Well. What a roller coaster ride the past 48 hours has been. I don’t know when I’ve felt as enraged as I did on Thursday, watching the hearing, watching public servants do everything they could to quiet and discount a woman’s testimony. Don’t get me started on Chuck Grassley and Lindsey Graham. I try to keep the content on this blog PG-rated.
Christine Blasey Ford was bravery personified.
Then the spewing rage and conspiracy-ridden crap (there’s no other word for it) from Brett Kavanaugh. The disrespect for Senators questioning him. The constant interruptions. The immediately verifiable lies coming from his mouth. The sense of entitlement that made me want to slap him upside the head.
I have lived with alcoholics. It runs in my family. My father was an alcoholic, as were many of my immediate family members. I’ve seen the anger and rage coming out of nowhere, the inability to take responsibility for their actions, the “I know you are but what am I” kind of retort, the crying and ‘poor me’ refrain. I lived with it. I can look at his face and absolutely know he has a dependency problem.
No one who exhibits that kind of belligerence and rage should be sitting on the Supreme Court. No one who starts off his testimony with statements about left-wing conspiracies and a reference to the Clintons can be counted on to be impartial in his deliberations.
Then, yesterday, a glimmer of hope from Jeff Flake and Chris Coons and Lisa Murkowski and Susan Collins and those two brave women who confronted Flake in the elevator. I watched that unfold via Twitter, as I was in a mall at the time. I’m sure we all feel like we’ve been through the ringer. Now, we watch and wait. I think he might withdraw, but who knows?
That being said, I had a pretty good day considering I was at a dreaded mall. I took my laptop to the Apple Store to have the screen replaced. There was an issue with the non-glare coating peeling off. I was worried I may have left it too long (they’re only replacing the screens for free on laptops that are less than 4 years old and mine will be 4 years old on Monday) and that it might take a week or two and I can’t spare it that long. Imagine my delighted surprise when the technician looked at my serial number and said, “As it happens, we have some in stock and I’m the tech who replaces them. If you don’t mind, I can switch it out right now.”
Huh? No, I don’t mind and thank you!
And sure enough, it was back in 15 minutes with a shiny new screen.
Then I found some shoes at The Walking Store, where they really know what they’re talking about. I got a pair of slip-on shoes and a pair of sneakers, both with special inserts that should support my feet rather nicely.
Then I found a jacket. And socks. And then I escaped from the mall and drove over an hour to the cottage.
So all I need now is a cross-body bag and a black sweater and I’m set.
Thanks for understanding yesterday. Don made that little graphic for me when I said I just couldn’t post. He’s a sweetie.
I took this picture the other day to post on IG. Usually, the inside of the dollhouse is facing the wall, but I spun it around to get inspiration for the upcoming renovation. I’ll share some ideas I’ve come up with tomorrow.
I’m quite proud of Hummingbird Cottage.
Happy Birthday yesterday to my dear dad. He would have been 95. I miss you every day, Dad.
Happy Saturday.
9th commandment
Not sure what exactly you’re referring to but okay. Not bearing false witness.
As we were plunging into the abyss, a Deus ex Machina, in the form of two women at an elevator at precisely the right moment, confronted someone who had a shred of decency remaining, and the seemingly inevitable descent was halted. Close call but not over. But it was nice to breathe again.
Definitely not over. But for a moment, decency won.
I want to live in your dollhouse!
Haha, Tami, me, too, especially since ères a sewing room! I’d just need to add a fourth floor for the fabric and yarn stash!
Me too!
I had missed all of Dr. Ford’s testimony because we were traveling…but kept abreast via CNN. When we got home, I had turned on the tv to find that Kavanaugh was just coming off a break. As I was listening to his answers to the Senators’ questions, I was struck by how beligerant and angry he seemed. Wondering if he had been drinking during the break? Politics aside…he didn’t seem to be level-headed enough to be a justice. And with his negative comments directed towards Democrats…I doubt whether he could ever rule fairly if he were on the bench. Not to mention, all the questions that were not answered….
