Yesterday was a very rainy day and, though I got tired of it as the day went on, I’m well aware that we need it. Scads of wet, soggy leaves are on the ground all over the property. We changed the day of the coaching appointment, so I’m coaching via zoom this afternoon. Don has a gig tonight and tomorrow night.
I started working on a jigsaw puzzle yesterday, the first I’ve done in a long time. I stopped doing them over the summer because I was outside a lot. And, since I finish one fairly quickly, the cost of buying another and another can add up. But this one was on sale, so I purchased it. It’s another in that series I like, “The World of…” This time, it’s The Great Gatsby. I’ve also started reading Playground by Richard Powers.
Yesterday, I heard a lot of noise on the porch. I peeked through the blinds to see a squirrel carrying a huge black walnut in his mouth. He went from the bench to the glider to the railings, never dropping the walnut. I widened the opening of the blinds with my left hand and shoved the phone into the opening to get a picture. I’ve cropped the heck out of it so you can see him. I admire his perseverance! He never once dropped that walnut.
Mabel and Zoe. I forced myself to change their outfits. I haven’t felt all that motivated lately, but I’m sure they were getting cold in their summer clothes. It forced me to reorganize their clothes. Mabel is sporting a new pair of high tops that, of course, will be shared by all the girls. But she’s so sassy that she seemed the obvious choice to be the first to wear them.
I’ve got a whole list of projects that need to be done and I’m hoping to check them off one by one over the next few weeks.
However – I feel myself entering ‘lazy mode.’ Uh oh.
Stay safe.
Happy Friday.
Squirrels amuse me. And amaze me, too. I love to watch them dig (though not in my plants!) The girls are looking cute — that Beatles shirt is darling. Hope you don’t get too much rain coming up from Helene. Have a wonderful weekend!
I don’t think it’s headed this way…
Stay safe, Jeanie.
I’m not a jigsaw fan (my brain doesn’t seem to work that way….) but always look in the puzzle exchange bin at the library – this week there were several New Yorker cover ones and I thought you must have been in town! (probably not).
I’m trying to donate all my puzzles. They’re in my car trunk, taking up too much space.
Stay safe, Ceci.
Let us know your review on Playground! I love Richard Powers’ writing but am trying to decide if I should put my name on the waitlist or purchase it…Always a dilemma! lol
I’d rather have purchased it, but I’m trying to save money!
Stay safe, Betsy.
Great pic of the squirrel….he sure was persistent. lol
Hoping you make progress on your list before “lazy mode” kicks in. I’m hoping the same for me. I make a list every morning, and if I manage to get 3 things done, I feel accomplished. (It’s a start.)
The girls look hip. Mabel just needs some pearls to go with her chucks and she’ll really be on point. lol. Enjoy your day! ;)
Exactly! Don’t have any pearls for them at the moment.
Stay safe, Donnamae.
I didn’t lose power from Helene but my daughter did. They have a generator so they are ok for now. I saw we lost Maggie Smith, what a heartbreak. Such an incredible actor and legend.
I saw her onstage when I was in my twenties. I’ve always loved her. She’s my favorite actress and she will be missed.
Stay safe, Linda.
i think what you described experiencing sounds timely … especially for those of us living with clear seasonal changes. as you of course know, along with the “stuff” of life, cold weather and the sun setting earlier (or a person, such as me, being tired of or tired from hot weather and high humidity) often encourage a return to quieter things. like puzzles. :) while i function and feel much better in colder temperatures and love being out in rain and snow, i can, as an introvert, easily snug in at home (and will need to in order to get those cross-stitch presents done before years and years go by). i have must-do projects here, too, so know the pressure such things can create and how finding balance isn’t always easy. guess am just trying to say i understand and i hope we all get done those things we need and want to do, with lots and lots of time to take it easy … in that way be like your squirrel and my earl. xo
Thanks so much, Kathy.
Stay safe.
That was quite the snack that squirrel was holding dearly to…a nice Friday treat! Nice to get some rain. We’re going to be in the 90s today, a bit of a cool down for the weekend…then warmer weather early next week….but, I know fall is in the air! Enjoy your coaching, reading, and puzzling, and hope Don’s gigs go well .
Thank you, Barrie.
Stay safe.
Sounds like you and Don are busy these next couple days.
Not surprised you’re starting puzzles again. I’m an introvert and freely admit liking fall because it makes me focus inward on hobbies and projects I let slide in the warmer weather. The older I get, the more it’s become my favorite season. The way the sunlight looks coming in the windows, the cool, dew-heavy mornings, getting out the sweaters and sweatshirts, baking pumpkin and apple goodies, the silence of the birds.
Take care,
Fall is indeed beautiful, Kay!
Stay safe.
I have to admit that I am not a fan of squirrels, there are woods at the back of my house and they have twice managed to invade the loft space of two of my close neighbours doing an awful lot of damage. Plus, they frighten the small birds away by trying to take the bird seed from the feeders.
Stay in the woods, there’s nuts and food for you there, pesky squirrels!
By strange coincidence, I watched the latest production by my local amateur dramatic last night, it was The Great Gatsby! It was so well produced with a great soundtrack. Modern songs with a 1920s jazz style twist.
Happy Friday
Sounds interesting, Dee Dee!
Thank you.
Stay safe.
Oh, the red high-tops!!
We came through the storm okay. Had three errands to run today—that’s about two too many for us, lately. At least my arthritis cooled off a bit so I could walk down the stairs and climb into the Jeep. Jeez, we became elderly while we weren’t paying attention.
Have you read any of James Patterson’s over the years. I’ve started reading his numbered Women’s murder Club/Lindsey Boxers that were written in the nineties and am quite surprised at how entertaining they can be. (Set in San Francisco.) And like John Sandford’s there are so many of them!
I tried James Patterson, but never connected for some reason.
I’m so glad you’re safe. So much loss and damage.
Stay safe, Shanna.
“Lazy mode” is sometimes exactly what we need. Your girls are so cute. Sometimes I need motivation to play dress up with mine. Both Jessie and Walter have cozy new fall sweaters. That’s one determined little squirrel. Hope you and Don have a good weekend. Hugs, Elaine
Thanks so much, Elaine.
Stay safe.