• Having a hard time dealing with the world; so much heartbreak and loss and wanton destruction. Having a hard time dealing with Americans who actually support Putin, though they would never say it in so many words. Having a hard time dealing with those who tried to overthrow our government and would willingly try to do the same thing again. Having a hard time dealing with liars and cheats and would-be fascists.
I could go on but that’s enough for today.
I feel like I’m on a tightrope, constantly trying to face and fight against the harsh realities of our world but, at the same time, trying escape those realities. Does that make sense? I’m sure many of you feel the same way.
Don and I talk about this all the time. Do we tune out? Well, the reality is that we try, but, ultimately, we can’t. Nor should we.
• Rest in Peace to Robert Morse. I loved his work as an actor and he will always be the definitive and first J. Pierrepont Finch in How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying. It was a brilliant performance in a show that swept the Tony Awards and won the Pulitzer Prize. Years later he would win another Tony for Tru, a one-man show about Truman Capote. We didn’t watch Mad Men, but I’ve seen the clip of his final appearance on that show, singing The Best Things in Life are Free. It’s simply lovely and bittersweet, given the fact that we’ve lost him.
Don and I had a conversation about him a week or so ago, talking about how much we loved his work and how much we loved How to Succeed. Don knew him from his Los Angeles days and always said what a nice guy he was.
I listened to the brilliant “I Believe in You” on a continuous loop yesterday.
• We did some more work outside yesterday – pacing ourselves, of course. My back was getting a bit sore after a couple of hours, so as soon as I felt a twinge, I stopped. Tomorrow, we’ll mow the lawn for the first time. Today, I’ll cut down some of the stalks that I left for the birds over the winter. Time to do some more cleanup.
We got the cushions out yesterday. I tightened the screws on the Adirondack chairs. My budget for flowers is going to be much less than usual, so I’m spending some time thinking about just what I want in my pots. The gardens themselves are perennial gardens so, after 16 years of gardening here, I don’t really need to add anything to them.
We’ve had so much wind lately – every day. I swear it gets windier here every year.
Okay. Time to go.
Stay safe.
Happy Friday.
Totally agree with your “having a hard time” paragraph.
Today is Earth Day. Check out the pictures that Google has put up. As gardeners, we know how much the climate has and is changing. I live in a house with solar panels, geothermal heating system, recycle, etc. It’s not enough and it makes me sad for future generations.
People I love have stage 4 cancer and others have terrible autoimmune diseases, our health agencies can’t figure out how to deal with covid and there is a giant pothole at the end of or street that my entire car could fit in!
Nothing I can do about any of these problems but I am the queen of overthinking! Time to concentrate on the birds singing , the sun being out and having a roof over our heads and food to eat.
Absolutely. Gratitude. It always comes back to gratitude.
Many thanks, Betsy.
Stay safe.
Totally with you on the world situation.
I was just thinking yesterday about when I was a young adult and didn’t pay much attention to politics or war. I vaguely knew what was happening but I wasn’t bombarded with it everywhere. I think it’s important to be aware of the world’s problems but it’s just too much lately. I’m overwhelmed with it all at times. Trying to find balance seems impossible with 24/7 news and every time I look at my phone. I carry all of it in my pocket everywhere. I’ve been trying harder to unplug more often.
We are behind you yard wise. We are going to start some yard clean up this weekend. It is supposed to be in the 70s! Then, sadly, back in the 40s next week. At least there’s no snow in the forecast so that’s progress.
Take care
24/7 news is terrible. I wish it had never been invented.
Enjoy it out there today!
Stay safe, Marilyn.
Claudia, I’ve learned to enjoy the small things that can make me smile in the midst of all the sorrow and worry we are all dealing with right now. Today’s smile? Your Adirondack chairs!! When I was a little girl I spent a lot of time at my grandparents’ farm in Indiana, and my cousins and I would spend hours making mud pancakes and “frying” them on griddles (the chair arms). Sweet memories, and I never see an Adirondack chair without wanting a mud pancake! :-)
I keep a postcard of one of those chairs in my library – the card reads “Find your happy place.”
I know your porch is a happy place for you and Don. Blessings on you both, Martha
Love your story. My grandmother had two Adirondack chairs, as well. She repainted them every year.
Stay safe, Martha.
I agree with you on your thoughts concerning the sad status of our world. I can’t understand how the world is watching the destruction of a country and its people live on TV everyday. Yes, I understand trying to avoid a world war.,but is the west really doing enough?? It is heart breaking and disgusting.
Take Care,
Park City, UT
I don’t think we’re doing enough. We should be rescuing those people who are trapped in Mariupol. Sigh.
