I took this so you could see the Virginia creeper turning a vivid red. I can see it off in the woods, as well.
In writing about all the birds we’ve seen, I forgot to mention the great blue heron that we’ve seen twice this week. He’s been standing in the river, patiently waiting for a fish. We saw him on Monday and on Wednesday. My goodness, he’s gorgeous.
Yesterday was a day where I was on a tear, doing all sorts of chores that I’d put off, both inside and outside. I go from being a slug to a dynamo and there seems to be no in between. And I still have a lot more to do. We took a day off from walking, but we’re back at it later this morning. I’ll also return the latest Kate Atkinson to the library. If you’re a Jackson Brodie fan, this one is excellent. Perfect plotting, lots of twists, lots of references to classic mysteries, and lots of word play. I loved it. Atkinson is one of my favorite writers.
Don was supposed to get a trim yesterday and he came back with far more than a trim. I was shocked. He had asked me if I wanted to go along with him but I was in the middle of all sorts of chores, so I said no.
Sigh. I should gone along with him.
There are so many leaves on the ground already. I think I said this last year as well, but they seem to be falling earlier than usual, especially from the maples. We mowed the front yard the other day and by the next day, portions of it were covered with leaves. No, no! Let us enjoy fall a bit longer, please!
The temperatures are still fairly warm but by next Monday, they will drop into the sixties. Don and I are counting the days until we can wear the cotton thermal shirts which are our winter wardrobe staple. This started when Don was on tour for Margaritaville and discovered them at an Old Navy in Chicago. When I visited him, he talked me into buying some. The only choice we have to make is what color to wear. Easy!
Now, I’m worrying about my favorite gray thermals which are showing signs of wear.
These, of course, are quality problems.
I forgot to mention that our friend Margaret, who is married to Adrian – he had a heart transplant last year – is undergoing open heart surgery today in California. Please keep her in your prayers. They have been through so much.
Stay safe.
Happy Friday.
i love sweater and sweatshirt weather. supposed to be 90 here today but at least for a short while the highs will reach only the mid 60s (starting monday). bring it on!
the virginia creeper’s red looks so pretty outlining that branch and in the sun. the october maple in my parents’ front yard has red leaves on one branch so far and is already dropping them. :(
i bet don’s haircut looks great. mine does not. gave myself a quick trim (emphasis on quick) and need to touch up the touch up. oh, well.
i am experiencing more tremors in my hands (one finger on each hand and especially my left wrist when holding things) so now i am on my own tear to start and finish some stuff … starting with a counted cross-stitch gift for every household in my family (Christmas patterns so they don’t feel pressure to keep them out year-round; i know cross-stitch isn’t everyone’s thing). one done, four to go. for myself i want to do the “beatrix potter quaker sampler” (no animals, only quaker motifs and initials around a motif saying “a token of love”). it looks pretty big, but i want to do it too.
next week the seventh and last “vanderbeekers” book is released in paperback so i am currently not reading. those books are for 8 to 12 year olds, but i read them to inspire my own writing and found them nicely done and sweet, poignant. happily have several other books waiting in my “tbr” stacks. glad you have some good books, too. i am so grateful to have reading back!
and all of you … glad you’re in the world, too. be safe and well and happy. xo.
Don’s haircut does not look great. But it is what it is, as they say.
Have you learned anything more about the source of the tremors, Kathy.
Stay safe.
neurologist and my primary doctor have variously said it’s “essential tremors” or “tremors with dysphonia” (dysphonia because of those quakes in my voice). essential tremors can be in voice, too, so who knows? neurologist also said “don’t know if you’ll have parkinsons in ten years but the good news today is you don’t have it today”. time will tell on that part, too. neurologist offered information about things like weighted silverware, etc. don’t think i need those at this point, but am glad there are assistive devices for all sorts of needs. i’ve had a tiny tremor in one finger for nine years, that quake in my voice for more than five years and now that side-to-side head-shake (not felt by me, but my sister first noticed it a couple months ago) … so it, whatever it is, has become worse. i know these sorts of things can change over time, fast, slow, a lot or a little, or remain stable. i know stress doesn’t help and i have a lot of it right now so am working on that.
to not end on a bummer note … i said earlier “who knows?” God knows! so i keep putting my faith in Him and all His help and provisions. and i just ordered the pattern for that big, detailed “beatrix potter quaker” cross-stitch sampler. :)
thanks, claudia.
and i bet don’s haircut will look better soon, once he can style it himself. and if not, at least it will grow out and need another (better) cut someday. :)
“Grow out” is what is going to have to happen.
God sees you as you are – perfect.
far far from perfect, but definitely trying to focus on the One who is, the One who sees me at all.
thanks very much, claudia. :)
hope you and don (whose hair will grow!) are having a nice night.
Kathy, I cherish all my x-stitch ornies–whether I stitched them or my family did. They remind me of various stages in our life. I will often duplicate one when I love how it turned out! I’m finished with my gnome series and working on cartoon-like reindeer now. I start in July because it takes me forever!
