I’ve placed my wrought iron thingy on my table. (I’m not sure what to call it.) I bought it at the Barn Sale thinking I was driving home and would be able to throw it in the rental car. Then I changed my mind and it had to be packed by the shipping company. I always envisioned it on this table and I think I like it there. My husband likes it, too – he thinks it should stay as is, nothing added to it, because he likes its see-through sculptural quality. Did that make sense? I tend to agree with him. That is not to say I might not add one or two pretty things for special occasions….
The piano top had become too crowded, so everything was taken off. I decided the McCoy Pottery birds should all be together in one place. They are singing, after all, so shouldn’t they be on the piano? They seem very happy in their new home. You can see Christie’s painting of birds on the wall to the left and the corner of her rose painting to the right.
I can’t remember if I ever told you about the piano. It was my grandmother’s. My mother learned to play on it, as did my siblings and I. I was the one who took lessons the longest and I was a singer and musician for a great portion of my life, so I inherited it. When I went to graduate school and for many years after, I lived in tiny apartments. No room for a piano. It lived at my parents’ house. When they decided to move, my aunt held onto it for me. She played piano by ear and loved playing. I was happy it was with her. (I miss her so.) When Don and I found a house to rent in San Diego, I was finally able to have it shipped to me. The original ivory keys had cracked and were worn, so I had them replaced – no more ivory, it is illegal, thank goodness. It has traveled from Michigan to San Diego and then to New York. So many loved ones’ hands have touched this keyboard and made music on it. I will never give it up; it is precious beyond measure.
Have a great day!
Woow! What a beautiful house you have!!! Lovely blog!!
Claudia, what a wonderful treasure your piano is, such memories. I agree, your McCoy Pottery birds look very happy in their new home! They have the prefect “nest” on top of the piano!
Lovely wrought iron “thingy” basket? I can see some glass crystal ornaments in it reflecting light . . . .
I love that piano, I love the sound and the feel of it. I love my piano now, but there is nothing like the piano you learned to play on. Even if you don’t play very well like me.
It is always moving to see treasured things becoming close to us because they are such memories.
Did you ever think of the number of people who sate down in an old armchair to think, read or dream ? or the number of letters which have been written at an antique secretary ? I like this thought and like you I am enough lucky to be surrended by old treasures coming from my ancestors.
(sorry for my bad english)
How wonderful that you have a piano that has belonged to your family with so many happy memories. The birds look very content as they sing their hearts out.
Hi Claudia, I just wanted to thank you for your lovely comment on my first “PINK SATURDAY” post. I really appreciate it. You have a really nice blog too! Thanks again, bye!!
i really like your metal basket thingy….and the birds on the piano are the perfect touch!
I love the story about your piano. I have my mom’s grand piano. It was always at my grandmas house until she passed away – we all used to “Play” on it. My mom got it for her 13th birthday! When my daughter, Ashley started taking lessons my Mom gave it to us. It is so special to all of us.
I love it!!! You will find all kinds of good things to use it for!!
Hugs, Lisa
Love the basket!! What will you put in it??
First of all, I love the turquoise singing birds!
I also love music. I grew up hearing my mother play the piano everyday. Next week our church is hosting a music school and I am directing the group singing!!! Right about now I wish I could get some music lessons from you as I feel unequipped for this task. I’ve been practicing all of the songs on the piano my husband inherited from his grandmother (I can barely play!) I hope to one day take piano lessons.
There is just something special about the piano you grow up with, and learn on. To this day, no piano “sounds right” to me except my mom’s. My sister will someday have that piano, but my brother is giving me his old upright as a housewarming gift– I’m so excited! I’ve never had room for a piano before now!
I agree, don’t change the color of the basket. So glad you got the piano. My mom played by ear also, but sadly, I did not have the gift. What a wonderful reminder of all the hands that touched those keys!
Hey Claudia! I love all your treasures and they look fantastic in your home! I love the birds . . . perfect place for them on the piano. I know how you feel about your piano . . . mine isn’t a family heirloom, but I love it all the same!
Please stop by my blog when you have a chance . . . I’ve left an award for you!
Take care,
hi claudia!
i am loving your iron thingy and sweet piano story. one of my sisters has the one that we grew up with. i was the only one that didn’t take lessons but had fun “tinkering” on it anyway.
So pretty! Love the metal basket thing….