Ask me what time I got up this morning.
4 am. Yep. 4 am. And I went to bed after midnight.
Riley has had a few accidents during the night lately. I deliberately stayed up late last night in order to give him some extra time to get ‘bathroom ready.’ The problem is that he is so sleepy by that time that nothing works, if you know what I mean. So when I awoke at 4, I thought I should come downstairs to check out the situation. It wasn’t good.
After clean-up, I tried to go back to sleep but it just wasn’t working. At about 5:30 am, I heard a bark. Back downstairs again. No Riley. Where the heck was he? I found him in the bathroom. Hey, at least he was able to get up by himself! At this point, I figured I should just stay up and I made coffee. That little dickens got up twice more – one time to let me know he had to pee. Okay, Riley. You’ve atoned for your mishap in the middle of the night.
So, as one does in the early am, at least, as this one does, I opened the laptop and read my email. I also charged my iPhone. One of the emails concerned an app for iPhones and iPads called Shakespeare Pro. It has everything Shakespeare wrote – including the Sonnets and a Glossary. Cost? $1.99. (It’s currently on sale.) Oh my. How perfect for this Shakespeare Voice and Text Coach.
(Please excuse photo quality. It’s not easy getting a good photo this early in the morning!)
It got me thinking about just how amazing smartphones are. I can grab my phone, open this app and find any piece of text that I need. Wow. I can take pictures. I can check the weather. I can listen to my music library. I can check my email and read your comments. I don’t use it nearly as much as some people do – I rarely text, for example – but it has been invaluable to me.
Don, who said he didn’t want a smartphone, is changing his tune. He mentioned to me that he just might need one. He’s away from home and will be again in autumn and I know first hand how helpful it is to have an iPhone when you’re away from home. I imagine I will do what I did when I purchased my phone; wait for the new iPhone to hit the stores and then buy the older version at a much cheaper price.
So here’s my question this Friday morning. Do you own a smartphone? If you do, what do you use it for? Or have you held off on this kind of purchase? Or do you simply have no desire for one?
Please share. It’s now 7:16 am and I need something to keep me awake for the rest of the day!
Good morning Claudia! I just bought a smart phone last weekend, though nothing as fancy as an iphone :) I love it! internet, email, camera, phone…right at my fingertips! Happy weekend! xoxo Debbie
Been doing dog duty at night right along with you. Slept on the couch in the family room to be near Daniel, so he could tell me if he had to go out … which he did at 3am … thank goodness I went back to sleep after that.
My red antique Motorola Razr phone died in April, and I replaced it with an iPhone 4. It’s been a good decision and I’m glad to count myself among the smartphone users now. I mostly talk on it, but I do send pictures and text messages a lot. While we were in Alaska, my friend sent photos to me of Daniel playing and having a good time visiting his friends Quinn and Taylor (other greyhounds) at his Auntie Gale’s house. It was comforting to see this in real time, and it allowed me to relax a bit and not worry about him while we were away … just one more intangible benefit to having an iPhone.
Glad to hear Riley’s okay, though he’s keeping you hopping!
My husband’s a tech junkie, and every time he has an upgrade available for his phone, he gets a new one. That means I get the old one, whether I want it or not.
Right now I’m getting used to a Droid X2, and it’s okay, but I find it hard to text on, so I’m even less in touch with people than ever! Kind of defeats the purpose.
Have a nice weekend!
I bought an iPhone two weeks ago. I like being able to respond quickly to emails. I have not gotten many apps yet but will look into them. The quality of the phone is so much better than my last one. Their really is no comparison. Joe is getting one when it is time for him to trade. You are such a good Mama to Riley.
Hi Claudia,
I have had a smart phone for over a year and don’t know what I’d do without it ! I use it for everything from checking weather (using weather in motion feature), to taking great photos to checking email. I have “skype” on my phone too. My husband was reluctant until we convinced him that a smart phone would change his life…..and it has :)
I have the droid 3 with a slide out keyboard which I love . Have a great weekend (hope you get a nap in today!)
What a cute doggy pic you got! I don’t need one, don’t want the added expense. I live and work at home. When I go out, I don’t like to be bothered by any phone. But I can see how necessary they would be for someone like you guys.
I love, LOVE my Iphone! I use it for everything! email, news, weather radar, videos, Facetime with my son,talking, GPS, words w/friends, texting…..too many things to mention! I think it does everything but clean my house! If you have one you might as well use everything it has to offer or well, then it is kind of a waste if you don’t. There are so many wonderful apps out there. I do use mostly free ones, though. Have fun!~Hugs, Patti
I do not have one. But my husband does and he just got it. when I borrow it from him, in the car etc, I can barely look away from its magical screen.
I rarely answer the cell phone….drives folks crazy.
So until I start using the phone I won’t take on the expense..
but I am in awe of them
I would love to have a smart phone but I try to stay away from unnecessary monthly expenses..My present cell is in my purse..I never use it..I turned it in to a “buy minutes” phone..I buy 100 minutes a year and don’t use them..Your new app is perfect for you.
I have one. I use it mostly for directions, weather, photo taking, bus schedules, praying, reading the bible, planning the week’s meals and shopping for groceries!
Well, I hope you’re still awake! It’s 8:30 here in Idaho and I’m just coming on for the day.
Hubs has an iPhone and loves it. I have the very first phone I’ve ever had and it’s not smart. I use it for emergencies and rarely have it on. I doubt I’ll ever get a smart one as it is not worth the expense for me and I can use hubs’ going through the desert back home to Calif. to visit kids. He lets me drive much more now since he can use his phone in the Nevada desert! :-) LOL
Our kids and grandkids ALL have smart phones except our granddaughter. She’s so much like me it’s eerie. She won’t have a cell phone at all and I’ve offered to put her on our plan. Nope, doesn’t want one.