I’m feeling better today….thanking God for those two beautiful women in the elevator. True heroes! It’s not over by any means…but at least my blood pressure is back to normal for a bit.
I’m glad you found some shoes…and a jacket. Happier moments indeed! When do you leave…next weekend? Coming quickly! ;)
He was belligerant throughout. He came in with guns blazing. I think he had been drinking before he came in the room.
We leave a week from tomorrow, on October 7th!
I have been avoiding news but this could not be ignored. I watched, screamed, raged and more. Finally a moment when I thought someone finally listened. Now we will see. I spent some time unfriending anyone who supports this nomination on FB. I can not ignore my beliefs, conscience and morals. I may lose ‘friends’ but then I don’t think we can really be friends if you support Trump or this nomination. You are slapping me and my family in the face when you do. So no, we can’t be friends and I can’t silently stand by.
So happy you found shoes, socks and a jacket. You have most everything for your trip. So exciting. My eczema is better and my energy level is rising. Laundry today and time with family tomorrow. It’s a good weekend.
Exactly. If you support him, you are not supporting my values and my beliefs.
I’m so glad to hear your eczema is better!
I don’t get news generally from any source other than the radio news or newspaper. So I opened my morning paper while holding my breath. It wasn’t wonderful news, but it’s a breather.
I carry PacSafe and Travelon products when I travel. There are safety clips for the zippers and slash-proof bodies and straps.
It’s definitely a breather!
Dolls house is beautiful- I want to live in it too….
No words for what is happening your side of the pond- we are sadly no better here
Weather tho in the South West of England is beautiful and I hope you get to see our rather lovely country in the sunshine ( it also looks pretty in the rain ☔️)
Enjoy the countdown to your trip
Siobhan x
I’m sorry it’s happening there as well. Thinking of all of you.
I’m an Independent and I didn’t vote for Trump and I don’t agree with him or like him. However, I’m horrified by the circus that that Democrats have created and I’m fearful that due process and presumption of innocence is being thrown out the window and that will change our country forever. First, let me say that I do believe that Dr. Ford was sexually assaulted. She was credible and my heart cries for her. This poor woman should have never been put in the position she was put in and she is only in the public eye because someone (probably on the Liberal side) leaked this to the press which made it impossible for this to be dealt with outside of the media spotlight. Dr. Ford never wanted to be in the spotlight and the Democrats used her as a pawn and shame on them for doing that to an innocent victim. As an Independent I’m not siding with the Republicans but I shocked that the liberals don’t see what the Democrats have done to this woman. She was used by them for political gains plain and simple. Honestly I think they could care less about her so I think the liberals need to take a look at themselves first before throwing stones at the way the Republicans have behaved. Seriously… both sides have behaves shamefully… both sides have been a disgrace to our nation. The Republicans have rushed things unnecessarily and that is shameful as well. As for Judge Kavanaugh being angry and people criticizing that I just can’t understand that criticism. Of course he is angry. He has been accused of some very serious allegations and his family including his innocent children have been hurt. His testimony was equally believable as Dr. Ford’s in my opinion. There is not a shred of evidence that has come to light so far to corroborate Dr. Ford’s allegations. His entire life and the way he has conducted it has been the complete opposite of what the liberals have portrayed about him. 100s of women personally and professionally vouched for him. I was on th fence about him until I saw the anger and tears in his eyes during the testimony. To me it demonstrated that this man has indeed been falsely accused or at least he believes this. Wouldn’t an innocent person be this upset trying to defend his reputation and good name? Think about it… what if someone falsely accuse your own husband of this? How would he react? How would you react? Someone could do that to him and sling his good name in the mud so that he could never work in theater again and according to what the liberals are saying right now he wouldn’t be able to have due process under law and he would automatically be considered guilty. How can we not as a nation be against this type of behavior? It should hit all Americans at their core. In that same vein, I have been personally sexually assaulted and domestically assaulted. I have complete empathy for Dr. Ford and I know exactly what it feels like to have my life severely impacted by such a crime. I’m very happy that Senator Flake held up the proceedings for an another FBI investigation. It is the right thing to do for both sides. Ultimately and sadly this is all about Roe vs Wade and the fact that liberals want SCOTUS to legislate instead of uphold the constitution. I do believe that Kavanaugh is a strict constitutionalist and his record has shown that. Liberals don’t like that because unfortunately what is in the constitution often doesn’t fit into their agenda. Finally, as for accusations that Kavanaugh is an alcoholic because he drank at parties in high school, all I can say about that is probably 90% of or country would be considered alcoholics by that definition. I honestly thought I was in the twighlight zone when I saw senators going through his year book and making comments. How childish is that? If we are basing someone’s integrity based what they wrote in a year book than God help us all. I pray for both Dr. Ford and Judge Kavanaugh.
