Puzzle finished.
Except for that missing piece. It’s not on the floor. But it’s entirely possible that when I opened the plastic bag containing the pieces to dump them in the box, I threw it out and didn’t see the piece still in the bag. I’m going with that.
This one was difficult – Jeanie mentioned that it had been tricky for her as well.
I’m glad it’s done.
Next up:
I really love this photo. I messaged Mary Engelbreit saying it reminded me so much of her style. She wrote back right away and said she has a book with this illustration on the cover and it’s one of her favorites.
Wouldn’t you like to live there?
It is frigid out there, the faucet is on a continuous drip, which – believe me – can drive one mad. It’s sunny, but that’s about it. Tonight it goes down below zero. The weather forecast keeps changing for Monday – snow, then it changes to snow, rain, and sleet, and this morning it said rain. In the meantime, we both have cabin fever, even though there’s no place I particularly want to go.
I’m trying to stay positive because I’m just on the edge of a bad mood. I woke up in the middle of the night last night coughing (allergies and sinus) and that went on for a while, so my sleep wasn’t the best. And I’m all stuffed up, which isn’t helping.
Okay. Enough of that. I’ll be fine.
Hopefully, this will make you smile.
The girls. The ones in the back row seem a little miffed. Either that, or there’s some sort of conversation going on that I can’t hear.
And yes, Mei needs a little animal. I’ll get on it.
Stay safe.
Happy Saturday.
hope you are already feeling better and will sleep better tonight.
best wishes and prayers about the weather, too. over fourteen (!!!) inches of snow fell at our airport yesterday, a bit more than where i’m at. i live on a very main street, but turn onto a side street to get to the garage. that side street hasn’t been plowed and the intersection is full of snow right now so have to stay put for the time being … it’s a mess out there! going to take this opportunity to get some things done at home … it’s a mess in here, too. :l
what a great place for the blythe sisters! glad to hear mei will get a pet, too.
sweet puzzle. too bad about the missing piece. glad you have another puzzle to enjoy.
i wish mary englebreit’s magazine was still being published. also country home and country living. loved them all.
stay safe in every way. happy saturday!
kathy in iowa
Prayers for your weather situation, Kathy. God bless.
thanks, deedee!
doing alright except for missing my family. and better than the driver of an suv stuck in the snow on my side street (so there’s no way that my little car would get through all that snow). finished a few tasks here so far this morning and that part feels good. just checked and that suv is gone … good for them, too.
hope you are well, safe and will have a nice weekend.
thanks again.
kathy in iowa
Loved her magazine, for sure. I have most of the back issues – I never threw them away.
Even though it’s a pain, if I don’t have to shovel snow, I’m happy to be snug in my home after a big snow like that. Enjoy your day, Kathy!
Stay safe.
Hope you are safe Kathy. Prayers
I love it: “Mei needs a little animal. I’ll get on it.” !!! So cute!
I have to look around but I have more than a few!
Stay safe, Jenny.
Love the puzzles. You amaze me. I work puzzles daily but 300-500 pieces…that is my limit. Have done 1000 but stressful…that is cold cold. Glad I am out of that. I never realized that living in the south makes me FEEL younger even though I am not. The five years I spent in South Carolina were great…take care and stay warm.
I’m so glad you enjoy Florida, Brenda. It is not my cup of tea and, as you know, my sister lives there. I like to visit in the winter, though.
Stay safe!
I have never liked Florida through the years
Vacations with family
Then visiting son in Miami and now here living one mile from
Them on Gulf
It is different living here
It truly is
No worry over cold and snow
Just a carefree life with the weather
Air conditioner keeps us
Comfortable even in summer
I can’t explain It at all
Stay warm
We live in Palm
My sister lives right next door in Oldsmar. My car, which I inherited from Dad, is from a Honda dealership in Palm Harbor. No, I don’t want to spend summer in air conditioning. I have allergies to things like mold and mildew which make me ill – and humidity is a big culprit. Can’t do it. I lived in San Diego for 8 years, so I understand the allure of the weather – though climate change has hit San Diego and I suspect, Florida, too. (It’s sure hit NY!)
I complain about them at times, but I truly like the seasons. After my time in San Diego, I craved the seasons again. I know my sister still misses them and she’s lived in Florida for years.
But the important thing is that you’re happy there, Brenda. And that’s wonderful!
Is right there
My son worked in San Jose so I was in Ca
Also Seattle
His office is San Fran now but lives here
We have lived all over and because of our allergies we have to have air wherever we live
Sorry you can’t use it
You are so amazing sometimes I can’t believe it
You keep on going
I can use a/c, and do, I just don’t want to be tethered to it, as my sister and everyone I know down there is during the summer. Summer is my time to get out and garden!
But I can’t stand humidity. Never could, even when I was a kid back home in Michigan.
Much love to you, Brenda!
I think I’ve seen that New Yorker puzzle and decided not to buy as it looked too hard. The illustration on your second puzzle is wonderful and from the era of illustration that I most admire – early 20th century, especially children’s books.
I’m unaware of Mary Engelbreit, I shall look her work up.
If your drip is indoors and anything like my kitchen tap, I put a soft foam plate scourer in the sink directly below it. Barely hear it at all
You have almost a classroom of girls now😀
Happy Saturday
She’s a big deal here, an incredible illustrator.
We put a sponge under the drip, but we still hear it – just not as much!
Stay safe, Dee Dee.
Hi Claudia. We are to get a winter storm starting Sunday night into Monday. And guess who has an appointment (booster shot) Monday afternoon? Luckily it is only a few blocks away. I will probably walk over.
Your puzzling skills are incredible, I love these two. I agree with you that the three girls in the back row look miffed. Maybe they wanted to sit up front?
