‘war’ again. but you know. he has two sons. and it’s the revolving door. at least now there is no draft like in his grand dad’s day.
so the same old beat marches on. and I think Don gets it.
I was 21 and 22 then. and now I’m 72 and it’s just not in me anymore.
and I dare say your own blood pressure might rise to dangerous levels too on occasion because of it constantly monitoring it all. sometimes you just can’t.
so you might be making some very instinctively wise decisions about it right now. even if it’s only for a little while. you’ll know when you can safely wade back in!
and like Don and I both discovered for ourselves . . .
it makes a difference in your physical health and your emotional health.
and the commenters who said it are so right . . . humor helps!
I subscribe to ‘Andy Horowitz Not the News.’ it’s daily and such fabulous satire! have you read much of it? of course you have! being in NY!
his column hits the nail always smack on the head for me. and actually keeps me abreast of pretty much what’s happening.
he does it all with humor. and it doesn’t leave me feeling such rage and helplessness.
he starts my day with an intelligent laugh. and I need that right now!
and yes! Don IS so adorable! and so are YOU!
and so are Mere’s puppies!!! I love her latest post. now there’s a switch from all the horrible ‘news’ out there! LOLOL.
you go Hank and Bear! YAY puppies!!!
oh good lord! I just looked at the time and all this writing and ranting!
it’s a book! maybe it should be called war and peace. LOLOL! SORRY! xo♥
xo♥ tammy j.
You’re just a bit older than me – not much – and I also protested that war and everything it represented. We need courageous journalist and freedom of the press. We need truth tellers and our justice system – all of which That Ass would like to dismantle.
I loved your comment, Tammy!
Good luck!
Thank you, Regula!
I am so with you! I am now doing 15 minutes of news in the morning and evening and that is it! 15 minutes gives me the most important stuff that I may need to know and the weather, and drive times. The rest of the world will have to deal with what is left. I have worked more on my embroidery, watched movies and TV like the programs “Psych” and “Monk”. I have seen most of them already, so I can catch pieces when I am moving around the house. Like having a very good friend around who is tell me everything I have heard before, so don’t need to focus too much and I so love to hear it again. Perfect. And I am truly more calm and content.
I just watched the movie How to Steal a Million for about the thousandth time! It’s comforting and entertaining and it stars Audrey Hepburn and Peter O’Toole. A no brainer!
Hi,Claudia! Your post has not fallen on deaf ears from the number of responses. Shortly after the election I stopped watching the news.I had been addicted to MSNBC for a few years and it was taking over my life. I no longer have cable and simply listen to NPR and read the NYTimes each morning. Last week-end I was at loose-ends from reading the news so I binge-watched Frankie and Grace! If I didn’t have stacks of books everywhere I,too, would re-read Louise Penney. Please take good care of yourself,xo
I just finished Grace and Frankie and now I’m starting in on Peaky Blinders. I, like you, have stacks of books so I need to read – and escape! Hang in there, Annette!