Dr. Ford was not used as a pawn. She approached the Democrats. End of story.
There is no circus. There are only Republicans holding back 100,000 pages of documents pertaining to Kavanaugh, not allowing other witnesses to be heard, doing everything they can to ram this legislation through before anyone can investigate, not allowing enough time to vet Kavanaugh, yet allowing over 400 days without seating Merrick Garland, just because Obama named him.
If there is nothing to hide, why did they have to be forced to open an FBI investigation? Why didn’t Kavanaugh ask for one, as has every woman who has come forward? Please stop saying ‘liberals’ with such disdain and stop compartmentalizing Democrats who are as diverse in opinions as are (or were) Republicans. That does not help the debate.
I know alcoholics. I know the signs, the signals, the behavior. My husband has been sober for over 40 years and works with alcoholics. Kavanaugh is an alcoholic now. Anyone who has worked with alcoholics knows that the behavior patterns don’t just magically go away. You have to be in recovery, working on them every day of your life. As does my husband. This isn’t just youthful drinking, this is drinking coupled with assault.
In fact, what you’re saying – again, disparagingly – about “liberals” and accusations of sexual impropriety isn’t true. I know many theater professionals who have been called out, rightfully so – most of them Democrats. If someone called out my husband on trumped-up evidence, I would fight it, of course. And I would know that any investigation would show that he was innocent. I would welcome one. I know artistic directors of theaters who have lost their jobs. I know actors who have lost their jobs. I suspect I know far more about this than you do, since I know these people personally and have seen the fallout up close. And let me submit to you that Harvey Weinstein was a well known Democrat. As was Al Franken. Personally, I don’t think Franken was culpable but, to his credit, he bowed out with dignity and handled it with grace. This calling out is not just one-sided, nor should it be. It’s a moral issue, not a partisan issue and I take great exception to anyone categorizing it as that. If you think asking for an investigation into Kavanaugh’s behavior is partisan, then there’s nothing more I can say. If there’s nothing to be discovered by the FBI, than Kavanaugh will have been vindicated. If there is, he cannot serve on the highest court in the land. This is a lifetime appointment. He should be above suspicion. So should the President. Sadly, the bar has been lowered to almost floor level.
I don’t wish any ill on Kavanaugh or his family, who have surely been through their own version of hell lately, as has Dr. Ford. I will say that his behavior in that hearing was reprehensible and, to me, completely disqualifying. This is not a qualified candidate for the highest court in the land.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
Beautiful and thoughtful response, Claudia. I could never have been so succinct. Words are failing me this week.
Thank you, Shanna.
