Our skies, lately.
And now, after the deluge, we have smoke from the wildfires in Canada. I could smell smoke this morning and Don, who doesn’t have my rather spot-on sense of smell, scoffed at me. Sure enough, we have an air quality warning and the weather app says “expect widespread areas of smoke and haze, reducing visibility at times.” We had an air quality warning yesterday (my eyes were burning at the end of the day) and we have another one today.
Why does Don ever doubt me?
The lawn needs mowing but I’m not going out there today.
I’m tired of being stuck inside because of torrential rain and thunderstorms and now, smoke.
I did manage to get outside for a bit yesterday (hence, the burning eyes) and I took some photos of these beauties:
These day lilies are so gorgeous. I love day lilies with a ruffly edge and this intense color is gorgeous. The blue in the background is the color of the bin lids I use to try to keep the babies out of the garden. They’re still hanging around. I caught a quick glimpse of one of them yesterday, but sightings have been down because of all the rain. Our resident bunny mom is here no matter what the weather, several times a day. She’s a gem. She doesn’t get in the garden beds, which I greatly appreciate. Like Henry, she is gentle and has good manners.
Okay. I’m off to write out some checks and to water the porch plants before the haze gets too intense out there.
Stay safe.
Happy Thursday.
sounds like a good plan to delay the lawn-mowing and to stay indoors … though a peek at such day lilies would be tempting. hopefully your eyes are better soon and you can enjoy the latest book and take it easy today.
also, the colors in your photos are beautiful! :)
we also are to have another day of “unhealthy” air quality, according to the aqi index. this morning will take a shorter walk than what is needed and give thanks for that walk and air conditioning. but first, a little more knitting and listening to some birds. :)
happy thursday to everyone. stay safe.
I love listening to the birds first thing in the morning and I try to keep the windows open as long as possible. Though we couldn’t do that today.
Stay safe, Kathy.
This has been such a strange summer. I can’t even imagine what the people who live amidst the fires air quality feel like.
Maybe we’ll have an early hurricane to cleanse the air! Just kidding, no need for that.
No hurricanes, please!
But a good old storm I’ll take.
Stay safe, Betsy.
We’ve had air quality warnings for a few days now. I ran a couple of errands yesterday, and hand watered my gardens, and I noticed my nose was quite stuffed up afterwards. Thick haze and red sun. Seems other-worldly. And I’ve hated that we couldn’t open our windows in the early morning, or over night….I’ve missed all those glorious marsh sounds.
Beautiful color on the lily. Enjoy your day….stay inside! ;)
I remember that you are originally from Michigan. We have had so many uncomfortable days here in Detroit, Michigan. We had the worst air quality in the world this week. Believe it or not. In the Upper Peninsula, you could not SEE the Mackinac Bridge the last two days. We had an air show over the Detroit River and could not see the jets. If a sailboat went onto Lake St. Clair, it was not visible from the shoreline. Dearborn and Livonia were hit with massive winds and suffered down trees and loss of power this past week. Hoping for a peaceful, sunny quiet July 4th. Fireworks everywhere have been rained out or smoked out. Our massive Detroit downtown fireworks display was held on Monday between, storms, smoke and rain. But God still blessed me. My garden truly looks magnificent. It is blooming profusely no matter what the weather. Be hopeful, your beautiful blooms will bring you joy.
Yes, I can believe it, because New York city and environs (us) had the worst air quality in the world about 4 weeks ago.
I’m so sorry you went through all of that. I do understand. It was frightening here and I know exactly what that looks and feels like.
I’m from Dearborn originally (that’s where I grew up) and I lived in Lafayette Park near Greektown for a few years right before I moved away to go to grad school.
Take care! and stay safe.
Thanks Donnamae. It should be easing up around you. It’s here now and I don’t know whether it will clear out tonight or hang around another day.
Stay safe.
Ugh, I know. Being stuck inside really sucks. You sneak out in fits and starts to get something accomplished but there’s no lazing on a lounge chair enjoying the breezes. I’m so agitated about the way the weather’s been the last couple months that I sometimes find it hard to concentrate. I know, it’s stupid but that’s the way I’m built.
Take care.
It’s been pretty crazy around here. And continues to be. I hope this all levels out and we can actually spend some chore-free time outside.
Stay safe, Kay.
Fabulous day lily – the less desired (by me) orange ones seem to be crowding out other colors this year, sadly. We walked the dog in masks this AM and are otherwise inside with the filtered fan running and it does smell less smoky inside than out.
I’m ready for the rain to come back and clean the air a bit.
Our tiger lilies or roadside lilies are orange and they’re quite beautiful. There are slews of them around here and I love seeing them.
I think rain is coming back here on Saturday.
Stay safe, Ceci.
The smoke looks awful. We are having heat advisories so inside I stay. Good thing I have lots to keep me busy.
That’s not smoke in my photo, though. Those are storm clouds. The smoke leaves the sky very hazy.
Stay inside, Linda.
Your day lily is such a pretty colour amidst those dark clouds. I’m so sorry the fires here in Canada are causing such widespread discomfort for everyone. The smoke has even reached Europe. Can’t even imagine how the people living closer to the fires are faring. Your picture is stunning with the dark clouds and contrasting greens. Better weather ahead, I hope. Hugs, Elaine
I feel sorry for those living close to those fires. It’s terrible here and I can only imagine what it’s like there.
Stay safe, Elaine.
Yes Claudia, we are back again at a Red alert.
I absolutely love the color of your day lilies.
Thank you, Susan.
I am OVER these fires. The smoke has reached Europe now.
Stay safe, my friend.
We, too, had a bunny hanging around our backyard. Unfortunately, our little 16 y.o., almost blind and deaf dachshund was out there awhile ago and the cottontail attacked her. I think she had babies under our deck. Anyway, 22 stitches, antibiotics, pain pills, and $600 later our Midge is fine. I don’t think she even knew what hit her!
Watch out for those seemingly gentle bun-buns! They’re vicious if they think their young ones are threatened.
Will do!
I’m so sorry for your sweet dog! That must have been very frightening.
Stay safe, Robin.
Your day lilies are gorgeous!
Thank you.
Stay safe!