Today is the day I get my PCR test and let’s all cross our fingers that the results are sent to me in time to work on Monday morning. It’s not like I can get the test any earlier. It has to be done three days before the job starts. The feeling of being overwhelmed is still with me and to top it all off, I lost part of a tooth this morning – I think it will have to be pulled – and my dentist is retiring as of today. So we’ve been referred to a new dentist to whom I will have to explain all over again by phobia-level fear of dentists. Thankfully, the tooth isn’t hurting and I have an appointment for next Wednesday morning.
Anyway, travel plans have been made by the touring company. I’ve worked with this company before and they are very efficient and extremely helpful, so that’s a plus. I’ll take Amtrak into the city on Sunday afternoon, then hop on the subway and head over to Queens. Monday and Tuesday will be filled with individual coaching sessions and I’ll head back home Tuesday night.
In the meantime, here’s little Sophie wandering around outdoors:
She reminds me of myself as a girl. My hair was brown and long and I wore bangs and I often wore a serious/worried expression. And I had freckles.
Stay safe.
Happy Friday.
i pray the test results are good and arrive in time for you, that the travels and work go well (safe, easy, fun) … all good things.
i have a zoom interview at 3:00 today for a job that is more in keeping with my strengths, goals, etc. prayers are very much appreciated; thank you! i want very much to be able to give notice on my current job soon (next week would be perfect). will keep you posted.
and thanks to everyone praying for my family. xo
kathy in iowa
Kathy, prayers will be supporting you today.🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Best of luck to you today! ;)
I’m praying for a wonderful interview and a great result!
Absolutely, Kathy, I’m continuing prayers for you, the job search, and family. Haven’t posted, but wanted to add my encouragement with others. You are a such a beautiful soul and light. I know you will find more light to add to what you have soon.
Kathy, best of luck for this new job. Prayers and fingers crossed for you.
As we say in the theater ‘break a leg’ on your interview, Kathy. I’m so hoping this works out for you.
Stay safe.
…kathy, exciting news about your possible job prospect; you have my every prayer and best wishes for a favorable outcome!
Kathy, I am just reading Claudia’s post at 9 PM. I hope your interview went well!!!!!! Keep us posted!
Commiserations on meeting a new dentist as a result of a dental emergency. Those dental emergencies always seem to arrive at the worst times, don’t they? I hope your work next week proves exhilarating, invigorating, and distracting!
They do. I’m dreading the appointment.
Stay safe, Linda.
Oh my….so sorry to hear about your tooth. Why do these things always happen at the worst times? Fingers are crossed you get the PCR results before Monday.
Breathe…and try and enjoy your day! ;)
Thank you. I’m really sweating it, as I’ve read all sorts of things about test results being delayed. But what can I do?
Stay safe, Donna.
I hope you get the results back in time! It is so hard when things are not in your control!
I love Sophie’s outfit in the picture. Where did you come across it? I’m a sucker for hand knitted doll sweaters. Also, where did you get Sophie? Who did her custom work? I just love her custom face! She just looks so sweet.
It really is. The woman at the drive-thru pharmacy said it would be ‘2 to 4 days’ and I said, “It can’t be!” She then said that’s what they tell them to say but it has been faster lately.
Wish me luck.
I’ll write more about Sophie later except to say that the outfit came from a woman in Russia. I’ll look all that info up.
Stay safe, Jane.
Love the sweater! We have a winter storm watch in effect and while it’s warmer here, on this side of town, we are starting to see flakes. The hillside already has about 8”. Not planning on going anywhere today! Best of luck Claudia. Just remember, they asked for you.
Oh no! I guess winter has arrived in Alaska. Stay home, my friend.
And thank you for your kind words.
Stay safe.
Oh bummer time for that tooth – hoping the situation gets stabilized with the new dentist. Wishing you courage.
About the Test, my daughter said, try to get a lot of substance on the q-tip – she said ‘buggers.’
I really like what Becky said – they chose you. You were the person who stood out to them as the one person for the job.
Please relax about the blog; we’re here, we will be here.
I’m just slogging away at taxes – this year has been my hardest – wanted to comment many times. But I will be here anytime.
I hope you have a ball starting next week. Be kind to yourself. Breathe.
It’s pretty dry here today so I don’t know how many buggers I got on that swab.
Thanks so much, Martha.
Stay safe.
Love Sophie’s outfit, especially the mis-matched socks. Too cute.
Best wishes as you head out back to work. Enjoy every minute of it.
They’re not mismatched. That’s a green leaf! But you gave me an idea for the future!
Stay safe, Jayne.
Sophie’s outfit is adorable, especially the sweater. Knitting anything that small is not easy. I’m assuming it was handknit.
