A cool and foggy morning, but we’ll reach 91 degrees this afternoon.
Our lawn is mostly brown now, as you can see in this photo. You can also see the dried up coneflowers.
We got an email from our town yesterday declaring a burn ban because of the extremely dry conditions. They also said that we are experiencing a drought which could impact the town’s water supply. Most of us just outside of town have wells, but I know the center of town has its own water supply – no wells. I was pleased (doesn’t seem like the right word to use here) to see the town officially using the word ‘drought.’
It’s really bad here.
We’re making an effort to conserve water. Quicker showers, less watering outside – only the pots on the porch, not doing small loads of laundry, but waiting to combine things in one big load.
I have one coaching session today because the rehearsal for one of the actors ran over and he couldn’t make it to the coaching session. Technically, I could charge them extra for this day, but I won’t. Things happen, and 30 minutes out of my day today is no big deal.
I woke up at 4:30 this morning and couldn’t turn my brain off, so a nap will be necessary this afternoon.
I wish I had more exciting things to write about, but I don’t. I will not be blogging on Saturday and Sunday. I have to leave very early on Saturday morning for Rochester. And I won’t have time on Sunday, either. Plus, I don’t really want to take my laptop.
But I’ll be back on Monday. And I’ll blog tomorrow morning, of course.
Okay. Have to take a shower, eat something, and prepare for a short coaching session.
Stay safe.
Happy Thursday.
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