A couple of thoughts… first I don’t hold distain for liberals and never have and it’s unfortunate that you got that from what I said. I think as a nation we need to stop being so defensive and be more open to other people’s point of view. I’ve had a very tough life and one thing it has taught me is to not label people. It’s unfortunate that you labeled Kavanaugh as an alcoholic since you don’t know him personally. I would never do that to someone. Just because you know alcoholics or even if you are one yourself doesn’t mean that you can presume to label someone else. That’s just plain wrong. Second, Dr. Ford was absolutely used as a pawn. Yes, she approached her senator about this, but someone either on Feinstein’s staff or her lawyers took advantage of the situation. Someone leaked it and they leaked it to cause scandal not because they were looking out for her. This poor woman has been to hell and back at their expense. To not think that a politician on either side is capable of doing this is just short sighted. Politics is ruthless and both sides are full of corruption. Having said that I don’t think Feinstein personally leaked it to the press. I do think she is better than that but she has a large staff and I wouldn’t put it pass someone on her team from doing that. I do think that us Independents and moderates have been the most level headed through all of this. Again, I really have to say that Kavanaugh is completely justified in his reaction anger IF he is indeed innocent. Just so you understand something about me, I completely dislike Trump. I disagree with him 90% of the time. My distain for him is the same as yours except for one difference… I do respect the fact that roughly half of this country voted for him and I think the only way towards reform is in a civilized manner and at the voting booth for mid term elections. The circus that the far left has caused by harassing people they disagree with in public… harassing their wife’s, children, etc is wrong. I say that not in distain for the liberals but as a fact. It is wrong. Period. This is not what our country is about. Trump is 2 Years in and 2 to go. I hope as do you that he will be gone in 2 years and in the meantime we’ve got mid term elections and we can work civilly towards change. As for Kavanaugh let due process happen before we vilify him. It’s the right thing to do.
Just one note: This is a blog. I’m not a journalist. I’m not printing my opinion in a newspaper. I share my informed opinions all the time here on the blog. And my very, very, very (and I could add even more ‘verys’) informed opinion is that he is an alcoholic. And it is an opinion shared by many.
As for the rest, thank you for sharing your thoughts. I appreciate them.
He even has the complexion of an alcoholic. Ruddy with broken blood vessels in his face. Spitting and spewing out his anger at everyone. Blamed everyone but himself. Showed no respect for the senators, especially Klobuchar, who stated that she grew up with an alcoholic father. Bet she totally recognized Kavanaugh’s responses as those of an alcoholic. When a person has grown up with an alcoholic in the house, they recognize one a mile away. Democrats may have used Dr. Blasey Ford, but it was certainly one way of bringing out the true personality of Kavanaugh and of what a politically biased man he is, who spoke of a right wing conspiracy, the Clintons, etc. This is not only about Roe v Wade, it is also about a SCOTUS who would give the President the power of being above the law, to dismiss laws he does not agree with, to do whatever he damn well pleases and answer to no one. THAT is what Kavanaugh believes in., and that is not democracy. I want to live in a democracy! If it takes using one woman to achieve keeping him off the Supreme Court then so be it. Call Blasey Ford our Saviour or a sacrificial lamb, but she knew that this would change her life when she contacted her representative, she had to know, she is not a stupid woman. I am not a Republican and yet I have always admired Senator Flake and contacted him a number of times prior to this Kavanaugh business over the past two years just to let him know that I appreciate him. Thank goodness he pushed the pause button. That’s not a bad thing EVER.
Let me remind everyone that Dr. Blasey Ford is the one who came forward. They didn’t seek her out. So I don’t think they used her. Feinstein, in fact, tried to protect her and didn’t make the contents of the letter public. And she got called out by the Republicans because she didn’t reveal it until her hand was forced.
I agree. I’m sure Amy Klobuchar recognized that behavior. I did. Don (a recovering alcoholic for over 40 years) certainly did.
Thanks, Diane.
I don’t know if he is a drunk or not. This I do know. I have broken blood vessels on my face as well as lots of blotchy redness that can amp up out of nowhere, especially if I am overwrought. It is called Rosacea.
I assure you I am not an alcoholic nor a drunkard and rarely imbibe.
If you have first-hand knowledge regarding facts BK is an alcoholic, do share those facts. But please, do not resort to claiming such based upon appearances. Having been on the receiving end of such ignorance I will tell you it is truly hurtful. Come on ladies, let’s be better than this.
By the by. In my research regarding (ocular) Rosacea and treatment options quite recently, I read that it is believed Bill Clinton suffers from Rosacea and while many over the years have suggested alcoholism due to his red and enlarging nose, understand this is just one demeaning aspect for those of us who suffer from Rosacea.