I hope you are feeling better soon.❤️
I’m glad you’re able to walk to get your shot, Robin!
The girls in the back most likely want to sit up front. Ah well. I can’t please them all!
Stay safe, Robin.
It’s very cold here, too. We missed out on the snow.,..we still need moisture around here, so we are disappointed that we only got a dusting.
You’re right…the three darlings in the back do look miffed. Wonder what that’s about….not paying them enough attention?
Hope you are able to stave off a bad mood. A good nights sleep would do you wonders. Stay warm! ;)
Could be not enough attention lately, what with Mei arriving!
Stay safe, Donnamae!
I think your little brunette in the plaid skirt had better hold tight to Bertie’s leash! Fox terriers are not known for sticking around…unless there’s food, of course.
Bertie seems to be rather placid, Shanna. Maybe Zoe is a good dog handler.
Stay safe!
Maybe she is! Better than me, but until Glory, I never knew a placid fox terrier existed. Now I know that while rare, there are a few of them out there. Kisses to Bertie, Mmmwahhhhh!
All I can say is ” those eyes”!! I can understand your fascination with those beautiful girls. Stay warm ! Thanks for all you share as always.😊
Fascination bordering on obsession! They’re beautiful, for sure.
Thanks so much, Janet.
Stay safe.
We always have a missing puzzle piece, but I blame that on the dogs! I really love Mei’s hair. Do your dolls have wigs or is their hair rooted?
All of them, except Mei, have rooted synthetic hair. Mei’s hair is reroot and is alpaca and it’s beautiful!
Stay safe, Jane.
I would feel better if each one of your girls had a little sweater! Just teasing, I love them❤️
I have a few sweaters which they wear occasionally, but they’re live indoors in a nice, warm house!
Stay safe, Judy.
Been looking at Blythe dolls (hate to call the that) “Girls.” What size is your’s Meddies? Also what’s a good price to pay for one?
No, mine is the standard size. The middies are much smaller. The standard size is 11 inches, I believe.
I don’t know what to tell you about price – I only buy customized Blythe dolls, not the shiny-faced originals – and they can range from $150 and up. It depends on the skill of the customizer and if a neck joint has been added, whether there is the standard synthetic hair or if a mohair or alpaca reroot has been added. If you start to look at them on Etsy, study them. That’s what I did. You get a sense of what style you might like. Some girls look older, some look more child-like. Also, another good place to study and look is on Instagram. Search for Blythe, or Blythe dolls and see what you find. I’ve found most of my clothes through IG because I’ve come to know certain creators whose style I like. Same with the dolls.
Good luck, Deb!
Stay safe.
That puzzle is a bitch. Well done — it’s awfully pretty when it’s finished, don’t you think? I’d kind of like to live in that room! Or, in that charming cottage. That’s a beautiful one, too. I need to check out New York Puzzle Company!
The girls look pretty darned cute right there! You’re going to have quite the menagerie soon, to go with each one! Maybe you can borrow a sheep till a new pet pal arrives!
New York Puzzle Company is the same company that does the New Yorker puzzles, but they offer many more styles (I just discovered this.) I like them. The puzzle quality is excellent.
I have some Maileg mice – I used them in photos in the Brooklyn apartment. They’re right here, I just have to get them out of the suitcase that holds the girls’ clothes.
Stay safe Jeanie!
Love the puzzle pic. So beautiful and inviting! It’s very cold here, too — -12 below at 7am when I got up this morning (the local news said only -9 … hmmm). Your girls sure are beautiful. I agree about Mei’s hair — it’s very pretty. Thanks for sharing about your allergies, etc. You really helped me — my nose keeps getting so stuffed it hurts, I cough when I lie down at night and I just can’t seem to shake this sinus/allergy condition! Love the company (tee hee). Stay warm and let the love and kindness you share with us flow wash over and lift you, too.
Thank you, Caroline! I think my allergies/sinus are aggravated by the dry air in the house. I try to run the humidifier, but it can only do so much!
Stay safe!
husband and I were working on a puzzle together. He had a tough time…didn’t get a single piece in….so I was determined to finish it last night. Unfortunately was missing one piece. I looked everywhere. Woke up this morning and he had a big grin on his face after finding the missing piece. So this is now a competition. Doing another one with a million seaside homes and sailboats….I think we should count the pieces BEFORE we begin it.
I know how drying heat can be for the sinuses. Have you tried cool mist humidifiers?
Feel better.
Yes. I use a cool mist humidifier.
Glad your husband found that piece!
Stay safe, Maria.
Too funny about the girls in Row 2. I checked to see if they were putting “bunny ears” on their sisters in Row 1.
It is cold here again as well. Thankful that we only got a dusting from that storm heading east. The sun is shining, and that does help a bit.
Enjoy your next puzzle. Again, I admire anyone who has the patience to work on them. Stay warm and take care.
Those girls are up to no good!
Stay safe, Chris.
Hello, friend I’ve never met. I have several collections, so I can relate to yours. I have to say that when I saw the first couple of dolls, I thought they were odd. But, maybe because of your enthusiasm, I have to say that I now like them too! I was never a big doll fan as a kid . . . except when I for my first Barbie (the old style) . . . and I think that what I really liked about Barbie was the outfits! The shoes! The accessories! So I get it. Have fun. I really enjoy your blog . . . every day! Chris
Believe me, a few years ago I would have laughed at the thought of loving these dolls. Just goes to show you….
Thanks so much, Chris!
Stay safe.
I liked the paragraph you wrote the other day about January being a hard month. I am also in the NE, and the cold, making more soup. But yes, the picture of the girls made me smile. Every time I am struck by the “darlingness” of their outfits.
They sure help cheer me up during this month of January, Lynda!
Stay safe.