I am feeling stressed just reading about your test and your tooth!
Sending positive thoughts and prayers your way.
Thank you, Marilyn!
Stay safe.
I’ve never had a carefree, smiley expression in repose, or so I’m told; made me think of it when you said the youthful you was reminded similarly with pretty Sophie.
You’ll be fine on your travels and schedule because you can visualize and plan it, Claudia; you have that ability where others just don’t; so, this will really help you. Prepare, prepare. And you’re doing that.
I’m so sorry about your tooth. I too have been screaming lately that if I have one more doctor retire on me, I’m gonna I don’t know what (cry to the heavens!); but it’s been especially hard for me to lose my oncologist to retirement this year because he’s been my voice of calm and reason for the past eight years. Time marches on; they’re allowed to retire, these doctors, just like the rest of us.
Thinking bright, positive thoughts for you in the coming days, Claudia! You are having a big adventure for sure! I’m looking forward to hearing about how everything will go down for you in the larger world of which I’m increasingly becoming so separated from in the normal sense after a year and a half of self-imposed lockdown but I’m sure you’re going to see a lot of people being conscientious out there, wanting to be safe from virus. I always seem to look at New Yorkers as being intelligent folks about a lot of things; tough and smart!
Ironic that the day I call is his last day in the office. I’ll miss him. He was kind and he didn’t judge me as to my fears and the long time between visits.
I’m having difficulty with this whole testing thing. I had it done today. They were very clear that it couldn’t be done earlier than today. I’m taking the train in on Sunday. The woman at the pharmacy said that it takes from 2 to 4 days, wherein I gasped and said I have to know before Monday. She said “they make us say that, but they’ve been pretty fast lately.” Ok. Then I get an email from the touring company reminding me to get my test today and submit the results by tomorrow. How the hell am I going to do that? I doubt I’ll know anything until Sunday.
I’m over all of this. It only adds to my stress. I’m doing everything they asked me to, and STILL it might not work out.
Stay safe, Vicki.
Well, it’s perplexing, isn’t it. Like disconnected, A not talking to B or whatever. I do almost daily scratch my head over conflicting info on testing, virus, boosters, etc. They made it plain as day today that if you got Moderna, you shouldn’t mix and match with Pfizer, instead stick with Moderna, wait for the okay on what I guess will be that half-dose Moderna booster. But then, where my husband used to work and which he still can’t quite get a foot out of, even all this time later after full retirement, they posted a whole thing about where to go get your Pfizer AND Moderna boosters (both offered at the same time) starting on such & such a date. Wrong!! (This was an ‘official’ posting to thousands of people; oops.) Easy I think to just tune out of the fine details when the info is confusing.
Claudia, my husband’s recent Covid test, done at a site with medical staff? He had results in 72 hrs on the dot. I bet yours will come in right on time concurrent with your work start. My husband got the ‘A-OK’ text, right there on his phone. I’m keeping my fingers crossed for you that, yes, it WILL work out!! After all, you’re needed on the job; certainly there can be some flexibility in the workplace when times are so NOT normal!
All this said, I feel for you. Me personally? I’d probably be a basket case by now. A lot of details; a lot of stress for you. You’ve taken on a lot of responsibility. Just the getting from one place to another in the big city would be ‘way too much for me right now; thank goodness you’re familiar with NYC. I almost feel too ‘sheltered’ at this age whereas when younger I was much more independent and fearless.
Remember to breathe; get in your zen moments. I just know that once you’re in the apartment in Park Slope, the groove will settle in nicely. Take Sophie with you!
But the question is: do I travel into the city, check into the hotel, hoping that my results get to me by Monday morning? Or do I tell them tomorrow afternoon, if the results haven’t arrived, and see if they want to change the schedule?
Claudia you should be very proud of all the new steps you are taking. My personality sounds much like yours. It would be hard for me to get out in the working world after being in the house for such a long time. My husband worked from home all this time and they just told him they were going back into the office last week. I was not happy about that! It seems weird this week not having him here. Oh and the dentist….don’t even go there! I also am getting hooked on this Sophie doll. She is just so adorable! Well, good luck with your new adventure. I bet Fall is beautiful by you. Stay safe and I will be keeping you in my prayers.
Thank you so much, Deb!
Stay safe.
When I was in my twenties, I had such an awful dentist experience that left the side of my face drooped for six months. My new dentist was so kind and compassionate. He sang Beatle songs to me the entire appointment. I will never forget his professionalism and understanding. While you are in the chair, think of all of your favorite songs. This was his suggestion to me. I start with my favorites and concentrate on the lyrics as well as the melody. Before you know it, my appointment is done. Good luck.
Thanks so much, Nancy!
Stay safe.