I have never referred to the redness in his cheeks for that very reason, though it is an indicator. I have friends who deal with rosacea. My thoughts are solely due to his past drinking and his present behavior.
Totally understand and respect your thoughts.
I agree with you. the guy is a drunk. I read a comment online from a man in AA and he said that he sees that behavior all the time in meetings. I don’t think the drinking is the basis but a symptom of mental aberrations, such as narcissism. The alcohol allows him to act out what he wants to do, such as attack a woman. He does not belong on the bench, any bench.
Agree. Don recognized him as an alcoholic right away. So did I. But sometimes, I defer to Don to make sure my perceptions are right. They are, in this case.
The Dr’s information was leaked without her consent and there are valid questions about that. That doesn’t impact of the validity of her information however which was told to others years ago.
As we were watching the hearing I explained to my husband that ‘woe is me’ is an actual recognised type of sex offender.
When I used to undertake investigations into allegations of sexual offences one of the first things to look at was who has the most to gain by what they are saying. So what does the Dr have to gain, as far as I could see only notoriety that she doesn’t seem to want. What does the Judge have to gain by what he is saying, a highly prized job.
On a personal level I have never attended a job interview where I would have been given the job if I had spent my time shouting about how much I liked beer.
Yes. Not a good thing at all that her name was leaked. But she is brave and came forward anyway. She is a hero.
I agree with everything you’ve said and, with your particular professional expertise, your thoughts and insights are valuable. Thanks, Rue.
I was married to a verbally and sometimes physically abusive alcoholic. It was NEVER his fault. I saw all this and more from Kavanaugh. I am lucky I got out of that situation. I admire Don even more now and thank you for your insight into this debacle.
Maybe I should day this debate!
Maybe we could say debate/debacle!
It never is their fault. I’m glad you got out of that situation, Linda. Thank goodness. xoxo
My own dad would be age 95 in two weeks; I feel the same; will always be an ache in my heart to have him gone.
I’m so glad you had a good, productive MALL trip. I avoid malls like a bad plague.
Bravo on everything you said as usual about all things Kavanaugh.
I thought I was looking at a doll house you took a photo of at the miniature show. What a treat, to see Hummingbird Cottage with a whole diff view. And you indeed have every right to be proud because she’s a beaut.
I’ve always had some mixed emotions about him, but I was sorry to hear about Ted Turner being stricken with that peculiar dementia which also robbed comedian Robin Williams of his peace. Any of these rich people who buy up a lot of wild land to save it have always had my admiration.
I’m sorry to hear that about Ted Turner. I hadn’t heard. I thought he looked ‘fragile’ in the Jane Fonda documentary, but that may have had nothing to do with the diagnosis.
Apparently he’s going to be interviewed on the CBS Sunday Morning show. I decided not to watch. I saw a clip from it and, I’m with you; same impression…fragile.
Just want to say, I think the discussions from readers and you on this blog post have been extremely informative, thought-provoking; interesting.
Truths. My husband’s been sober since age 30 (he’s around Don’s age; the 1970s took a toll on a lot of people but of course it’s about more than an era; my husband’s dependency cost him a marriage to a woman he cared for quite deeply; alcoholism hurts a lot more people than just the alcoholic) and, yes, there is no day he doesn’t work on it. Fortunately, he’s never had a relapse but it took an intervention on a mountaintop to get his attention. It seems we all have our stories of those most dear to us. He and I have actually had very few discussions about Kavanaugh so I’m going to ask him now about his impression of the alcohol side of this entire VERY distressing Kavanaugh Hearing.
Good article in Rolling Stone: “…the women of this country won’t forget. They won’t forget Ford’s poise and Kavanaugh’s fury, and the feeling that only a man could put on such a show and get away with it in any setting, let alone a job interview for a lifetime seat on the Supreme Court. We’re already seeing evidence of a mass exodus by women voters from the Republican Party. Kavanaugh may get his Supreme Court seat, but expect women to have the final say come November.” Amen.