Stay safe, Kaye.
Absolutely agree with your “having hard time dealing with” items.
I am so very with you on all of them!
Some days the state of the world at large & America in particular weigh so heavily upon me that I find myself retreating from the news for a bit to recenter myself or as Martha said above, to “find my happy place.”
As it’s a beautiful sunny, warm Earth Day here in my neck of the woods, I’m spending as much time as I can outside today in an attempt to temporarily free my mind of the turmoil and “hard time” things as much as I can. Weeding & tidying planting beds, listening to birdsong, enjoying the soft warm breeze, watching the plump bumblebees flit from flower to flower, and perhaps reading for an hour or so in the soft sunlight.
Wishing you & Don a safe & pleasant weekend!
I love hearing the birds again. I was outside doing more clearing of the gardens today. It’s truly beautiful out!
Stay safe, Amy.
Yes…having a hard time here, too. And everything you said is spot on. Yesterday my husband and I were talking about the state of the world, Florida, and our own state that has been gerrymandered beyond recognition. So what to do? We can’t do much, except to vote. And, to keep our heads down, love on our family and friends, and keep the faith that right is on our side. Will I fret and worry? Of course…but I have to keep positive thoughts for my own well-being. And that is becoming harder and harder.
I’ve started my plant list…I am adding to my shade garden, as well as starting to really groom the backyard for a wedding here next summer…yay. 78 tomorrow, so I guess it’s outdoor work for me. Enjoy your day! ;)
I know. I suffer from anxiety so I have to regulate what I watch and how often I read the news.
78?? Wow! I don’t think we’re going to get close to that.
Stay safe, Donnamae.
Not to mention Gableman. Oh, Donnamae, the whole state of our state is depressing, isn’t it? From the weather to the politics. 78* tomorrow. I think everyone is so excited about it!! But I heard 40 mph winds. And then back to the 40’s – 50’s next week and a couple of below freezing nights. It has to end at some point. At least I don’t see snow. Take care!!!!
When I read blogs where people whine and complain, I shake my head. My darling d in law has her family still in Eukraine. She came over young…put herself through college and grad school…she is a good wife and mom and a darling d in law to me…she actually tutors and helps a little fellow in Eukraine…his writings are so sad…perhaps, if we in America could appreciate what we have and quit complaining so much…we might find time to pray and think about others, such as the ones in E, instead of ourselves…even my little grandsons don’t complain…they are taught to appreciate what they have…
People have to keep living their lives, so I suspect that’s what you’re seeing. It does seem small in the face of what Ukraine is going through, I know. But I suspect we have to have compassion for everyone, though it’s hard sometimes. I hope her family in Ukraine is safe, Brenda.
Stay safe, Brenda.
P. S. I appreciate your caring about Eukraine and keeping it in the minds of your readers. Thank you.
I wake up and try to edit how much I’m reading of morning headlines. Every night, I watch some amount of limited news coverage on TV and it’s the same thing over and over again, always despair. I absolutely totally understand what you’re saying about wanting to turn away yet not being able to turn away from VERY harsh realities. It is hard not to become filled with fear, dismay, horror. We are living in witness to a lot of terrible things going on in U.S. and the larger world. As I grew older, but really just in the past 7 years or so mostly, I’ve become more ‘aware’ of current events/national news, and none of it is happy, uplifting or encouraging. So, I don’t what to do but press on, live in my smaller world, just everyday living of which much is mundane but at least there’s a rhythm to it (comfort in ‘routine’); try to surround myself with small things that bring momentary joy. Reassure myself that, right now, I’m safe; and it always comes back to gratitude, hope, prayer.
I hope your back is okay, Claudia. I’m having a bout of it as well, and it’s concerning because it takes so long for the back to heal. Be careful; go slow as you are.
I did some work outside today and my back started hurting again. I’ve always had lower back problems, unfortunately. I was going to take today off, but I didn’t. So I’ll do that tomorrow.
Stay safe, Vicki.
I meant to say that your front porch is its usual ‘inviting’; looks nice.
Thanks, Vicki!
dear Claudia/Don — AMEN !! so many, many innocent citizens have been slaughtered — I know it is how war is but so difficult for me to know — just looked/ listened to photojournalist who is documenting the destruction — don’t know how they can do the work and not go totally mad — much stronger than I. so many things here are also hard to understand, especially “leaders” who only care about lying/covering their misguided mistakes to remain in “good favor” w/tRump. Is it possible he still has such absolute power to warrant such adulation?? does anybody know truth when they hear it? definitely not our politicians. sorry, just a bad day for me
I completely agree with you. Why this allegiance to a man who lies all the time, is a criminal, is dumb, and knows nothing about government? To a man that has failed at everything in his life? I will never understand it.