My MIL has essential tremor and her paintings are still as fabulous as ever. She’s 101 and you’d never know it.
i am happy for her and for you all that your mother-in-law is doing so well. that is wonderful!
and that she and you continue with creative interests … also wonderful! your patterns sound adorable. keep going!
and i appreciate hearing that you cherish those cross-stitch pieces. hoping my family will, too. i know they will for the time and thought and “me” in those pieces, but cross-stitch can seem old-fashioned (which fits me, but not some of them). i chose cross-stitch because i can do it and have found some great patterns. none of the pieces are ornaments, though, because i don’t know how to finish them. these gifts will be framed pieces (which is easier, i think, to finish), so are larger. i chose Christmas and winter designs so no one will feel pressure to leave them out all year. :)
i have not done cross-stitch for many years (at least eight). am sure i will work slowly again. “slow and steady wins the race, said the tortoise to the hare”!
anyway, what you shared about your mother-in-law, and you keeping and cherishing those ornaments is an encouragement to me. thank you, roxie!
hope you have a great weekend. stay safe.
thanks again.
Oh my….that pic is gorgeous! I don’t have any Virginia creeper…it is so pretty when it changes. Our trees are not turning yet, but one of our maples is dropping leaves, all brown, I think because of our lack of rain. But we got almost an inch last night…so there’s hope.
I think I’ll be getting the first Jackson Brody book, and check it out. I need a fresh author. I recently bought the five Louise Penny books I have not read, but have yet to start on them. Her books are best read in big chunks when I have time. And I have more time in the winter months.
Don’t you just love it when you get those bursts of energy and get tons of stuff done? Unfortunately, they don’t come often enough these days lol.
Enjoy your day! ;)
I do love it when I accomplish a lot! But you’re so right, Donna, it doesn’t happen very often.
Stay safe.
I love that spot of red in the tree! I also love the blue herons…every once in a while I see one around here. They are so majestic. We have a lot of egrets, too…so graceful.
Beautiful birds, for sure.
Stay safe, Barrie.
Don’s hair will grow. They say the difference between a bad haircut and a good one is three days. Maybe Don’s will take a little longer. I’m anxious for the cooler weather to arrive. It’s officially fall on Sunday. Let the sweater weather begin. Hugs, Elaine
Don’s will take quite a bit longer than that.
Yes! Ready for sweaters and jackets.
Stay safe, Elaine.
Hi, Claudia! As always, I hope you know I read all of your posts. However, my life is so incredibly dull I have nothing to say or add to the conversation. I am in another reading “break”, and that is the hardest thing for me. I try to read and it is so painful when I can’t, I just end up crying. So I have decided to wait a full 2 weeks before I pick up a book. We will see how that goes. I think I get overly eager and I need to wait.
Our daughter is on vaca in Croatia and from the pics and texts she has shared, it truly is beautiful. So I live a bit vicariously through her right now. The flowers are doing well, but they, too, are getting tired. It has been quite warm and humid here this week. On Sun I think we may get some much needed rain. We got about a third of an inch last night. The grass doesn’t need mowing, it is just a crunchy mess. The Walnut trees in the ‘Hood have falling leaves, but nothing else seems to be turning yet.
So that is it from my corner of this world. Wishing and hoping my reading ability returns soon!! It certainly helps the days to go by. Take care!!!!
You’re saying the same thing I said when I mentioned being ready to stop blogging. Everyone said, “we like the everyday things you write about – no, they’re not boring!” If it’s any comfort I sat in my chair this morning desperately trying to find something, anything, to write about. Your life isn’t incredibly dull, it’s very interesting!
As for reading, I go through those periods when I can’t read anything and I know how frustrating that is. The key is to give into it and do something else – eventually it will come back.
Stay safe, Chris.
I wish you had included a photo of Don’s haircut. I am sure he is still handsome and as others have said, it will grow out. I cut my own hair and that’s my mantra in case I make a mistake! ;)
Wouldn’t include a photo without his permission!
Thanks so much, Ellen.
Stay safe.
I have learned to treasure the everyday, boring things in life. I started realizing what a treasure every day is after my parent’s deaths 3 months apart and watching my grands growing. Soon they will be taller than my 5 foot height! :) Time flies so fast, we need to notice the beauty around us.
As Ferris Bueller said, “Life moves pretty fast, if you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it”!
We have, too. We talk about that often. After very active careers, working day and night, we treasure our everyday routine and the beauty around us.
Stay safe, Betsy.
sorry to hear that heart news about your friends. i will be praying for them. you all, too.
Catching up with you — all the wonderful birds, Mary Oliver and now the falling leaves. I was in Stratford this week and they are falling there, too– abundantly. Here they are barely turning. First day of fall tomorrow. It’s coming.
It’s coming!
Stay safe, Jeanie.