It often takes an intervention on a mountaintop. I think more often than not. It took hitting bottom for Don to see that he needed help. I’m enormously proud of him and of everyone who is in recovery, putting in the necessary work to stay sober.
I agree about the women in this country, as well. We will not forget. And we will show up at the polls in November.
oh my. I just read every single comment on here as I think we all do who follow you.
I live alone. and I watched ever minute of the proceedings for both days.
I know nothing about alcoholics or alcoholism really except for one thing. my husband’s uncle…
he was what I think they call a working alcoholic. meaning he could work with it and you’d never know it apparently. his was odd. he would go on binges. and my husband said that’s when he was a “mean drunk.” belligerent and argumentative. my mouth literally hung open when he responded to the lady senator… can’t recall her name but she was the one whose father was an alcoholic… when she asked him had he ever blacked out from drinking. and his only response was kind of a smirk when he replied “have YOU?” he said it TWICE!
I can’t imagine saying that to a job interviewer. it seemed like something a high school student would say! if he has cleaned up his act… and since he has daughters I HOPE he has… but his basic character to me came across very weak. weepy and weak. if he had simply asked for a minute to BLOW HIS NOSE I would have been fine with that little break. as it was he sniffed all through it and pouted and shouted and made all kinds of faces. even if his past wasn’t a factor or even more so the fact that he faces LYING under oath the BIGGER factor… I just don’t feel he is Supreme Court caliber. and I agree with you in honoring the two women in the elevator that talked to Senator Flake. and I appreciate him for finally stopping this “circus” as they’re all calling it! actually I would call it more like a runaway TRAIN. he would be serving for life for crying out loud! so how can one week hurt to find out truth. IF we do. I don’t trust anyone anymore in political office. but at least some of them on that final day really did speak to the heart of it. I felt like if it were I and I had nothing to hide I would WELCOME an investigation.
I think the ‘good ol’ boy’ system is crumbling. and a president who is rich and a star and brags about “grabbing women by their Pu**y ” and having the power to pardon himself … is maybe in its last days. we can only hope!
oh man. wrote a whole post here. and btw … Hummingbird Cottage… BEAUTIFUL!!! XOXO
and like Linda @ Ala Carte above … I admire Don even MORE!!! and I already admired him greatly! LOL! xoxo
He’s a mean man who lashes out when he feels cornered. Sound like someone else we know?
He also clearly feels that he’s ‘entitled’ to the job. He isn’t. He’s a privileged white man who can’t comprehend why he wouldn’t skate right through the nomination process. Unfortunately, even aside from the alleged assault, he has lied repeatedly during this hearing, in his first hearing and in other hearings before the Senate in the past. He cannot be trusted. He’s also a Republican operative which was made abundantly clear in his opening speech. No and no and no.
I’m so hoping you’re right. The good old boy patriarchy has to end and I hope it implodes. Thanks, Tammy.
good grief Claudia. I just read my comment to see how many typos I no doubt made.
and I see I forgot everything I ever learned about misleading PRONOUNS!!
hope you can tell the person I was talking about. what a mess I made of it.
you can maybe tell I’m holding a lot in. it IS a PG rated blog!!!
Well – sometimes I stray from PG!! xo
With you 100% Claudia. Kavanaugh’s performance, like that of Lindsey Graham, was positively deranged. No doubt they were playing to an audience of one. I did feel for Ashley Kavanaugh, however. The look on her face said it all.
Yes. She has seen that side of him before. She knows. I felt for her, too. And she has been threatened and that is inexcusable.
Yes, she has.
What a lovely photo! I don’t recall ever before seeing the interior of HC all at once. One of my co-workers just returned from his honeymoon in Paris – he said the Musee d’Orsay was top of his list. It seems everyone I know is opting to vacation in Europe or Mexico this year rather than America. A sad comment on the times..
I heard from someone else about the Musee d’Orsay. We’ll have to go there. To tell you the truth, I wouldn’t mind going to Paris and somehow staying in France.