Stay safe, Linda.
I believe it’s our duty to witness, at least, and to act in whatever capacity is available to us, but my 72-year-old, auto-immune prone body is suffering a toll. I just cycled through my cardiologist’s fourth attempt to find a BP medication that works, with ever-worsening side effects: ankles like balloons on two of them, inability to urinate for great portions of the day on another, and finally, on the fourth, a heart rate so fast and a pounding so severe that I could do little more than sit. Even a conversation ran my heart rate up to 130-150. I ditched that last one and have been spending the last few days reading as little news as possible, meditating, sitting outside listening to birdsong even if it is 85 degrees at 1:40 in the afternoon and the humid wind is blowing hard. My heart rate is now down to its normal 60-70, and the blood pressure is mostly normal, but the least upset sends it spiking. At least I know now what to do, but we shouldn’t have to live like nuns in a cloister, in constant prayer, shut away from the stresses. Yet, I CAN go outside. I can live in quiet without hearing bombs or screams. I can get up and open my stocked pantry and refrigerator and make a meal. When I can deal with it again, I’ll be back witnessing what’s happening, making donations, and calling the offices of Cruz and Cornyn, my senators, as useless as that is.
You must take care of yourself, first and foremost, Linda.
I’m glad you’re doing that. Nothing is worth your health.
Stay safe.
In regard to your first paragraph, I so agree with you!!!! Wish something would happen so the Ukrainians could put their country back together and get on with their lives in peace.
Yes. I so wish that would happen.
Stay safe, Jan.
You’re ahead of us with your full-out forsythia. Ours is just a hint of yellow but I suspect in another couple of days it will be full on. Love the porch and the bright cheery cushions. You’re ahead of us there, too! Let’s keep that going!
The world situation — and the domestic one — is just out of control. So much obvious wrong and I am skeptical as to whether or not it will be remedied. One can only hope. I dread the midterms.
Have a great weekend!
Same here re the midterms.
Stay safe, Jeanie.
Hi Claudia, I’ve been so depressed about the world that I’ve basically stopped reading & listening to lots of stuff. Am trying SO hard to concentrate on the goodness in our family & our little world, here in San Diego. The weather is wonderful & makes me want to work in the yard. A very good thing. At least with orange man & his horrendous term in office, things are being discovered daily. With any luck, he’ll be punished royally. As for putin, (no capitol letter) I just don’t know. It’s beyond horrendous. My heart breaks for these families in Ukraine. Why we just don’t go in & blast him, I don’t know. How much can they take??? What a horrible time in history we’re living through.
Anyway, there is some good in the world, I do know it.
Enjoy your gardening when it warms up!! It is gorgeous here in SD (OB)!!!!
We should be going in there and helping them. And don’t tell me someone couldn’t get to that vile man!
Love to Ocean Beach, Priscilla!
Stay safe.
I remember when we used to all chat here about how happy we would be….there would be dancing in the streets, when the idiot was finally in custody somewhere. He has done so many horrendous things over the years, there are a lot of venues to choose from, but he continues to “win” and nothing happens. He just keeps making our lives miserable. No matter what happens, or how close it seems to be, they just file another 20 appeals with different courts and he stays at his golden palace in Florida with his subjects surrounding him and continue kissing his feet.
I can’t watch the news again. Ukraine is heart wrenching, and some of the other “news” makes me so angry because of the children and other innocent people dying in this ridiculous war ~ so other newsworthy items seem so frivilous and almost laughable. WHY are we so afraid to go to their aid? Apparently I thought we were more compassionate and stronger than we are. Once again the bully wins, and we all cower under their super powers. So depressing.
It is supposed to be 78* here tomorrow. Everyone is so excited!! Then it goes back into the 40’s and 50’s for the next week with a few below freezing overnight temps. We are supposed to have 40 mph winds tomorrow with those lovely temps. It is always so windy. I just don’t remember the winds like this! I need to go to bed and adjust my attitude. Can you tell it was chilly and it rained all day today?? Hope you & Don do rest your backs tomorrow. Take care.
I know. Why the hell does he still hold sway over the GOP. He’s like the character in The Man Who Came to Dinner – he just won’t go away.
We SHOULD go to their aid, and by that, I mean boots on the ground. Don and I say this out loud on a daily basis. Stop giving in to this bully. You’re right.
Oh, the winds. I feel for you.
Stay safe, Chris.