I do have an iPod though for my list of books. It’s worth it for that alone! I also keep scriptures, lists of people with addresses and phone numbers on it. Much easier that carrying around paper.
Hope your babies are doing well this morning…and YOU, too, sweetpea.
This is the perfect post for me. I am on the iphone fence. It’s time to renew our contract and I need a new phone but am not sure I wanted the added expense on my bill. Have thought about pre paid but then I have to buy the phone out right with no discount….Urgh! Your comments have given me more to think about.
I got an iPhone for Christmas, and I love it. I use it to text my daughters and use it to take and send amazingly good photos.
Unfortunately, the wifi doesn’t work any more because I sent the phone through the washer! I was able to get it dried out and am able to do everything but connect to the internet, but I can use my laptop and my Kindle Fire for that.
You and Riley must be so tired, Claudia! haha Maybe a nap is in order for both of you this afternoon :)
Since I work from home I haven’t ever felt the need to have a Smart Phone. I have my desk computer for anything I need as well as a (currently non-working) laptop. I have an ancient flip phone that I use mostly for (possible) emergencies/roadside assistance or to call the girls if I’m out in front of their apartments to pick them up or whatnot. But both of my girls? They have Smart Phones and L-O-V-E them!
Oh poor Riley. You are both going to need a nap today!! I had no idea how much I would love my iphone!! I ADORE it! Couldn’t live without it now!!!
: ) Kris
Yes! I have one too , I inherited from my husband (He buyed a new model for himself) But frankly, I use it only to make calls and pictures. Im a complete dissaster!
May you sleep well this night.
Greetings and nice weekend.
Hi, Claudia
I can understand the appeal of a smartphone for many, but I feel “plugged in” enough with blogging, email and Facebook. That being said, a cousin of mine and her hubby gave me a compelling argument on the importance of having a phone of some kind, given I drive alone. Said speech was followed by an email with info on a specific, simple phone and the advice to watch around “back to school” time for the best deal. Perhaps I’ll succumb!
I upgraded my previous iphone 3GS to the 4S. I love having a smart phone, can’t imagine not having it. I use it for everything since I don’t own a computer at this time.
Well I imagine (or HOPE) you have had a nap as I am late in checking in today!
I LOOOOOVE my iphone (just upgraded to 4s so I wouldn’t lose my old alltel plan as we are on verizon and it’s an amazing plan!) I almost ordered the Samsung galaxy and I loved the droid 4 BUT the iphone 4s beckoned to me as I had all the extras for it! It is EVERYTHING I need in one case even holds my driver’s license and debit card! (this is so lame, but also a reason I stayed with an iphone was because of this case!)
I call , text, email, bank, listen to radio and watch tv, twitter, facebook….oh, the list goes on FOREVER! I use it for literally everything. and per your recommendation Claudia, I use Flipboard which is an all time favorite…
Sorry for the long post, but you said “smartphone” and I couldn’t contain myself! :)
Hope your poochies are doing well and you get some sleep tonight…
I have an iPhone 4S, and I love it! I use it as my business phone, as well as for personal use. I text, talk, use the internet, play games, ask Suri to help me out from time to time, keep track of appointments, and absolutely love the camera! I think it is wise for “older” folks to keep updated on technology, or we will become dinosaurs. I took a free iPhone 4S workshop at the Apple Store, and purchased the “iPhone 4S For Seniors For Dummies” book. I refuse to be one of those seniors who is not staying current!
Iphones are great if both parties have them for facetime. Free communication with video and much better than skype. We do it all the time with my stepkids who live in a different Province. We also use it for free GPS, an alarm when travelling and hubby does major amounts of business while waiting to do mundane things like go to the Doctor. I don’t have one yet, still have the dummy phone but am likely getting one this fall when my current contract is up
Good morning Claudia
It’s Saturday morning 7.15. Yes, I have an i phone and am very happy with it. I don’t use it for phonecalls but I could in case of emergency. Mostly I read e-mails, sometimes I text to my grown-up boys (once a month). This is the way to keep contact as they are no writers.
My i-phone is my photo camera, I like Instagram. However, I haven’t used the smartphone for my blog so far. Maybe I should.
The Shakespeare app sounds amazing.
Have a nice weekend and good luck with Rihly
I don’t have one yet, but I think it may be my next major purchase. I am waiting until my phone contract is up so I can switch servers. I will probably get one then. My daughters love their’s and I need one so I can check values when I am at auctions :)
Oh, and I missed the wake up call, sorry about that.
I have a Android, smart phone, and wow are they ever.
We were the smug ones that didn’t have a cellphone, oh why would we need one etc. Now I love it, I read my books on it late at night, no more “turn off the light, it’s night time” and I text my family.
I love ap’s who ever thought those up is amazing.
Jen @ Muddy Boot Dreams
Hi Claudia,
I just love my iPhone 4… If I lost it one day it would be like losing a limb for me. I use mine so much for my minis believe it or not, its amazing how handy it is for me. I use it for things like:
Updating my mini blog using the blogger app,
Jotting down new mini ideas in notes, saving ideas from images i find using the pintinterest app, reading the latest magazines using the dollhouse world & Dollhouse and miniature scene apps, you tubing video tutorials, working away whilst listening to my favourite music… I even downloaded a measurement app which helps me covert real life items into miniature!
And then there’s the eBay app where I can shop for minis wherever I am! Can’t get better than that! All these miniature resources carried around in my back pocket :D