I’m glad you can get out of here for a couple of weeks, Claudia. Like I told you before, don’t pick up any American newspapers over there; give yourself a break from all of the U.S. political tragedies. Take a vacay from headlines. You’ll be home soon enough and then it will all be right back in your face again. You’re wonderfully vigilant but it’s perfectly okay to lay down your defenses while on holiday and let your brain turn off temporarily. As it turns back on, you’ll be immersed in pain au chocolat, la tour Eiffel and amour!
I plan to tune out, Vicki. I just want to have fun with my husband exploring three glorious cities. If only we could relocate!
I also lived with an alcoholic Dad, and several other people in our family had the same disease. I said the same thing right away when I saw him “He’s an alcoholic!!” I truly had not heard that anywhere before these hearings, but when you live with it for many years, you can recognize it. You just know it. The way he giggled about his love of beer. (And not just once.) He is also one of the biggest whiners I have ever witnessed. It was like hearing a 4 year old. I felt very sorry for his wife. If she has always stood by her man, that must be a full time and exhausting job.
So our BP can take a brief respite until a week from now when we have to ride this stupid roller coaster all over again. He really is not worth it. If he was a man (which we know he isn’t) he would simply withdraw from consideration. But we all know he has lots more screaming and spitting and pouting to do for us. The show must go on. Grassley and Graham should go with him when he walks away and then they could scream and shout together. Classy stuff. Unbelievable.
Anyone who has been close to an alcoholic knows. The behavior, the physical look, everything. It’s immediately obvious.
Grassley and Graham are beneath contempt.
I heard on the news that this was one of the most watched events on tv, not to mention other forms of media. For all those who haven’t heard a survivor re-live her trauma, this has been a learning experience which, hopefully, will inform voting decisions in the future, if not this event. No normal individual could listen and not be rocked to the core.
I agree, Anne.
Thank you for putting into words everything that I thought about this confirmation hearing. I agree with everything you said. Let’s pray that this man will never sit on the Supreme court or any other court. Keep saying what you do, it means a lot when so many think the same way.
Thank you, Barbara. I hope he never sits on the Court. That Trump will appoint a conservative is a given. But there are other choices.
Wow! I read all these comments!
I agree with you on Kavanaugh. Very interesting to read comments about Kavanaugh being an alcoholic. That certainly explains his awful behavior!
Wishing you the very best trip to Europe! Brings back my very short but, loved visit to London and Paris 5 years ago.
Love your IG posts and this blog! I admire your intelligence and writing! Plus all your creative gifts! Such a pleasure!
Thank you so much, Debbie. I’m glad you enjoy it here. Thank you for being here.
Another daughter of an alcoholic father and ex-wife of one also…here to speak up…I do not have a doubt about Kavanaugh being an alcoholic…not one…and as for the tears…alcoholics are experts at turning on those water works!…My mother-in-law used to call them crocodile tears as she went through it with my father-in-law…Do not believe that he is shedding the tears for Ashley or his girls…he is shedding them for himself!!…I would bet that Ashley has shed many tears of her own because of him!…If he needs to pray for anyone…he needs to pray for himself…If he has lured anybody into feeling sorry for him then he did what he sat out to do that day….Claudia..I have always greatly admired Don for his talents and for the good husband that he is….I now admire he even more…and I know that it is a struggle that lasts a lifetime…
Oh, I’ve seen those tears as well. And to this day, when I see those crocodile tears, I KNOW what it is and I tense up. Like Pavlov’s dog. It’s visceral.
Thank you for your kind words about Don. He is simply the best man I know.
Good job shopping! I love my Baggallini bags. They are lightweight , washable and lots of pockets. Sometimes I find them at Marshels cheap.
Not much to say about Kavanaugh that hasn’t been said. I’ve been on both sides of that issue and it is heartbreaking either way.
I’ll check out Baggallini, Kay. Thanks!
It is indeed heartbreaking. I agree.
Closing comments now, friends. We’ve shared our thoughts. Now, we’ll wait to see what happens.