It’s a very foggy fall morning! Just gorgeous. Don took a little walk in our woods and he said it was very atmospheric.
We watched the Mets last night and that had to be the most stunning turnaround in a 9th inning I’ve ever seen. We were screaming. Wow. Wow Wow. Big congratulations!
I’ve been feeling under the weather the past few days – sinuses – but today seems better. Hurrah! We’ll take a walk this morning and I’ll return some library books at the same time. Then, I’ll be catching up on some chores around the house; vacuuming, dusting, watering the houseplants, etc.
I saw another monarch yesterday – from the upstairs window in our bedroom. Soon it will be time for them to fly south. I officially vowed to always have zinnias around because they are the only viable flowers at this point in the year and the monarchs need that sustenance. I watched him flit from zinnia to zinnia. Of course, I’ll always have milkweed as well, even though they spring up in my big garden bed and crowd out the other flowers. This year, I thinned them a bit and that worked well. Believe me, we have plenty of milkweed even with the thinning.
I finished my puzzle yesterday. The World of The Great Gatsby.
It was a joy to work on, but those partiers were very, very tiny. This is definitely my favorite line of puzzles. The company only creates two new puzzles a year, so they’re a precious commodity.
I just looked out the window here in the den and my gosh, the fall colors are beautiful. Lots of gold maple leaves along with the beginnings of red oak leaves. I need to be present and take this in because it will all be gone in a few weeks.
Stay safe.
Happy Friday,
I do love Fall and was happy to see so many lovely colors on my hike yesterday. I hope you feel better and are able to enjoy the lovely area where you live.
Have a nice weekend!
You, too, Ellen!
Stay safe.
except for you not feeling top-notch, i’m glad you have all sorts of beauty and goodness to enjoy. :) hope you feel better soon.
it is supposed to reach 90 here the next couple of days so i am enjoying the nice cool mornings we’re having. chores are done and that feels good, but time with family is always better!
that “beatrix potter quaker” sampler has still not yet arrived. in a way that’s a good thing … i need to work on gifts for my family first (i’m a one-project/book-at-a-time person).
happy, safe friday to you, don and everyone else.
Whoa! 90 seems a bit over-the-top! Hoping it doesn’t get that hot, Kathy – or if it does, that it comes and goes quickly.
Stay safe.
Time to enjoy everything this fall season has to offer – cooler temps, colourful leaves, harvest bounty and a doorway to the holiday season. Enjoy every minute of it. Have a nice weekend. Hugs, Elaine
You, too, Elaine!
Stay safe.